Map Thread XXII



Map 1: 7 alphabets bordering each other.
Map 2: Poland is bordering entirely new national entities since the fall of the Warsaw Pact.
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...and now, more than ten years later, the same people who balked at adult men enjoying a cartoon aimed at young children are treating Bluey as if it’s the pinnacle of television. Funny how that works.
The difference is a lot of those adults watching Bluey are watching with their kids. I watch it with my toddler and some of the shit in there is relatable as hell - it's a show about parenting as much as it is about being a kid. It was deliberately made to appeal to parents as well as children. My Little Pony was not. It was designed and marketed towards little girls, and what made the large following of adult men watching it rather suspect was the abundance of MLP pornography on the web.

Crazy Boris

The difference is a lot of those adults watching Bluey are watching with their kids. I watch it with my toddler and some of the shit in there is relatable as hell - it's a show about parenting as much as it is about being a kid. It was deliberately made to appeal to parents as well as children. My Little Pony was not. It was designed and marketed towards little girls, and what made the large following of adult men watching it rather suspect was the abundance of MLP pornography on the web.

By that logic, it’s weird for adults to like Sonic, given how online artists probably turned it into the single most en-porn-erated franchise on earth.

There’s not a single thing that online perverts haven’t gone nuts with, MLP is nothing special in that regard. Bronydom is absolutely not inherently sexual anymore than anything else is, it all started from some anons on /co/ watching it for a lark and they ended up liking it and spreading the word, the same way fandoms grow from any show. A minority are into it for that aspect, but most aren’t, and even within that minority, the nsfw aspect is probably just a small part of it for them. Full-blown sex weirdos are as rare as they would be in any other demographic.
By that logic, it’s weird for adults to like Sonic, given how online artists probably turned it into the single most en-porn-erated franchise on earth.

There’s not a single thing that online perverts haven’t gone nuts with, MLP is nothing special in that regard. Bronydom is absolutely not inherently sexual anymore than anything else is, it all started from some anons on /co/ watching it for a lark and they ended up liking it and spreading the word, the same way fandoms grow from any show. A minority are into it for that aspect, but most aren’t, and even within that minority, the nsfw aspect is probably just a small part of it for them. Full-blown sex weirdos are as rare as they would be in any other demographic.
You underestimate the prevalence of sex weirdos amongst the general population. Though, the addition or removal of 'full-blown' does diminish that demographics numbers substantially.
A Reddit map by FULLWORLDPOSADISM about an immigration policy by China to invite in immigrants from Africa and the Middle East in order to counter its populartion decline. This is my first time seeing an alternate history map revolving around immigration. We don't get these usually.
CDN media

A hypothetical news article from the original creator describing it:
[Xinhua News Agency, May 35, 2036] In the face of the changes unseen in one hundred years, the Party Central Committee resolutely implements the overall unified leadership, carries forward the spirit of the 22nd Party Congress, calls on all sectors of society to closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, holds high the great banner of Xi Jinping's socialist with Chinese characteristics of the new era, and takes a comprehensive stance of meeting new challenges, practicing new thinking, and building new achievements. The great project of "three civilizations and three opportunities" has been implemented to solve the three historical difficulties of overpopulation, population decay and civilizational convergence, and to build a great vision of unity and development of the three civilizations of Asia, Africa and Muslim under the new situation. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the "Three Civilizations, Three Opportunities" initiative and the 5th anniversary of the official launch of the project. The "Double Three" project meets the new needs of the development of the times, writes a new chapter of peaceful coexistence, contributes to the new development of the national economy, provides new impetus to globalization, becomes a new force for the community of human destiny, helps the related countries to cooperate, develop and benefit together, and brings warmth to the world under the changes unseen in one hundred years.
By that logic, it’s weird for adults to like Sonic, given how online artists probably turned it into the single most en-porn-erated franchise on earth.
Sonic is not even remotely the same thing. Sonic is a game franchise marketed (in its modern forms) towards children and young adults by appealing to nostalgia, same as Pokemon.
By that logic, it’s weird for adults to like Sonic, given how online artists probably turned it into the single most en-porn-erated franchise on earth.

