No sister to marry Louis XII

King Henry VIII of England's war with France had proved expensive and ultimately unsuccessful.
In 1514 he made peace with Louis XII by marrying his sister Princess Mary to Louis.
Suppose Henry VIII had no sisters. What occurs in 1514 with King Louis XII of France?
In 1514, King Louis XII is less then a year away from death, if King Henri XIII can be diplomatically, he could sort out a better deal in negotiation.
They'll find some other way to seal the peace treaty. Henry wanted out of the largely unsuccessful war, and was open to the possibility of reversing his traditional pro-Hapsburg/anti-French policy. Louis was also obviously in favor of both of those things. A deal would be worked out.

Marriage alliances were important, but not the only way to seal an agreement. It's not like that one lasted anyway; Henry quickly returned to the Hapsburg side OTL, and likely would have even if his new brother-in-law hadn't died.