More Napoleons

What if there were more Republican leaders who declared their Republics Empires with them as its first Emperor? Who would be the best candidates for this kind of thing?

Grey Wolf

Sun Yat-sen, the emperor of china.

Well, Yuan Shih-kai DID do it there, and he WAS a general like Napoleon, had sided with the Republican forces and when finding himself in possession of the capital with Sun in the South, proclaimed himself emperor.

Santa Anna would have been a good bet for Mexico, he even styled himself the Mexican Napoleon

And what about that African guy who ate everyone ? Bokassa of the Central African Republic/Empire

Best Regards
Grey Wolf


What about Andrew Jackson? I could see him as a Napolean analog.

I've always been intrigued by the fact they were contemporaries, one was born in 1767 and the other in 1769, yet Jackson's real influence wasn't until the 1830's, while Napoleon was over by 1815 and dead by 1821.

Surprised noone's mentioned Hitler, tho I guess he wasn't very democratic at any time


Nor very monarchic anyway.

How about another general instead of Napoleon? like Murat or Bernadotte?
Or a brazilian president restoring the monarchy in the 1890s, with himself as Emperor?
Surprised noone's mentioned Hitler, tho I guess he wasn't very democratic at any time

Well, I think an emperor doesn't really fit to Hitler and nazism - yet it doesn't really fit to a republican general either, so why not? After all, the concept of a hereditary Fuhrer would fit nazism quite well.

Mussolini would also be plausible, "Il nuovo Cesare Mussolini" - I think he would have liked that...
And Franco, Peron, any fascist leader.


No. No one in the 20th century would have done that. None outside crazy african madmen like Bokassa or anachronisms like Yuan Shikai.
Or a brazilian president restoring the monarchy in the 1890s, with himself as Emperor?

No, it's very unlikely. The anti-monarchism was very strong among the first republicans. They were often called as "jacobins" due to their feelings against monarchies, and many of them were proud of being compared to the french revolutionaries. If one had done it, he would be killed almost immediately.