There’s not a single thing that online perverts haven’t gone nuts with, MLP is nothing special in that regard. Bronydom is absolutely not inherently sexual anymore than anything else is, it all started from some anons on /co/ watching it for a lark and they ended up liking it and spreading the word, the same way fandoms grow from any show. A minority are into it for that aspect, but most aren’t, and even within that minority, the nsfw aspect is probably just a small part of it for them. Full-blown sex weirdos are as rare as they would be in any other demographic.

Sonic was a popular game right before the internet became a mass thing, it also came out with a very well made Japanese made animation series. It was well made and had anthropomorphic characters radical different from western animation. So it was natural that the kid who grew up watching the show in 96-97, used it as model to learn to draw, and used the style in the early webcomics in 1999-2003 popularized it.

My Little Pony had little of the same going for it except for the show being popular and critically acclaimed, it hit at a time where the internet was a more mature media, and the fan group was not people who grew up with it, but people which fell in love with it as adults.

It’s to radical different properties.

Crazy Boris

Sonic is not even remotely the same thing. Sonic is a game franchise marketed (in its modern forms) towards children and young adults by appealing to nostalgia, same as Pokemon.

And? Doesn’t change the fact that googling a sonic character with safe search off will get you twenty times more weird stuff (and probably much worse in terms of explicitness and fringe weirdness) than doing the same with a pony would. At the end of the day the internet is the internet and it’s packed with people who are into weird stuff. And I guarantee some of those adult Bluey fans are doing the exact same thing.
I don’t even have to check, anthropomorphized or semi-anthropomorphized animal characters are like an addiction to some people. If you were online at any point when Zootopia came out, you know what I mean.

Just let people enjoy the pony show without assuming they’re only in it to gawk at horse ass and nothing else.

On the internet you’re more likely to see the weird and the bad because the normal people fade into the background while people like to take fringe examples and show them off to the world.

Whatever you’ve seen, nearly all of them are nothing like that, and hell, even among the ones who do look at the porn, they’re mostly okay too, (more so than their Sonic equivalents, at least.) I’ve known a few and they’re perfectly fine people (mostly). If I had to guess, the amount of people who are only in this pony thing to get their rocks off and nothing else is less than 0.1%.

(And I also wouldn’t say modern sonic is based off appealing to nostalgia. Sega tried that with Sonic 4 and it was a disaster. Sega’s wisened up a good deal since the 2010s, and from what I’ve seen, they’re trying to strike a balance between keeping to form, but more with the later games than the original trilogy, and innovating. They’re embracing the best of Sonic’s past while also keeping new ideas flowing. This is demonstrated perfectly by how in contrast to their model in the 2010s where they cut back on their extended cast and tried to keep the focus primarily on Sonic and Eggman, as was clamored for by whiny out of touch critics and a certain washed up animator-turned-let’s-player who didn’t understand the appeal of the other characters, they’re now fully embracing most of the cast that got spotlight time in the GameCube/PS2/XBox era, which the fans wanted all along, just look at how well-recieved the heavily cast-driven “Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog” was received despite being a short April Fools one-off. Pokémon on the other hand is kind of a dumpster fire but that’s a whole other sack of bananas.)
And? Doesn’t change the fact that googling a sonic character with safe search off will get you twenty times more weird stuff
That wasn't even the point of my post. Why'd you hinge your response on the porn of all things?
Just let people enjoy the pony show without assuming they’re only in it to gawk at horse ass and nothing else.
I literally do not care about people watching MLP. I was explaining why people found it so creepy at the time. The rest of the post explained why Bluey is different anyway - because Bluey was deliberately made with the foresight that a lot of adults were going to be watching it unwillingly. Parents got hooked on it because the adult characters and the way they deal with their kids is extremely relatable, thus a cult following was born.
They’re embracing the best of Sonic’s past while also keeping new ideas flowing.
...thus appealing to nostalgia. Crash Bandicoot 4 on the PS4 was a "new idea" but it still completely appealed to the nostalgia bug.
Right, guys, hate to be the fun-ender here, but can you guys please stop talking about game characters and animation shows in a freaking MAP thread ? Please move to another place for your discussion.
Mongol Egypt.png

I finally finished this. It's been sitting on my computer, with the writeup incomplete but the map almost done, for over a year. It is in that regard even more egregious than its spiritual predecessor ( At this rate, I should get a "Mongol Europe" or whatever the next installment is done by 2027.

