Marvel acquires rights to Aliens and Predator

WI, in stead of Dark Horse Comics teaming up with DC Comics, it's Marvel that gets the deal.
Haven't got a clue how to make this happen though.

DC Comics was hampered by it's lack of heroes for the Predators to hunt. And they ended up only using Batman and Superman, whom they had to weaken in every story for it to make sense.

So, in this TL, Marvel gets the rights. Marvel of course, has the opposite issue. They have "too many" heroes.
Maybe they could thin the herd a bit using Predator and Aliens. Obviously, several Marvel heroes are too powerful, Hulk, Thing, Thor, Vision, ...
But Spiderman, Captain America (sans backup) and a whole lot of X-men could make for lengthy cross-overs.

What would the overall effect be? Would both the Predators and Aliens become a permanent part of the main Marvel universe?
Cross-over movies?
Could the Marvel writers handles these kinds of stories?

(just had a brainfart ... Venom gets infected with a chestburster and the symbiont combines the three of them into an uber-venom ... it suddenly sucks being Peter Parker)