No G harder then Kenny G

DOC- Tracy Lynn Curry
DOC- Tracy Lynn Curry

The Kurupt incident freaked a lot of us out, I mean we had some hard guys in Death row, people with pasts but no one expects some fools to just march into your place of business and just unload. I looked at Kenny and massaged my temples.


"This whole misunderstanding has been handled."

I looked at the bullet holes in his suit.

"That looks like a hell of a lot more then a misunderstanding."

"My vest took care of it, its just some light bruising."

I closed my eyes.

"Hammers having a talk with him a very long talk."

And now I was suddenly glad we had Mr. Christian rap at our label because like it or not we needed some one to be our Jimmy Cricket and shit. I looked at Kenny G.

"So I heard some guy with a suit case full of cash showed up."

"Yeah I called the Consigliere's."

I froze.


"The consigliere's there well problem solvers, they go in and help people handle incidents."

"Like what?"

"You need to get a suitcase of money some where they handle it. Theres a mess that needs to be covered up they handle it, they handle a lot of things."

"Like murder?"

"I don't have enough money to have them handle a clean up here in LA."

"In La so would it be cheaper some where else?"

"A vegas clean up is 2,000 dollars."

I froze.

"And how would you know that?"

"I used to be friends with Whitney houston and Bobby brown. There were incidents."

Suddenly his voice got haunted.

"Death row actually has less drama then my old label."

"Shit goes down all the fucking time."

He looked me in the eye and said nothing I just got the shivers.

"So these Consigliere's their illegal....that could be a problem."

"Not really most big companies use them at least the media ones do, governments use them too most of the time its discreetly moving money around but they handle other things darker things. I tried to stay away from that but I heard stories and saw things. One of the deals I got for leaving was I kept consigularies access I mean I have to pay for it but Its nice to have if things go wrong."


"Yeah, but I invested money when I was in my old Label and I've been doing it here so Its affordable."

I felt just a little bit nervous.

"Would they serve a brother?"

"They have in the past, I know motown had a deal with them."

I paused.

"Could I get access?"

"Not at the moment, you don't have enough passive income to be worth the risk."

"What do you mean by that?"

Kenny G looked me in the eye his voice serious.

"If you want things to change and I mean really change you need to stop dying for the neighborhood and buy the neighborhood."

It was then that I realized that Kenny G belonged here and I had a sinking feeling that he might have belonged here more then I did.
Gun geek note - "Cop Killer" bullets were originally hardened brass coated with teflon (the teflon was actually to protect the barrel of the gun, not to improve penetration, since the hardened brass, unlike the common soft copper jacket or pure lead tore the hell out of the barrel (and also resulted in lower accuracy) or a steel core with a copper cup covering for the same reason.

A known fact is the Teflon-coated bullets that gets claimed (By all of the Second Amendment haters) to be "Cop Killer" bullets are not Armor piercing since they were originally designed to be used against Car Doors and Windshields, The Teflon coating actually prevents bullet deflections ("Ricochets") from the vehicle doors and windshields. Teflon actually cuts down on the ability to pierce Kevlar that's used in Body Armor.

Spewing bullshit to deescalate the situation could have failed if any if not all of those gangbangers had decided that Kenny was bluffing and they called it (If one of them knew enough information about Teflon-coated bullets).

For Kenny to survive getting shot in addition to having a vest is actually Pure luck, The bullets actually failing to hit certain areas (Vital organs and arteries) and nobody aiming for the head (Although since then people have survived getting shot in the head). Body armor worn under clothing does have limitations like protecting the sides of the body.
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Monthly Donor
A known fact is the Teflon-coated bullets that gets claimed (By all of the Second Amendment haters) to be "Cop Killer" bullets are not Armor piercing since they were originally designed to be used against Car Doors and Windshields, The Teflon coating actually prevents bullet deflections ("Ricochets") from the vehicle doors and windshields. Teflon actually cuts down on the ability to pierce Kevlar that's used in Body Armor.

Spewing bullshit to deescalate the situation could have failed if any if not all of those gangbangers had decided that Kenny was bluffing and they called it (If one of them knew enough information about Teflon-coated bullets).

For Kenny to survive getting shot is actually both pure luck and the bullets actually failing to hit certain areas (Vital organs and arteries).
...and a good choice in body armor.


Monthly Donor
[ Which I find suspicious he would be wearing during random studio sessions, but this Kenny G seems to love "James Bond" shit, in addition to baking and soft jazz, maybe he sleeps in armor ]
He drives around Vegas in a car that would make 007 green with envy.

