No G harder then Kenny G

Mobb Deep
Mobb Deep

I was angry I was mother fucking angry.

These two pricks Kurupt and Daz Dillenger and fucking Snoop dog create this diss track about my home town and my Rap scene called New York New York so of course I respond with LA LA because fuck those guys. So MTV decides to butt in and we are asked to talk about our Beef. Good I want to air their laundry want to tell those pricks to go stuff it to their faces.

So I bring Tragedy Khadafi with me because he's my boy and we go to MTV to have it out, so Daz is there but they tell me that Snoop and Kurupt couldn't make it and so they sent in Kenny fucking G in their place. I felt the disrespect they couldn't even bother to send an actual rapper they sent in Mr. Adult comtemporary. So we sit down and I look at Kenny and I tell him strait to his face.

"Your music puts me to sleep."

He just smiles at me and says.

"Thank you."

And I did not expect that.


"A lot of people have problems falling asleep at night, some times the old mind is just faster then the body. Some times its stress, some times its peoples regrets coming back to haunt them. It really means a lot to me that my music can help you get the rest you need."

I just stared at him and then turned to the reporter who just shrugged at me. So I get into it and tell him that we east coast rappers are the hardest motherfuckers in the world and then Kenny raises his hand.

"Define hard."

I froze.


"Can you please define hard for me?"

I was angry at this pussy ass white boy.

"Hard means you do not give a fuck what other people think about you, you just do what ever the fuck you want."

Kenny nodded his head.

"Thank you."

I went to continue my rant.

"I have a unicorn on my car."

And that stopped me cold because who fucking expects that.


"I have a unicorn on the van I drove to get here."

"You are shitting me."

"Nope, I have a unicorn on my car."

I smirked.

"Let me guess a pink unicorn right?"

"Oh no its a white unicorn, but it it does have rainbows coming out of its butt."

I just stared at the MTV guy who looks just as shocked as me.

"Do you want to see it?"

The Reporter gets up, and so does a camera man and we stop the interview and head to the parking garage, and yeah I have to show you a photo.


Yeah that's his van....I mean yeah.

So I am just staring at this ugly fucking thing in horror.

"What the fuck is that?"

"A viking riding a unicorn with a machine gun."

And Kenny G says this as if its the most natural thing in the world.

"Why would you drive something like this?"

"Because I feel like it, does your car have a unicorn on it?"

"Fuck no, that shits lame I would never hear the end of it If I drove that shit through the hood."

Kenny G raises an eyebrow.

"Doesn't that mean you care what other people think?"

I froze.


"You clearly said that the definition of hard was doing what you want and not caring about what other people though. That its living your life as you please with out letting some one how to tell you how to live it."

I just looked at my boy and Tragedy Khadafi turns his head and simply says.

"We need a new defintion man."
No matter what, Kenny G truly is the hardest of them all. And in many ways, a true Saint. Which is a lot of fun to see between all these rappers who focus on displays of strength. I just love how he shatters that just with kindness.
and that was important because of what happened in 93.

Suge was this really aggressive guy and angry guy and in the begining we needed that but Suge started this beef with this guy named Luthor Cambell. He worked for 2livecrew. Well anyways Suge was in Miami and Luthor had a bone to pick with him and was carrying heat. Luthor claims it was self defense but he unloaded 6 rounds into Suges body and he didn't survive the night.

Its 1995, I have no money, I'm in prison, and my mom is about to lose her house.

Keisha knew Marion Suge in the old days and begged for a favor because everything was falling apart

I am a bit confused on this, is Suge dead or not? I know Kenny G is doing amazing things at deathrow records, but raising the dead seems a bit much even for him.
Also: if he's at Death Row helping his fellow artists make sustainable life choices, does that mean Arista Records turns thuggish, with vendettas and assassinations and Whitney Houston putting out diss tracks?
I am a bit confused on this, is Suge dead or not? I know Kenny G is doing amazing things at deathrow records, but raising the dead seems a bit much even for him.

