Norse-Iberian State/Culture

Although Vikings may have over-wintered in Iberia, no evidence has been found for trading or settlement.[3] Indeed, the Iberian peninsula may not have offered particularly wealthy targets, in the ninth to tenth centuries.[3] Sporadic raiding continued until the end of the Viking Age.
Wikipedia's statement on viking relations with the iberian statelets. There were raids of course, with the article mentioning the idea that Asturian King Alfonso III built his naval fortifications due to the viking threat.

So I'm curious, given that Vikings created communities all over the British Isles, normandy, had a byzantine presence via the vangarian guard, and practically founded the earliest rus states, how do we get the danes to carve a kingdom in iberia?

Of the 3 main raids wikipedia mentions, it seems that the Vikings lacked their typical martial luck. All three started in galicia/asturias, but from there vary. One hit lisbon harder, the other Seville, but they weren't able to get a lot of juice out of the raid.

But I'm curious, what if these raids were much more successful, and similar to normandy, one of the relevant lords pawned off some land to these Vikings in exchange for stopping more raiding and religious conversion?

I suspect the Seville raid might have a better shot of doin so due to the proximity to cordoba. Thus, what if the sultan gave the territory surrounding lisbon to the vikings? How might this region develop politically, culturally, and linguistically? Could this group build a muslim "portugal?"