Map Thread XXI

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I'm sorry for maybe going a bit overboard but it's seeing several years of those maps and not once having encountered anybody from any race, gender, region, or socioeconomic origin from or within Texas who has called Soda as a generic Coke has just constantly nearly grinded my gears. Yes I don't speak for 30 million Texans, but I have traveled extensively across the state and dines at all sorts of dining establishments of different types at different economic stations and once again I have never seen Coke used as a generic descriptor for Soda. Seeing these types of maps and surveys and people proclaiming that's the literal definition for a majority of Texas just feels inherently wrong as if I'm somehow being gaslighted.

I am not criticizing you or the quality of your work, I am criticizing these pollsters for providing an image that is not concurrent on the ground. Back when I was in college and I was in a political science class where we were showed this information as part of a lesson about polling and regional identity, I was in a room of 60 other Texans of various races with different regional and class backgrounds and we all thought people calling Soda as Coke was weird. This isn't just some personal anecdotal vendetta, I literally don't see how any Texan calls Soda as generic Coke.
It's not my work. It's a voluntary thing. If more folks took part, it'd change the map, no doubt. I dunno, I just found it curious and wanted to share, because 20 years ago when I made the conscious decision to start calling anything bubbly 'soda' everyone in my community looked at me like I was weird. Because here, everything is "coke." Anywho, have a great day!
I'm sorry that it's a bit late and no offense, but as a Texan I fucking HATE these kinds of maps because I've been to every corner of the state and spoken to all kinds of Texans and the insinuation that we pronounce Soda as "Coke" for all brands is absolutely bullshit. Every single restaurant, every single concessions stand, every single supermarket, every single place that serves any kind of Aoda and has it always lists it as S O D A, sometimes a fountain drink but most primarily a Soda. I have never encountered a single human being in my life, most especially a Texan who calls every single kind of generica soda there is a coke, even my extended family who are all Coke fanatics. If a Texan wants a Soda of any kind, they'll ask for a Soda. If we want a specific brand we will say the name of that brand. The only time Coke is ever used as a generic descriptor is when we are comparing Coke products to Pepsi products or someone wants a form of Coke such as Coke-Zero, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke. etc. Even then we will more likely than not ask for the specific brand of Coke then just lazily saying, "I want Coke."

These maps are absolute horseshit, NO ONE in Texas uses Coke as a generic term.
The map was from 2003. I suppose Coca-Cola had a fewer sodas back then. Or more, given how these days they are changing all the labels and flavors overseas to look and taste like Coca-Cola Classic. It’s forced me to drink Pepsi Max when having pizza. Anyways, I looked online for other maps like this just now and I see that several of them have a large chunk in the center of Texas with the larger cities as being in the soda camp. Given that the map above was from a website poll, I wouldn’t doubt if half the counties on the map had only one person answering them. Still, nice to know Texas is on the side of California in the bubble battle.
I'm sorry for maybe going a bit overboard but it's seeing several years of those maps and not once having encountered anybody from any race, gender, region, or socioeconomic origin from or within Texas who has called Soda as a generic Coke has just constantly nearly grinded my gears. Yes I don't speak for 30 million Texans, but I have traveled extensively across the state and dines at all sorts of dining establishments of different types at different economic stations and once again I have never seen Coke used as a generic descriptor for Soda. Seeing these types of maps and surveys and people proclaiming that's the literal definition for a majority of Texas just feels inherently wrong as if I'm somehow being gaslighted.