Marion Surge is the founders wife, he's dead but she's still alive and has some pull at the studio.
Tha Realist
Tha Realist

15 dollars is lunch money to a lot of kids, that's why I want to give people value for their money ya know.

So my start at death row was rough ya know, my voice was a little too similar to 2pacs and people gave me shit for it. 2pac was the one who gave me a chance and some one who belived in me but I was getting so much hate because people think I was biting his style. My first album got some sales but while I was making music I didn't have my own voice and It seemed like the world was shitting on me for it you know.

So time to go outside the box you know, who's the most different artist at death row? Yeah I went to Kenny G.

So Kenny's part of death row is in the basement right, creepy as fuck but Kenny swears by the accostics and no one bothers him because he prefers to do his own thing. I go down there and he has his eyes closed and he's just using a computer to play notes with different instrements and writing in a little black book after each note. I look at him and I have no idea what the fuck he's doing.

"I um hello?"

He opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Oh hello are you a fellow artist?"

"Yeah tha Realist."

"Oh great Tupac has nothing but good things to say about you."

I blink at his statement.

"So I've kind of hit a wall."

"And you want to collaberate with me?"

I nod my head.

"I'm going to be honest Realist, I cant make you like me all I can do is help you become you."

I froze at his statement, but I shrugged it off, I brought out my notes my lyrics and Kenny looked at them and went to the computer. And started putting together beats, I mean just like that. He then started spouting off musical sytles many of which I never heard of and asked me what I wanted to use. No saying this is what you should do just offering me options.

I had gotten used to using samples, to try to get close to my vision but Kenny...kenny I guess had that formal education which helps and shit. I thought he would fight things but he didn't and just tried to help me get to where I needed. My next album was called world tour and each track had influences from a country around the world. Gonna be honest it didn't chart that well in the US. But it was a massive hit in Latin America expecially brazil.

Its not the success I was looking for but there is a good crowd of people there lot of kids going through the struggle, I'm working on my portuguese and spanish but I guess I woudn't have it any other way.

As for Kenny after me other artists young ones starting out started talking to him. A lot of people see Dre, Tupac, and DOC and even Hammer as the best mentors at death row but a lot of people owe at least some of their polish from Kenny. Guys inflenced Hip hop a lot but he never seems to get any credit for it. If it ever bothered him he never showed it.


Monthly Donor
This may be, Honest-to-God, the virtual definition of Alternate History.

Abso-fucking-lutely brilliant.
I can't put it any better than Calbear!


Subscribed. And want more......please 😂

I had a gambling problem.

And I owed some money....a serious amount of money and um couldn't quite pay. So I decided to go to the studio and lay low until I had made enough money to pay things off.

So a couple days later I'm in the office with Kenny I'm eating the donuts cause I'm scared shitless some one will gun me down so I cant eat out and Kenny's just drinking some coffee, and 3 guys storm in and bring out guns.

"Im sorry but are you gentlemen lost?"

The man in the lead turned to Kenny and just unloaded his weapon right into Kenny's chest, I froze and screamed and ran through the door for my life, yeah problem with that was that when your panicking you don't make smart decisions and I kind of ended up at the dead end of the hall with 3 armed gangsters who wanted to end my life. They decided to just saunter up make it worse you know a power thing and I put my back to the wall and the guy in the lead reloads his gun.

"End of the line Krupt."


I freeze and see Kenny, kenny is not a tall guy he's what 5 foot 7? But he must have jumped because he had the ring leader in a head lock with one arm and had a gun pressed against his head with his free hand.

"I recomend that every one stay calm."

His voice was icy and calm.

"How the fuck are you alive?"

"Unicorn magic."

I blinked at the statment.


"Unicorn magic, so way I see it I have a hello kitty pistol against your head."


"I have a hello kitty pistol against your head, ask your men."

The thugs grimaced.

