New 1984 Theroy

And what if the Romulans were East Germans and the Vulcans West Germans...? You're looking for patterns that aren't there - 1984 is allegorical fiction, not fact or even a pretense of fact. It's not set in the real world, but an abstract version thereof!

al·le·go·ry (āl'ĭ-gôr'ē, -gōr'ē)
n. pl. al·le·go·ries

    1. The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form.
    2. A story, picture, or play employing such representation. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Herman Melville's Moby Dick are allegories.
  1. A symbolic representation: The blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of justice.
All I want is the simple answer to the question "Hey, doesn't anyone else think the map of 1984 looks like some nazi victory maps?" I'm sick and tired of people not reading my posts! I KNOW ITS SUPPOST TO BE THE USSR! I JUST THINK THE MAPS LOOKS SIMILER AND WAS WONDERING IF ANYONE ELSE THOUGHT SO TO!

All I want is the simple answer to the question "Hey, doesn't anyone else think the map of 1984 looks like some nazi victory maps?" I'm sick and tired of people not reading my posts! I KNOW ITS SUPPOST TO BE THE USSR! I JUST THINK THE MAPS LOOKS SIMILER AND WAS WONDERING IF ANYONE ELSE THOUGHT SO TO!

Then don't title your post 'a new theory'. That implies you have something to say about the book itself which you don't.
Never thought of it that way - perhaps I'm not as obsessed by Nazi victory as some posters...:D

Anyway, if we treat it as allegory, it's rather useless for an AH discussion board, no?

Unless, I suppose, we try to come up with versions of "1984" for other TLs. What might be the version written by an *Orwell in TL-161, for instance?

But the most normal form is to create an AH which fits the observed facts within the novel. Personally, I'm not fond of the "Oceania is only GB" view...even North Koreans are much better informed about the outside world, and it's hard to jam all the radio transmitters and stop all the giant balloons and plastic bottles washed onshore, etc,. etc. One favored theory of mine is that Oceania _won_ the war, but the dictatorship which took over in the post-nuclear holocaust needs an enemy to justify it's continued rule - those asians? Just people rounded up from some radioactive hell-hole incapable of fighting back. Soldiers "in the know" can be kept at a minimum, since anyone who looks like they're rebuilding military capacity is just nuked into rubble again...

Then don't title your post 'a new theory'. That implies you have something to say about the book itself which you don't.

Yes, I have poor communication skills, but I would not have blown up if I hadn't repeated that little part of the OP 3 or 4 times.