More Map Commissions?

Of course. Sorry about that!
That never means, of course, I have some map ideas I'd like to commission...

Do you mean "That never means, of course, I don't have some map ideas I'd like to commission..."? :)

Heh, how so? XD And eh, my only source of profit is map commissions, which I'll probably filter back in to get commissions from other mapmakers. All I need to do is set up my own thread... :p

I mean it's cool if people want to pay me for a sizable number of maps, but I am a bit insecure about being able to get them all done in a timely fashion. :)
The fortunate thing there for my commissions is that they'll be fleshing out a timeline - pushes back when each map needs to be made. :)

Late this month works well since I'll be back from Indonesia on the 29th NZ time.

I don't have Yahoo Messenger (indeed I just learnt it existed!) So sticking with PMs here will be fine.
Greetings and salutations! Christmas is coming, could use a little extra dough...anyone interested in a map? $25, pay by paypal up front, first come, first served.
Greetings and salutations! I could do that thing: remind me what specifically you were looking for in that somewhat goofy AH setting?
Greetings and salutations! I could do that thing: remind me what specifically you were looking for in that somewhat goofy AH setting?
Well, honestly, I was looking for more of a rationalisation than a straight-up adaptation: either excising some of the more unbelievable geopolitical aspects, or at the very least toning them down. You know, Japan's revolution taking a realistic amount of time as opposed to, well, overnight; that whole Union-Confederacy deal; a more plausible outcome for Karl Marx in an altered environment; stuff like that. Is that okay?

Also, the idea of the 19th century world using computers for the implied purpose of eugenics is an interesting, if not particularly pleasant, idea, and I'd be fascinated to see how it could potentially play out in a world a bit more devoid of leaps of geopolitical logic.
Well, honestly, I was looking for more of a rationalisation than a straight-up adaptation: either excising some of the more unbelievable geopolitical aspects, or at the very least toning them down. You know, Japan's revolution taking a realistic amount of time as opposed to, well, overnight; that whole Union-Confederacy deal; a more plausible outcome for Karl Marx in an altered environment; stuff like that. Is that okay?

Also, the idea of the 19th century world using computers for the implied purpose of eugenics is an interesting, if not particularly pleasant, idea, and I'd be fascinated to see how it could potentially play out in a world a bit more devoid of leaps of geopolitical logic.

Sounds fine: is $25 OK? My paypal email is
I had an idea on looking at your Pacific Anomaly map.

I recently wrote a Prime Ministers list for a scenario thats been in my head for a bit. Basically the rise in spiritualism during WW1 turns out to have something to it and the Entente wins the war in 1918 with a little help from basic sorcery. So basic that it's a poorly understood and exploited field in the victorious powers, the Soviets refuse to believe the outlandish rumours and everyone else assumes its just kooky inbred English aristos hallucinating. Meanwhile, groups interested in the occult get a shot in the arm, and the doorways between our world and the Otherworld are reopened (or at least, made ajar) allowing things which had slipped into folklore to re-emerge.

There is quite a bit of butterfly catching, as Nazi Germany still happens and the occultist groups aligned with the Nazis are far more powerful than they were IOTL. Meanwhile in Britain, David Lloyd George's pro-German government inadequately prepares for a European conflict and when things go south, she becomes little more than a German puppet. After an attempted coup against Lloyd George, the German send an occupation force and Britain goes all Vichy. The Germans are winning the war, as in a parallel to OTL's Blitzkrieg wherein the Germans got the jump on the West through better utilisation of mechanised warfare, so the Germans are pushing much further eastward due to their understanding of magic which the Soviets ignored as superstitious rumours.

The map I'd like would be of the chaotic situation in the British Isles, featuring the numerous Resistance organisations, and the involvement of faeries in the Resistance, including the strange geography bending of the Otherworld. I've got quite a few ideas, but let me know if you'd be interested first.