"Its a hello Kitty gun, its kind of pink."

The leader laughed.

"You gonning to kill me with a hello kitty gun?"

"Funny story people care so much about what a gun looks like, I care more about what the bullets do you see, the bullets in this gun. Their steal jacket magnums, the news calls them cop killer bullets its actually a war crime to use these bullets and their just as effective in a hello kitty gun as they are in some thing that looks cool. But your homies they wont care about that. You will just be the guy who was killed by hello kitty. That isn't a story you want to tell the big gangsters in the after life is it?"

"What do you want?"

"Way I see it, we can talk business or we can talk war and war has one outcome."

"My boys?"

"Are outnumbered."

The other thugs turned around and I smiled as I saw the other artists all armed, I smelled urine and hoped it wasn't me.

"Why are you here sir?"

"Kurupt owe us money."

"How much money?"

"50,000 dollars."

"For what?"

"Kurupt gambled at our place and lost money."

Kenny looked at me.

"Kurupt your going to be honest did you gamble."

"Yeah thats all true."

Kenny sighed.

"This sounds like business and you don't talk business while your armed, so drop your weapons."

The three of them did so.

"Kurupt I'm going to need you to pick up an empty sax case from the basement, but before you do that I know you have a cell phone on you. Give it to the man I'm holding."

"What? This fool tried to ICE YOU!"

"This was a misunderstanding we do not involve the police in misunderstandings do you understand that?"

I pulled out my cell phone and gave it to the thug who shot kenny and picked up a case when I got back they other guys at death row put the guns into the case Kenny then undid the head lock.

"All right were going to handle this, Kurupt you have the money?"


"All right, I'm going to cover this but this is not free, what you did was wrong."

I stared at Kenny.


"Gambling houses can run thin margins, some times razor thin, when you weltch on your bets your taking food of of their families table. That is very hurtful and I need you to apologize for that. Thats the price, this isn't a loan this is a transaction understood?"

"Um yes Kenny."

"Can you call up your employer and tell him were going to settle up today?"


"There's an Ihop near here, I will call some one to bring the cash."

"You not going to call the pigs?"

"This is a business transaction that would be unprofessional but I need you to bring in some one with leadership so that Kurupt can make this right. Because what he did was disrespectful and he needs to apologize."

"Yeah got it."

He called some one and Kenny brought out his own cell.

"We're keeping your guns until things are settled, and your keeping Kurupts cell until this is settled."

"I aint no snitch."

"Locks keep honest men honest, your going with me in the car, don't worry about the bill I'm covering it."

So from there we went to Ihop, this total thug walks in all scared up like a junk yard dog, Kenny motions for him to sit down a man in a suit arrives and drops off a suit case and Kenny gives him some cash we all sit at this huge table.

"This Kurupt?"


"You owe Leroy some serious cash."

He then looks at Kenny.

"You got the money?"

"I have the 50 thousand, but I want to make a deal with you."

The man leans back.

"All right I'm game what's the deal."

"Death Row records has a reputation for fair play. When one of our members weltches on a gambling debt that looks bad. That damages our reputation, Kurupts actions make all of us look bad."


"So I'm willing to double the amount 100 thousand right here right now, but Kurupt is banned from your tables because well he's proven he cant be trusted."

The man nods.

"Can I see the cash?"

Kenny open's up the suit case and he counts the money, then he takes out his cell phone and talks to big Leroy and turns to Kenny.

"You have a deal."


I took a breath.

"I am sorry I weltched on my bets, It was wrong for me to do that."

The man nods his head.

"Kurupt I accept your apology but I have to give you a message, your LA privaliges are gone, no gambling at our tables, if we have to sent people to go get you then you don't have the right to play. Understood?"


We ate our meal in silence and Kenny paid the bill, then we gave them the case of guns and I got my cell phone back. When we got back into Kenny's ugly ass van he sighed in relief.

"How did you survive?"

