MLK Lives, Alternative Holiday for Blacks in the US?

Suppose Martin Luther King Jr. had not be assassinated and lived a relatively long life, well into his 80s if not later. One direct effect of King living longer would be that it would be extremely unlikely Martin Luther King Day would become a national holiday in the 1980s due to him being a living figure and potentially King being seen as more of a partisan political figure (especially if he involved himself in more controversial political and social causes from 1968 onwards) rather than some kind of a national saint. In that case, what holiday would be most likely to be celebrated in stead of MLK Day as a way to recognize Black Americans? I think such a holiday would eventually be adopted given the increasing political power of Black Americans (and ironically King himself might spearhead such a movement). Would Juneteenth become a national holiday earlier? Or would a figure like Frederick Douglass be given a national holiday instead?
Either Juneteenth, or you don't see one specifically - MLK was big about total integration, so it's not likely he's going to push for a holiday that is purpose-made to celebrate differences.