No Daylight Saving Time

Hi! Would there have been any major effects of Daylight Saving Time was never introduced? I can't think of any offhand, but who knows?
I think evil thoughts for the entirity of daylight savings time, and then in November, I think "The madness of starting work before eating sunrise is finally over, but the days are getting shorter, so soon I'll have to start working before before sunrise yet again."

But in all seriousness, a beneficial effect would be fewer car crashes early in the morning. I bet productivity would improve in the mornings too, because people would have time to eat a relaxed breakfast before going to work.
With the global warming more working time would be spent at uncomfortable temperatures in summer.
for instance, conpare working 7:30 to 16 in summer. On a hot summer day in NW Europe (rare in the eighties but now we have 10-20 of them annually) temperature is like 18 at 7:30 and 30-32 between 12 and 18 hours. With no daylight saving time it would be like working from 8:30 to 17. One hour longer in hot circumstances.