"Unicorn magic is one of the best bullet proof vest companies in the industry."

I blinked as he turned the key, and under his breath I heard him say.

"This is like dealing with whitney all over again."
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Big Leroy
Big Leroy

Ajax, looked positively terrified.

"Why are you here? Its your birthday I gave you the day off, go spend it with some honeys and shit."

He put down a box in front of me.

"I want to get jumped out."

"Jax what are you talking about?

He opened up the box and I saw a tape that was simply labeled, 'I forgive you'. I put the thing in a VCR, music played and I saw....

"Used bullets."

We watched as the music played and the bullets were melted down and made into a cross in front of us. Ajax opened a smaller box and I stared at the cross.

"Ajax what happened?"

"I thought I missed, you know I thought I fucking missed but I didn't I lit that fool up like a christmas tree, and this mother fucker gets up and puts a gun to my head, and then he negiotates and has breakfast with us, and then, only then when he's finished does he go to the hospital and get the bullets taken out."

I blinked at his statement.


"Then this mother fucker finds out where I live and then he melts those bullets down and he makes me a cross. That's it I am out I am mother fucking done, jump me out."

"It will hurt like hell."

"I do not care Leroy I am done."

I called up my boys and Ajax went to the ground we beat the shit out of him but when his time was over we helped him up and hugged it out. Ajax moved out of LA after that moved all the way to florida. He found religion and became a preacher, he still wears the bullet cross to this day, I think he's scared to not wear it. As for us we never messed with Death row records ever again.

There's just a level of crazy you simply do not fuck with and they clearly reached it.
Wow. Just wow. Kenny has an ever greater impact, and no matter if he had a vest, what he did was incredibly brave.


Monthly Donor

I had a gambling problem.

And I owed some money....a serious amount of money and um couldn't quite pay. So I decided to go to the studio and lay low until I had made enough money to pay things off.

So a couple days later I'm in the office with Kenny I'm eating the donuts cause I'm scared shitless some one will gun me down so I cant eat out and Kenny's just drinking some coffee, and 3 guys storm in and bring out guns.

"Im sorry but are you gentlemen lost?"

The man in the lead turned to Kenny and just unloaded his weapon right into Kenny's chest, I froze and screamed and ran through the door for my life, yeah problem with that was that when your panicking you don't make smart decisions and I kind of ended up at the dead end of the hall with 3 armed gangsters who wanted to end my life. They decided to just saunter up make it worse you know a power thing and I put my back to the wall and the guy in the lead reloads his gun.

"End of the line Krupt."


I freeze and see Kenny, kenny is not a tall guy he's what 5 foot 7? But he must have jumped because he had the ring leader in a head lock with one arm and had a gun pressed against his head with his free hand.

"I recomend that every one stay calm."

His voice was icy and calm.

"How the fuck are you alive?"

"Unicorn magic."

I blinked at the statment.


"Unicorn magic, so way I see it I have a hello kitty pistol against your head."


"I have a hello kitty pistol against your head, ask your men."

The thugs grimaced.

"Its a hello Kitty gun, its kind of pink."

The leader laughed.

"You gonning to kill me with a hello kitty gun?"

"Funny story people care so much about what a gun looks like, I care more about what the bullets do you see, the bullets in this gun. Their steal jacket magnums, the news calls them cop killer bullets its actually a war crime to use these bullets and their just as effective in a hello kitty gun as they are in some thing that looks cool. But your homies they wont care about that. You will just be the guy who was killed by hello kitty. That isn't a story you want to tell the big gangsters in the after life is it?"

"What do you want?"

"Way I see it, we can talk business or we can talk war and war has one outcome."

"My boys?"

"Are outnumbered."

The other thugs turned around and I smiled as I saw the other artists all armed, I smelled urine and hoped it wasn't me.

"Why are you here sir?"

"Kurupt owe us money."

"How much money?"

"50,000 dollars."

"For what?"

"Kurupt gambled at our place and lost money."

