Most Decent Contenders To Not Become POTUS

Like it says on the tin, who do you find the most decent people who ran for but didn't become POTUS.

Doesn't mean you have to agree with them on issues, just that you respect them.

Preferably one or more from each party

For example my clear 1st choice is Hubert Humphrey... I certainly have areas where we'd have disagreed on issues but he strikes me as one of the most fundamentally decent human beings in 20th century politics.

For the GOP I'll start with John McCain, again someone I didn't always agree with but a genuine war hero and a class act.

These are, of course, two of the biggies, so I will chime in later with more but I'd love to hear from the rest of you

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William Jennings Bryan, Nelson Rockefeller, George Romney, Jerry Brown, Mo Udall, Al Gore, Howard Baker, Thomas Dewey, Adlai Stevenson
Adlai Stevenson, George Romney.
I'll second those.

Robert M. LaFollette (I mean, I HAVE to list him - It's kinda my thing at this point :D )

Also McGovern - and not just because I have to respect a fellow regional historian.
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Margaret Chase Smith, Harold Stassen, Floyd Olson, Hubert Humphrey, George Romney, George McGovern, Mo Udall, Hugh Carey, Chuck Percy, Birch Bayh, Frank Church, Millicent Fenwick, Brendan Byrne, Reuben Askew, Gary Hart, Bill Bradley, Olympia Snowe, and so many more.