No Louisiana Purchase?

Assume the purchase does not happen.

Would Britain attack France by taking New Orleans? Probably - and it would hesitate to give it away (for free)

That might lead to worse relations between teh USA and Britain during the 19th century
That depends on why the Purchase isn't made.

The offer isn't made?
Somebody else gets in first?
The USA is still under the 'Articles of Confederation', rather than the later OTL constittuion, and something about that situation makes the purchase impossible?
The USA decides that it simply can't afford the purchase?
The USA decides that (as some people suggested, IIRC, at the time...) acquiring new lands by purchase like that -- rather than through their inhabitants organising as states and then asking for admission into the union -- would be unconstitutional?
Fillibuster Republics and States ahoy! That's what I see coming about from no Louisiana Purchase; with those states joining the USoA eventually anyways, much like Texas, but in a much larger swath of territories.