I am not criticizing you or the quality of your work, I am criticizing these pollsters for providing an image that is not concurrent on the ground. Back when I was in college and I was in a political science class where we were showed this information as part of a lesson about polling and regional identity, I was in a room of 60 other Texans of various races with different regional and class backgrounds and we all thought people calling Soda as Coke was weird. This isn't just some personal anecdotal vendetta, I literally don't see how any Texan calls Soda as generic Coke.
Believe it or not, I actually have. It's not prevalent by any means, but here in the Hill Country, you'll get some folks who do call soda "coke" as a generic term
I think a limited exchange is the better way, given that in the Middle East they also went nuclear. If only a few cities are hit, there's chance that the consequences stay local, and the rest of the World may just brush it off with nary a thought. So, Teheran is gone, won't be missed. The capital of Jordan's been nuked, what was it called again? A full blown scenario on the other hand, may have dire consequences in terms of fallout (I mean the actual fallout, not the game) even if no major power are involved.
About the Middle East, there are two massive wars that erupt on the region before the present-day of the story, for the first war, I had in mind that only Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Israel were hit, I do not know if other countries were hit by Iranian nukes as well, but because this scenario is an Israeli & Sunni alliance vs. Shia conflict, they could have, however, Iran's priority was to first and foremost destroy Israel and Saudi Arabia, not other "minor" countries.

Following the first conflict, Iran and Saudi Arabia were partitioned into various separate states think of the Morgenthau Plan for the Middle East in Sorairo's The Footprint of Mussolini on steroids, a good portion of these statelets are artificial states who were created just for the sake of it to show that a new era for the Middle East had begun, they have no way to properly function on their own and would eventually return to being part of their previous state after this second devastating Middle Eastern war, in the first conflict, Israel was the only one that was more or less "unaffected".

I am thinking of showing this thread how the Middle East looks like after both conflicts, but I am apprehensive to do so because it would reveal way too many aspects of my book.
Political and economic repercussions may be more tricky, but also more interesting. Major exchange, you basically have Fallout (the game) but a limited, local scenario begs a few questions. Have the oil fields been hit? Does it even matter, if the rest of the world's going green anyway?
The oil fields have indeed been hit, in an old map the nuclear-affected areas reflect the real-life locations of oil fields, but the world is using other alternative fuels as well.
Has Jerusalem been hit, or is the land around Mecca irradiated, making the city unreachable? How did the religious people reacted all over the world?
In the first conflict Jerusalem was not hit, but later in the second conflict I am thinking that it was indeed hit, I am currently not sure if Mecca was/will be hit, but as of now I had in mind that no, both Mecca and Medina are safe (unless if Iran was insane enough to nuke the holiest site in their religion), both of them were in fact been turned into Vatican-esque city-states opened to Muslims of all denominations, however, I am thinking that eventually they would be re-absorbed into the Hejaz state that surrounds them, but I really like this Mecca Vatican idea, I wanted to keep it but I am not sure if they would be feasible.
How did the religious people reacted all over the world?
I would like to say but the main point of my story is the religious point of view of such conflicts and geopolitical situation, so I prefer to be silent on this for now.
Is the International Community sending help to the affected areas and/or are people trying to escape their countries in ruins, thus causing an unprecedented refugee crisis?
A mixture of both.
About the map itself, there's nothing much I can say. For all I know, India is a polluted, overcrowded, ethnically tense mess even without a nuclear war, and without a central government keeping it all together, these problems are going to explode tenfold, doing potentially more damage than the bombs themselves.
So, balkanize India and Pakistan as much as you can, in the most violent way that you can.
This is pretty much what I am doing, but I am using pretty cliche provincial borders for them (Kashmir, Punjab, Sindh, Northeast India, Tamil Nadu but colored as independent)
If the world stay focused on the Middle East, India may even be second tier and become another forgotten tragedy like the many wars in Africa. Even on purpose: with the World in shock after what's happened, and too busy trying to deal with tons of refugees in the Mediterranean, and a level of street violence in India that makes Warhammer 40k look like cupcakes, people may find themselves unable to cope and prefer to ignore it. Even if some ONG or the Red Cross do intervene, they'd just give up after a while, overwhelmed by the hopelessness of the situation. It sounds a bit extreme, but you could even color the whole of the Indian Subcontinent (what's left of it anyway) as Terra Nullis.
I am not even sure if I will keep this green/black effect of the fallout in my maps, The Footprint of Mussolini also has nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, but all of their maps only shows the new borders of the countries hit by nukes, not the no-mans-lands, by the time that I am writing this, at least for now I have removed this green area thing.

