Napoleon loses at Austerlitz

What happens if the Grand Armee is defeated in the middle of Europe, Boney himself is a prisoner, and both of these only a few months after the French defeat at Trafalgar?


You can't just say that, that's like saying "WI the French won at Trafalgar?" You've got to provide some reason for it going against OTL.

How about Kutuzov's more defensive plan of battle is adopted? OTL the Austro-Russians lost because they attacked Bonaparte's army after he'd conducted a campaign of disinformation to think that the army was below strength and had deliberately weakened his right flank to draw them in.

All the same, the French forces seem to have been universally more well organised and coordinated than the Austro-Russians, so that might not be enough to ensure Allied victory.
Hmm, OK, so maybe the Allies act defensive, and perhaps Napoleon is more reckless in how he handles the battle? Maybe a key part of his plans goes wrong and that ruins everything?


My only remark here is that, AFAIR, it's not proper to name the French Army at Austerlitz a Grand Armee simpy because the Grand Armee was the Army collected by Napoleon specifically for Russian campaign in 1812. So the Army Napoleon presented at Austerlits was just the French Army.
Concerning Kutuzov's plan - yes, it might be defensive but it had never been adopted, and it was just Leon Tolstoy's PR in support of Kutuzov's genius in his "War & Peace" where general-field marshal, count Mikhail Golenischev-Kutuzov (he had double surname, BTW) predicted ruining Weiroter's plan and thus an allied defeat and and it has little historical evidence. So, I personally cannot judge with full certainty what would Kutuzov have done shoud he planned the whole batte by his own. Don't also forget that it wasKutuzov who formally commanded the Allied Army meanwhile Weiroter planned the battle. So the one man delivered the plan and the other man tried to bring it into effect, or at least pretended to do that. Knowing ambitions of Old Sneaky Fox Kutuzov, I suspect that he might have sabotaged some aspects of the plan to show its disadvantages and he didn't much care how many sodiers would be killed in his doing so.:confused: