
Is it possible to create something like a flamethrower that, instead of flames shoots out mustard gas? If so, is it possible it could be invented in OTL WW1?
To be honest I didn't really think of that problem until now. I can see how that might be a bad thing.

Gas is something better deployed as far away from your own men as possible. Sudden wind change and she's all over rover. The first time the British deployed gas, this exact thing happened, they couldn't advance because the gas blew back or stayed put. Troops couldn't move until it went away. Using it in close quarters would not be recommended to support an offensive like a flame thrower because the entire offensive would need gas masks (at least, if not full blown chemical gear, that shit burns the skin) which in turn inhibit combat efficiency. If you've ever worn a gas mask, they make it hard to breath and see and trying to fight in one would be a nightmare. Mustard gas was better used as an area denial weapon rather than one to support offensives for the aforementioned issues.
How about a gas rifle-grenade? Would that be more practical?

That would probably be more practical, since gas grenades already exist. It'd be pretty simple to adapt it to fire a gas grenade instead of an explosive one.

The trick is, as others have pointed out, it's not really useful to make a close-quarters gas weapon, since it'd be really easy for the wind to shift and blow that gas back onto your own position.
By placing mustard gaz in an oily liquid, you could spray your liquid on the enemy with a flame thrower like weapon.
During the air raid on Bari, mustard gaz was mixed with water and oil from sunk ship. People in the water were impregnated with this...

Anyone remember chem-warrior in Command and Conquer ?

It could be a terror weapon in a total urban war... Use it to destroy and neutralize basements, sewer passage...
When I first saw the thread I thought you were thinking of something like the Livens Projector - Livens also produced large flamethrowers, but combining the two doesn't work terribly well.

Remember that Mustard gas is a slow-acting weapon which doesn't require very much liquid to work - so if you sprayed someone with it, they'd bayonet you to death then die or be crippled as their skin fell off. Flamethrowers use far more liquid, but kill almost instantly. Remember also that it's moderately persistent - and if you're using it as a short range projector, the chances are you're planning to hold that ground for some time to come. As such, it's more of a threat to your own troops than anyone else.
I don't think so? It's kind've odd considering that the principles aren't that tough to work out, so it'd be fairly simple to bang one out.
I would imagine that it'd be pretty much identical to the operation of a smoke grenade (which can already kill). Then again, the lethal radius of such a weapon would probably grossly exceed the maximum throwing range of a normal human being, hence my RPG idea.
I would imagine that it'd be pretty much identical to the operation of a smoke grenade (which can already kill). Then again, the lethal radius of such a weapon would probably grossly exceed the maximum throwing range of a normal human being, hence my RPG idea.

If the troopers knew what they were getting into (as in, they're already buttoned up), I could see a gas grenade having some utility. You could use it for clearing out confined spaces like houses or bunkers, as an lethal alternative to flashbangs or concussion grenades.