Either way, thank you for your critique, it really, really helps me getting more organized, I do not post in map threads nor ask for opinions and advice, but I am needing these a lot right now.
I'm sorry that it's a bit late and no offense, but as a Texan I fucking HATE these kinds of maps because I've been to every corner of the state and spoken to all kinds of Texans and the insinuation that we pronounce Soda as "Coke" for all brands is absolutely bullshit. Every single restaurant, every single concessions stand, every single supermarket, every single place that serves any kind of Soda and has it always lists it as S O D A, sometimes a fountain drink but most primarily a Soda. I have never encountered a single human being in my life, most especially a Texan who calls every single kind of generic soda there is a coke, even my extended family who are all Coke fanatics. If a Texan wants a Soda of any kind, they'll ask for a Soda. If we want a specific brand we will say the name of that brand. The only time Coke is ever used as a generic descriptor is when we are comparing Coke products to Pepsi products or someone wants a form of Coke such as Coke-Zero, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke. etc. Even then we will more likely than not ask for the specific brand of Coke then just lazily saying, "I want Coke."

These maps are absolute horseshit, NO ONE in Texas uses Coke as a generic term.
Well the map does say it’s from 2003. But yeah most southerners I’ve ever met said soda.
I'm sorry that it's a bit late and no offense, but as a Texan I fucking HATE these kinds of maps because I've been to every corner of the state and spoken to all kinds of Texans and the insinuation that we pronounce Soda as "Coke" for all brands is absolutely bullshit. Every single restaurant, every single concessions stand, every single supermarket, every single place that serves any kind of Soda and has it always lists it as S O D A, sometimes a fountain drink but most primarily a Soda. I have never encountered a single human being in my life, most especially a Texan who calls every single kind of generic soda there is a coke, even my extended family who are all Coke fanatics. If a Texan wants a Soda of any kind, they'll ask for a Soda. If we want a specific brand we will say the name of that brand. The only time Coke is ever used as a generic descriptor is when we are comparing Coke products to Pepsi products or someone wants a form of Coke such as Coke-Zero, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke. etc. Even then we will more likely than not ask for the specific brand of Coke then just lazily saying, "I want Coke."

These maps are absolute horseshit, NO ONE in Texas uses Coke as a generic term.
My texan boyfriend says they use coke as a generic term so, L
The dance of the prince-electors - the Great Game of Germany.

[half-ASB]Idea - what if USSR administrative division evolution was like OTL German?

RSFSR collapsed in 1930-s, with all regions became Union Republics. History not changed from OTL much until 1980-s, when, without conflict of the Union Center and Russia, USSR not collapsed, but in 1991 transformed into a New Union - Russian Union.

рс карта 2.png
About the Middle East, there are two massive wars that erupt on the region before the present-day of the story, for the first war, I had in mind that only Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Israel were hit, I do not know if other countries were hit by Iranian nukes as well, but because this scenario is an Israeli & Sunni alliance vs. Shia conflict, they could have, however, Iran's priority was to first and foremost destroy Israel and Saudi Arabia, not other "minor" countries.
I think you are doing a great job and I hate to nitpick, I really hate to nitpick, buuuut, are you aware that this scenario is basically the premise of the whole Mad Max series according to director Miller?

You mention the oil field being hit, that's exactly what happens in Mad Max, except in the late '70 early '80 there were no alternatives to gasoline and that's what causes the whole society collapse, while here alternative sources are present, which may still result in a Mad Max-lite, especially in developing (or unveloping?) countries. Now I see not only India (or much of it) as Terra Nullis, but the whole of Arabia, with Iran trying to re-estabilish itself as a dominant power (a new Persian empire) but failing, expending all of its remaining resources and eventually falling as well. Forget Mecca Citystate, think of it as Immortan Joe's fortress, with the 72 virgins instead of Walhalla and Medina as Bullet Farm.

