Northern and Southern Germany Remain Seperate


Are there any timelines in which Bismarck succeeds in creating the Northern German union but never unites with the southern Catholic German states?
Have King Ludwig II of Bavaria declared mad or resign in 1864 or 1865 and his brother Otto declared incompetent about the same time. Their uncle comes to the throne then instead of 1886, if he can link up with the Hanoverians in the Austro-Prussian War it changes the course of the conflict and hands Prussia a notable defeat in the field early on. Bismarck will want to get out before France (eyeing Luxembourg) and Russia (eyeing non-congress Poland) get in. Prussia is at best contained, at worst isolated, and perhaps contained to OTL Eastern Germany minus Saxony. Though the Silesian lands are enough for her to industrialize, the remainder of Germany becomes a pro-Austrian confederacy or perhaps even part of the Empire itself over time. Bismarck still had influence and maybe gets a second chance later on, but in this case he faces a French Empire still under Napoleon III, and Austria firmly in command of both Venice (possibly taking Milan back if the Italians fare poorly) and much of Germany, and a Russia that might want to make Prussia its satellite if not an outright conquest. Perhaps the Oder becomes a dividing line for Austrian Germany and Russian Prussia?


Have King Ludwig II of Bavaria declared mad or resign in 1864 or 1865 and his brother Otto declared incompetent about the same time. Their uncle comes to the throne then instead of 1886, if he can link up with the Hanoverians in the Austro-Prussian War it changes the course of the conflict and hands Prussia a notable defeat in the field early on. Bismarck will want to get out before France (eyeing Luxembourg) and Russia (eyeing non-congress Poland) get in. Prussia is at best contained, at worst isolated, and perhaps contained to OTL Eastern Germany minus Saxony. Though the Silesian lands are enough for her to industrialize, the remainder of Germany becomes a pro-Austrian confederacy or perhaps even part of the Empire itself over time. Bismarck still had influence and maybe gets a second chance later on, but in this case he faces a French Empire still under Napoleon III, and Austria firmly in command of both Venice (possibly taking Milan back if the Italians fare poorly) and much of Germany, and a Russia that might want to make Prussia its satellite if not an outright conquest. Perhaps the Oder becomes a dividing line for Austrian Germany and Russian Prussia?

I'm more interested in a post Austrian war timeline. I don't want Prussia to be irrelevant, more along the lines of a different or non-existant Franco-Prussian war.
I'm more interested in a post Austrian war timeline. I don't want Prussia to be irrelevant, more along the lines of a different or non-existant Franco-Prussian war.

Very hard, as a direct result of Prussia's victory in 1866 it forced the south german states into defensive alliances (ündnis) and reformed the Zollverein ( into a supranational organisation.
Thus forcing them into economic and military subordination. Latest POD that comes to my mind is an austrian victory/stalemate at Königgrätz (Sadowa).
Change the Franco-Prussian war so either Prussia is the one declaring war on France, thus not being able to pressure the South German States into a 'Defensive' Alliance, or have France manage to achieve a Stalemate, if not an outright Victory over Prussia.

Prussia will still control the North German Confederation, but the South German States will remain independent. Then with Austrian and French Urging, they can form a Southern Confederation under Bavarian Leadership.


Change the Franco-Prussian war so either Prussia is the one declaring war on France, thus not being able to pressure the South German States into a 'Defensive' Alliance, or have France manage to achieve a Stalemate, if not an outright Victory over Prussia.

Prussia will still control the North German Confederation, but the South German States will remain independent. Then with Austrian and French Urging, they can form a Southern Confederation under Bavarian Leadership.

Yes, something like this. I'm curious if there are any timelines as to what happens after that.
Prussia becoming a Russian puppet sometime after a loss against Austria would be the very definition of irony.