In our world, the Mongols tried and failed to conquer Egypt, but were consistently prevented by the excellent Mamluk military, whose leader Qutuz thus vindicated his regime and won himself military honor. Unfortunately for him, he was assassinated shortly thereafter by one of his subordinates. This map looks at a world where Qutuz dies at more overtly unfriendly hands sooner.

Feel free to ask any questions. I hope my modification of English doesn't throw people for too much of a loop.
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Peach Wine and Those Who Drink It:
An Independent Georgia, 200 Years Later

I'm too busy with school to really be doing any alt history writing (sorry to those waiting on an update to my timeline), but I did have time today for a quick little map series to scratch the itch. ITTL, the United States falls apart during the Constitutional Convention. I know, I know, incredibly original. But, while what's going on elsewhere sounds pretty interesting, we're focusing in on Georgia. Specifically, Georgia as it exists almost 200 years after said Convention, and the collapse of the Union.

Georgia struggled, at first. Struggling to build its own native industry, and increasingly becoming an exporter of raw agricultural goods, like tobacco, rice, and cotton, its experiment in Jeffersonian democracy began to falter. The rise of the centralized slave plantation and flight of the yeoman farmer to the growing cities (especially near the coast) only worsened the situation. One losing war with Mexico for Georgia's southwestern claims— with its associated economic crisis, of course— and Augusta spiraled into a dictatorship. For the latter half of the nineteenth century and then for most of the twentieth, the Republic of Georgia was ruled by revolving door of planter elites. Though the British Empire trained its guns on the Republic and forced it to abolish slavery in 1929, the Georgian elite clawed back to the past whenever it could.

The now post-slavery government had to industrialize its nation— and what better way than through British and Virginian Union investment? The VU and Britain (especially Britain) together owned almost all of Georgia' industry, pumping Indian and Egyptian cotton into textiles, and rolling cigars at a worldwide scale. However, between the rapid and often-inhumane industrialization, the disruption of small personal farms, the unfair treatment of native Georgian wannabe entrepreneurs, and the general racial animus still underpinning Georgian society, violence was inevitable. Sure enough, in 1969, a band of socialist guerilla fighters known as the 'Pauly Boys' sparked revolution when they assassinated the Vice President and President of the Assembly, John Charlie Riemann. The war was long, protracted, and interfered with from many foreign countries as part of global geopolitics— the secession of South Seminola from the Republic of Seminola occurred simultaneously, and was wrapped up together with it. Eventually, Georgia, South Seminola, and the Trans-National Revolutionary Bloc won out— in 1977, Paul Carter of the Pauly Boys, war hero and revolutionary, installed himself Temporary President. In 1978, the newly-established Social Commonwealth of Georgia had its first elections, as promised. Paul Carter's Popular Movement won handily, though opposition seemed real, much to many onlooker's surprise. The Devolution movement, especially, was gaining traction; mostly made up of majority-minority counties, the movement wished for the creation of constitutional protections for citizens and for county governments, "devolving" power into the people's and localities' hands.

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But after securing his first victory, Carter moved quickly to centralize power. The Devolution movement was shafted from government, and after mass demonstrations the party was banned for counter-revolutionary activity. The Farmers' Party, a state-sanctioned (if defanged) alternative rose in its stead. Carter moved to synchronize Congressional and Presidential elections, creating a government unified under a strong executive. And, in what would become typical Carterist fashion, he began to quickly de-democratize the government, much like in Riemann's clique's old status quo. Presidential terms, for one thing, were lengthened to ten years, due to the state of "border emergency" in the south. As another matter of business, the informal "one county one vote" system of the Preliminary Election (likely meant to ensure Carter a victory) was enshrined as constitutional law. Before his first term was up, Carter's government had worked with South Seminola to reunify Seminola, annexing much of the land that had traditionally passed hands between the two governments along the way. Though the unrest in the New South would be an ulcer in the Carterist regime's side for the rest of its existence, the war— successfully passed off as defensive in the wake of a particularly bad border skirmish— had made him even more of a national hero. The Popular Movement won a landslide victory, and the more conservative Alternative Unity party was crushed.