If Jerusalem's also been hit in the second conflict, I'd expect all right-wing religious people in the West going nuts thinking the Apocalypse has come, doing all sorts of stupid things like Wako on steroids and eventually being gunned down to the general public's collective relief.
Can't even imagine what happens next.
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The three modern US states of Quebec, Laurentia, and Gaspe all have their origins in the earliest days of the American Revolution. The institution of the Quebec Act by the British colonial government was reviled for its suppression of Catholicism, mandatory use of English, and a requirement for an oath of fealty to the British crown - factors that would eventually put the Quebecois in league with the Thirteen Colonies once tensions boiled over and the Revolution began. In Quebec, the revolution was brutally suppressed and nearly crushed, and only the expedition of Benedict Arnold into Montreal and Quebec City saved the "Patriotes" from complete wipeout at the redcoats' hands, though at the cost of Arnold's life. Still, his legacy and heroism would be remembered as the "Republic of Quebec" was established, though it would be a short-lived one, lasting three full years before it applied for annexation into the fledgling United States of America - which, of course, was accepted. The Anglophone Protestant patriot had seen the blood of his Francophone Catholic brother-in-arms and recognized it as his own, setting the course for what would become a more perfect union.

Later on in the 1800s, as the War of 1812 raged and more slave states began to enter the Union, Quebec activated a trick up its sleeve to maintain the balance - creating two new states from itself, which would become known as Laurentia and Gaspe, to boost the number of congressmen representing free states in both houses. All three, would, of course, remain loyal to the Union during the Civil War and WWI, raising multiple units to beat the Southern traitors into submission. Troops from Quebec, Laurentia, and Gaspe would also play important roles in every conflict America involved itself in since, including the climactic Third World War (1939-1947) that reshaped the balance of power in the world as it is known today.

In modern times, the three states of the former Republic of Quebec are often considered to be the heartland of the French language in the US, contrasting sharply with their mostly-Anglophone neighbors just a skip away - the State of Quebec is notable for being the only state in the Union where French is the sole official language. Things such as poutine, ice hockey, the famous Quebecois comedies, and countless films and festivals have, among others, become icons of their culture, one derived from its ancient New France roots yet very much unique in its own ways. Though very much tied to their Catholic heritage with some of the largest percentages of followers of that faith, things have changed aplenty since the days of the 1960s, all amidst an era of unparalleled social and economic development for these states. Quebec in particular wields unrivaled political influence in its corner of the Union, being the home state of no less than three presidents - Louis-Joseph Papineau, Wilfrid Laurier, and Pierre Elliott Trudeau, all of whom played prominent roles in the nation's history.

From my super-Ameriwank timeline, A More Perfect Union

gens du pays.png
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Some fanmail towards @Rubberduck3y6.

For some reason I have an unhealthy obsession with their Timezone ISOTs so I did my own version of them, currently up to UTC +3:30.

