Most Plausible POD for a British Republic Post-Restoration?

After the Restoration of Charles II in 1660, what is the most plausible POD for the British monarchy to be overthrown and another republic established in its stead? Relatively popular PODs seem to involve the French Republic successfully invading Ireland and then promoting a revolution in Britain as well as the Cato Street Conspiracy along with 20th Century PODs involving a socialist revolution in Britain. All of them suffer from plausibility problems, however, imo.
What do you say about King Ernest Augustus as a POD for a British Republic? Even then, if he gets overthrown, the British are likely to install a more liberal monarch and leave it at that.
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Or have the Young Pretender succeeding in overthrowing the Hannover, but then having a massively unpopular yet sufficiently long reign (with naked pro-Catholicism being one of the main factors).
The Days of May became pretty close. Have a King not on board with stacking the Lords and would have happened.