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So crushed, in fact, that it would find itself banned a few short years later. By the 1998 election, Carter was frail, feeble, and suffering from dementia. While Carter was kept away in his office by his aides, a mad rush for succession had long since begun. The problem was, Carter himself was in no state to appoint a successor even as his administration was clenching the party's fist around the state, and had failed to do so before reaching his dying days. After his youthful wartime comrade Bobby Arera's untimely death due to stroke, the next best bet was the just-as-elderly lifetime politician Luke Steele. Steele, a holdover from the Riemann administration and agricultural expert, was responsible for the modestly successful state-led Central Industrialization Drive, and was currently serving by Carter's right hand as Speaker of the Popular Congress. Unfortunately for everyone else, Luke would be assassinated by a disgruntled revolutionary veteran from Marthasville just a few short years from the 2008 election; and just two days before Carter himself died.

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The turn of the century is a time of great uncertainty for Georgia. With the death of Carter and death of Carter's successor, and with the Pink Youth Movement's demonstrations and growing unrest in the streets, infighting in the Popular Movement came to a head. The party split into two factions: the left faction retaining the old party apparatus, while a liberalizing party with a goal to privatize industry and open itself up to inter-American trade in wake of the collapse of the Trans-National Bloc's central international power base in France. This new party, taking up much of the branding of the old Alternative Unity, won in a landslide, focusing most of its campaign on rural areas. Times are changing in Georgia, and only time can tell where things are heading. There's even talk among many of the yankees about re-establishing something akin to the old United States...

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(EDIT: I came up with these names while sleepy. Just now noticing that there's a pretty famous Georgian named "Carter." Oops. That wasn't intentional, lol. I just wanted to do a "Cold War banana republic Georgia" scenario).
😭Why did Virginia eat North Carolina in this map?
A while back, this map was circulating reddit. It was a map where someone had drawn in wildly wrong flags to fill in a map of Europe. Most posts would lie and claim their kid or partner did it, others claimed the map was made by some troll trying to trigger people (which feels more likely). But looking at how utterly INSANE the map is, I decided that, as a creative exercise, I would try to make a map, flags, and lore for this Dumb Reddit Map. In the efforts of making a semi-coherent TL, it came out feeling more like a full brainrot HOI4 mod, and eventually I decided to just lean into that.

So, all that said, I present the Dumb Reddit Map (DRM) Timeline, AKA "Dreams of Reason and Misery"

This has been a labor of love and foolishness for a while, so I hope everyone enjoys my most laborious and intricate shitpost ever.



Below are the Flags and Lore:





Below is the Map:
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A while back, this map was circulating reddit. It was a map where someone had drawn in wildly wrong flags to fill in a map of Europe. Most posts would lie and claim their kid or partner did it, others claimed the map was made by some troll trying to trigger people (which feels more likely). But looking at how utterly INSANE the map is, I decided that, as a creative exercise, I would try to make a map, flags, and lore for this Dumb Reddit Map. In the efforts of making a semi-coherent TL, it came out feeling more like a full brainrot HOI4 mod, and eventually I decided to just lean into that.

So, all that said, I present the Dumb Reddit Map (DRM) Timeline, AKA "Dreams of Reason and Misery"

This has been a labor of love and foolishness for a while, so I hope everyone enjoys my most laborious and intricate shitpost ever.



Below are the Flags and Lore:
I was thinking the colors you had for Britain seemed a bit too much like a French flag that was hung the wrong way and had the colors fate, but then I realized how cleverly it connected the English and Scottish colors. Also, well done to whoever originally made the very first map here. We truly needed a Mexican Iceland that didn’t come from that wank scenario from Crusader Kings II, with an added bonus of Slovakia becoming Japan’s evil twin. Or, given Japan's history and behavior, good twin.
Disclaimer: this map is not intended to challenge existing territorial boundaries or revise past historical events. This is just a product of the author's fantasy created for entertainment. All characters and events are fictitious and any resemblance is purely coincidental.

Exchange of fortunes [2008]​

RusSpa — копия — копия — копия.png

no description this time folks
credits to @B_Munro for his Embiggen the Nations series style.