also i wanted to show off my traced over worlda


The infestation of the Martian Red Weed on the European Continent is considered an ecological disaster for the affected nations. The weed has overtaken areas of heavy martian attacks, such as cities, and has rapidly taken over much of the countryside. The waters around the British Isles have been clogged with the waterborne variation of the weed. Through the water, it has infected parts of France and Belgium. A large quarantine has been set up to try and keep the plant from choking out the native ecosystems that it is encroaching on.
The Red Weed can grow up to 6 feet tall on land or 6 feet across in water. It is edible, though it has to be specially cooked to remove the metallic taste from the plant. Through this it has found its way into the British Diet as a variety of dishes. This includes Martian Stew (Pre-Cooked Red Weed, Meat, Vegetables), Red Weed Bread (Dried Pre-Cooked Red Weed, yeast), and The Labourer's Lunch (A sandwich with Red Weed and meat).
The agenda of His Majesty Arthur II and the cabinet of Prime Minister Henry Esson Young (Conservative) is to fully reverse engineer the remaining Martian technology for the glory of the British Empire (though mostly with a focus of retaking some rebellious colonies.) The spread of the Martian Red Weed is of a lesser priority of the government based in British Columbia. Instead, the Governor-General of the British Isles, Arthur Henderson (Labour), has to deal with the rapid spread of the invasive plant species and how to deal with it. Governor-General Henderson has been working closely with the other affected nations of France, Belgium, and Spain. The Henderson Administration has been telling British citizens to cut down the plant where they can, pull out the roots, and eat what they can manage. The Ministry of National Recovery puts out propaganda and recipe books relating to the plant. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Scientific Study is attempting to find a way to possibly cultivate a less troublesome variant (usually dubbed the Terran Red Weed) for consumption even after the wild variant has been eradicated. Not all is well on the Isles. The German Empire seizing the opportunity to weaken the remains of the British Empire. Irish and Scottish Nationalists have been gathering to finally throw-off the British yoke permanently. Socialist and Communists led by Herbert Wells are starting to mobilize in the most heavily affected regions. What will become of this none can fully say.
The infestation of the Martian Red Weed on the European Continent is considered an ecological disaster for the affected nations. The weed has overtaken areas of heavy martian attacks, such as cities, and has rapidly taken over much of the countryside. The waters around the British Isles have been clogged with the waterborne variation of the weed. Through the water, it has infected parts of France and Belgium. A large quarantine has been set up to try and keep the plant from choking out the native ecosystems that it is encroaching on.
The Red Weed can grow up to 6 feet tall on land or 6 feet across in water. It is edible, though it has to be specially cooked to remove the metallic taste from the plant. Through this it has found its way into the British Diet as a variety of dishes. This includes Martian Stew (Pre-Cooked Red Weed, Meat, Vegetables), Red Weed Bread (Dried Pre-Cooked Red Weed, yeast), and The Labourer's Lunch (A sandwich with Red Weed and meat).
The agenda of His Majesty Arthur II and the cabinet of Prime Minister Henry Esson Young (Conservative) is to fully reverse engineer the remaining Martian technology for the glory of the British Empire (though mostly with a focus of retaking some rebellious colonies.) The spread of the Martian Red Weed is of a lesser priority of the government based in British Columbia. Instead, the Governor-General of the British Isles, Arthur Henderson (Labour), has to deal with the rapid spread of the invasive plant species and how to deal with it. Governor-General Henderson has been working closely with the other affected nations of France, Belgium, and Spain. The Henderson Administration has been telling British citizens to cut down the plant where they can, pull out the roots, and eat what they can manage. The Ministry of National Recovery puts out propaganda and recipe books relating to the plant. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Scientific Study is attempting to find a way to possibly cultivate a less troublesome variant (usually dubbed the Terran Red Weed) for consumption even after the wild variant has been eradicated. Not all is well on the Isles. The German Empire seizing the opportunity to weaken the remains of the British Empire. Irish and Scottish Nationalists have been gathering to finally throw-off the British yoke permanently. Socialist and Communists led by Herbert Wells are starting to mobilize in the most heavily affected regions. What will become of this none can fully say.
When I saw the words Red Weed I thought, this has to be War of the Words related
The three modern US states of Quebec, Laurentia, and Gaspe all have their origins in the earliest days of the American Revolution. The institution of the Quebec Act by the British colonial government was reviled for its suppression of Catholicism, mandatory use of English, and a requirement for an oath of fealty to the British crown - factors that would eventually put the Quebecois in league with the Thirteen Colonies once tensions boiled over and the Revolution began. In Quebec, the revolution was brutally suppressed and nearly crushed, and only the expedition of Benedict Arnold into Montreal and Quebec City saved the "Patriotes" from complete wipeout at the redcoats' hands, though at the cost of Arnold's life. Still, his legacy and heroism would be remembered as the "Republic of Quebec" was established, though it would be a short-lived one, lasting three full years before it applied for annexation into the fledgling United States of America - which, of course, was accepted. The Anglophone Protestant patriot had seen the blood of his Francophone Catholic brother-in-arms and recognized it as his own, setting the course for what would become a more perfect union.