Just call him MISTER G. Very politely.
...and a good choice in body armor.

A good choice in body armor would have Strike Plates which would allow protection against additional firepower depending on the Level of ballistic protection.

[ Which I find suspicious he would be wearing during random studio sessions, but this Kenny G seems to love "James Bond" shit, in addition to baking and soft jazz, maybe he sleeps in armor ]

Or he could have actually gotten to know someone with superior intelligence who has the skills to design concealable body armor that provides the level of ballistic protection needed without anyone noticing that he is wearing body armor.
Unless that someone is Lucius Fox, any body armor sturdy enough to stop handgun rounds would be heavy, sweaty, and interfere with his saxophone playing.
Unless that someone is Lucius Fox, any body armor sturdy enough to stop handgun rounds would be heavy, sweaty, and interfere with his saxophone playing.
Now we know the real meaning behind Breathless. It was actually just Kenny complaining about the side effects of constantly wearing superior body armour.
Doctor Dre
Doctor Dre

"So this Napster shit is eating our lunch."

I wasn't happy, some fucking nerds had decided to steal our music for shits and giggles.

"There is a mass lawsuit and."

I then noticed that Kenny was actually paying attention he normally didn't do that in business meetings he normally just kind of spaced out and he was frowning.

"What are you thinking Kenny."

"Dre....who is our customer base?"

I smirked.

"In your case old white people."

Kenny smiled.

"Its more diverse then that but in general who is our customer base?"

"People fucked over by the system."

"Look at the other names in the lawsuit what do you see?"

I froze.

"The system...."

Kenny nodded.

"Most people here came up on gangster rap, but it isn't doing that well."

"Were spouting truth."

"MC Hammer was spouting truth too, then his music had to make the way for yours."

"Hammer does all right for himself."

I mean christian rap was nitch as hell but he made his place here.

"He adapted, we are adapting unlike bad boy we didn't bet the farm on ganster rap, we were always more diverse then that, but our fan base even the non ganster rap fans do not like being told what to do. Every one here has been screwed by big companies in the past."

I smirked.

"Yes Dre I'm included in that catagory, if we join in this lawsuit our fans will turn on us and go elsewhere."

"So your suggestion?"

"I talked to hammer and he has an idea."

Hammer stepped up.

"We have to adapt, CDS records they are too expensive what we had going wasn't going to last because you cant squeeze people like that forever."

I motioned for Hammer to continue.


"The only reason their going to napster is because their low on cash, but what if we have our own program selling songs for a buck or 10 cents a piece, no CDS, no records all online so its all cheaper and no middle man between us and our fans. We can do this global."

I liked this.

"And less established artists can charge less money to get their names out, its not as much as a CD but we get more transactions and we bring our fans back."


"And I found a company a young one a tech one that has something like that a lot of things. Their new and they haven't gotten their names out, right now their stock is cheap if we jump in we can get a controlling share."

Hammer handed me a note.

"Me and Kenny are willing to put our money on the line for this."

This was risky it was a lot of money.

"All right I'm in, Lets buy this mother fucker."

At the time all I can think was what the fuck was google.
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Daz Dillinger
Daz Dillinger

So I was at the death row christmas party pretty much all the names were there big ones and we were mingling and I mention that I got an offer to do some business on a private island by some rich guy. Kenny's there and he frowns when the name comes up.

"You know Epstien?"

"Enough to know you shouldn't take the job."

I blinked.

"Why not? Guy runs with some pretty big names."

"I know and I've looked into his business, he says he's huge in stocks, in hedge funds but too much of his stories do not check out."

"He supposed to throw killer parties."

Kenny looked at me.

"Daz, I've met the guy something about him gives me the creeps."

And that's what convinced me not to do it. Kenny tended to give pretty much anyone a chance, general rule of thumb if Kenny or Hammer thought some one was bad news don't mess with them. I spread the word around Death row, and we all kind of agreed to avoid the guy if only to make Kenny happy. It was only decades later that we found out what kind of shit the guy was up to.

Makes me really glad I listened.
I was worried this might run out of ideas but it just keeps getting better....Death Row Google 😂 brilliant


Kenny G signing to Death Row Records? That is so weird, and then the fact that Kenny seems to know people. All I can think of is Lawrence Welk, German/Ukrainian North Dakota Mob boss.