Kenny looked at me.

"Kurupt your going to be honest did you gamble."

"Yeah thats all true."

Kenny sighed.

"This sounds like business and you don't talk business while your armed, so drop your weapons."

The three of them did so.

"Kurupt I'm going to need you to pick up an empty sax case from the basement, but before you do that I know you have a cell phone on you. Give it to the man I'm holding."

"What? This fool tried to ICE YOU!"

"This was a misunderstanding we do not involve the police in misunderstandings do you understand that?"

I pulled out my cell phone and gave it to the thug who shot kenny and picked up a case when I got back they other guys at death row put the guns into the case Kenny then undid the head lock.

"All right were going to handle this, Kurupt you have the money?"


"All right, I'm going to cover this but this is not free, what you did was wrong."

I stared at Kenny.


"Gambling houses can run thin margins, some times razor thin, when you weltch on your bets your taking food of of their families table. That is very hurtful and I need you to apologize for that. Thats the price, this isn't a loan this is a transaction understood?"

"Um yes Kenny."

"Can you call up your employer and tell him were going to settle up today?"


"There's an Ihop near here, I will call some one to bring the cash."

"You not going to call the pigs?"

"This is a business transaction that would be unprofessional but I need you to bring in some one with leadership so that Kurupt can make this right. Because what he did was disrespectful and he needs to apologize."

"Yeah got it."

He called some one and Kenny brought out his own cell.

"We're keeping your guns until things are settled, and your keeping Kurupts cell until this is settled."

"I aint no snitch."

"Locks keep honest men honest, your going with me in the car, don't worry about the bill I'm covering it."

So from there we went to Ihop, this total thug walks in all scared up like a junk yard dog, Kenny motions for him to sit down a man in a suit arrives and drops off a suit case and Kenny gives him some cash we all sit at this huge table.

"This Kurupt?"


"You owe Leroy some serious cash."

He then looks at Kenny.

"You got the money?"

"I have the 50 thousand, but I want to make a deal with you."

The man leans back.

"All right I'm game what's the deal."

"Death Row records has a reputation for fair play. When one of our members weltches on a gambling debt that looks bad. That damages our reputation, Kurupts actions make all of us look bad."


"So I'm willing to double the amount 100 thousand right here right now, but Kurupt is banned from your tables because well he's proven he cant be trusted."

The man nods.

"Can I see the cash?"

Kenny open's up the suit case and he counts the money, then he takes out his cell phone and talks to big Leroy and turns to Kenny.

"You have a deal."


I took a breath.

"I am sorry I weltched on my bets, It was wrong for me to do that."

The man nods his head.

"Kurupt I accept your apology but I have to give you a message, your LA privaliges are gone, no gambling at our tables, if we have to sent people to go get you then you don't have the right to play. Understood?"


We ate our meal in silence and Kenny paid the bill, then we gave them the case of guns and I got my cell phone back. When we got back into Kenny's ugly ass van he sighed in relief.

"How did you survive?"

"Unicorn magic is one of the best bullet proof vest companies in the industry."

I blinked as he turned the key, and under his breath I heard him say.

"This is like dealing with whitney all over again."
Gun geek note - "Cop Killer" bullets were originally hardened brass coated with teflon (the teflon was actually to protect the barrel of the gun, not to improve penetration, since the hardened brass, unlike the common soft copper jacket or pure lead tore the hell out of the barrel (and also resulted in lower accuracy) or a steel core with a copper cup covering for the same reason.
Gun geek note - "Cop Killer" bullets were originally hardened brass coated with teflon (the teflon was actually to protect the barrel of the gun, not to improve penetration, since the hardened brass, unlike the common soft copper jacket or pure lead tore the hell out of the barrel (and also resulted in lower accuracy) or a steel core with a copper cup covering for the same reason.

Im glad you got that the gun geeks should have figured out that Kenny was just spewing bullshit to get the situation to desecalate.