Later on in the 1800s, as the War of 1812 raged and more slave states began to enter the Union, Quebec activated a trick up its sleeve to maintain the balance - creating two new states from itself, which would become known as Laurentia and Gaspe, to boost the number of congressmen representing free states in both houses. All three, would, of course, remain loyal to the Union during the Civil War and WWI, raising multiple units to beat the Southern traitors into submission. Troops from Quebec, Laurentia, and Gaspe would also play important roles in every conflict America involved itself in since, including the climactic Third World War (1939-1947) that reshaped the balance of power in the world as it is known today.

In modern times, the three states of the former Republic of Quebec are often considered to be the heartland of the French language in the US, contrasting sharply with their mostly-Anglophone neighbors just a skip away - the State of Quebec is notable for being the only state in the Union where French is the sole official language. Things such as poutine, ice hockey, the famous Quebecois comedies, and countless films and festivals have, among others, become icons of their culture, one derived from its ancient New France roots yet very much unique in its own ways. Though very much tied to their Catholic heritage with some of the largest percentages of followers of that faith, things have changed aplenty since the days of the 1960s, all amidst an era of unparalleled social and economic development for these states. Quebec in particular wields unrivaled political influence in its corner of the Union, being the home state of no less than three presidents - Louis-Joseph Papineau, Wilfrid Laurier, and Pierre Elliott Trudeau, all of whom played prominent roles in the nation's history.

From my super-Ameriwank timeline, A More Perfect Union

View attachment 774472
Got a link to this TL or not posted yet?
The infestation of the Martian Red Weed on the European Continent is considered an ecological disaster for the affected nations. The weed has overtaken areas of heavy martian attacks, such as cities, and has rapidly taken over much of the countryside. The waters around the British Isles have been clogged with the waterborne variation of the weed. Through the water, it has infected parts of France and Belgium. A large quarantine has been set up to try and keep the plant from choking out the native ecosystems that it is encroaching on.
The Red Weed can grow up to 6 feet tall on land or 6 feet across in water. It is edible, though it has to be specially cooked to remove the metallic taste from the plant. Through this it has found its way into the British Diet as a variety of dishes. This includes Martian Stew (Pre-Cooked Red Weed, Meat, Vegetables), Red Weed Bread (Dried Pre-Cooked Red Weed, yeast), and The Labourer's Lunch (A sandwich with Red Weed and meat).
The agenda of His Majesty Arthur II and the cabinet of Prime Minister Henry Esson Young (Conservative) is to fully reverse engineer the remaining Martian technology for the glory of the British Empire (though mostly with a focus of retaking some rebellious colonies.) The spread of the Martian Red Weed is of a lesser priority of the government based in British Columbia. Instead, the Governor-General of the British Isles, Arthur Henderson (Labour), has to deal with the rapid spread of the invasive plant species and how to deal with it. Governor-General Henderson has been working closely with the other affected nations of France, Belgium, and Spain. The Henderson Administration has been telling British citizens to cut down the plant where they can, pull out the roots, and eat what they can manage. The Ministry of National Recovery puts out propaganda and recipe books relating to the plant. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Scientific Study is attempting to find a way to possibly cultivate a less troublesome variant (usually dubbed the Terran Red Weed) for consumption even after the wild variant has been eradicated. Not all is well on the Isles. The German Empire seizing the opportunity to weaken the remains of the British Empire. Irish and Scottish Nationalists have been gathering to finally throw-off the British yoke permanently. Socialist and Communists led by Herbert Wells are starting to mobilize in the most heavily affected regions. What will become of this none can fully say.
I pressume, Germany wasn´t affected by invasion... what about rest of the world outside of western Europe?
By the way does anyone know how was rest of the world in the book, if ever mentioned?
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