Map Thread XX

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Crosspost from my ongoing TL, The Pale Horse: The Northwest Montana Insurgency and its Aftermath (1987-2002)

Looks interesting!
Germany. The outer borders are not so much different from OTL, but still there are some differencies...


After World War II, the allies decided to draw the new German-Polish border not on the Oder-Neiße-line, but along the Bober river in the south (instead of the area near the Czechoslovak border, where the border turns southwest-wards - along the border between the Silesian counties of Löwenberg and Hirschberg), on the borders between the Prussian duchies of West- and East Sternberg and between the Königsberg/Neumark-county in the west and both Landsberg- and Soldin-counties in the east, as well as between the Pomeranian duchies of Greifenhagen in the west and Pyritz in the east, (while the area of Neumark, Mühlenbeck and the shore of the lake Madüe from the Greifenhagen-county will be ceded to Poland) as well as finally between Stettin(-Altdamm) and the Naugard-county, with addition of Lübzin (belonging to the Naugard-county) remaining German. Further the new German-Polish border is drawn on the island of Wollin, at the narrowest point between Swinemünde-Ostswine and Misdroy-Liebeseele.
This includes the following cities and towns east of the OTL Oder-Neiße line being kept by Germany (only places with a population above 10.000 are listed - populations as of December 31st, 2009):
Swinemüne - 40.749
Pölitz - 51.052
Stettin - 419.435
Küstrin - 25.760
Guben - 43.679
Sommerfeld - 13.304
Forst - 25.364
Sorau - 29.280
Kohlfurt - 10.290
Penzig - 10.004
Görlitz - 88.376
Lauban - 19.273
There are also parts of Sagan, Sprottau and Bunzlau, all on the left bank of the Bober river, but these have a population under 10.000.

Please also note, that all of German-speaking Luxemburg (including Arel) became part of Prussia in the early 1830s after an agreement with the Netherlands, plus - after World War I - the border to Denmark has been drawn after the Tiedje-line, instead of the Clausen-line and all German-speaking areas of Eupen-Malmedy remained German after World War I.

The allies also decided to draw the borders between the occupation zones a bit differently, as well as these of the states (Länder). Schleswig-Holstein gets the former Mecklenburgian county of Ratzeburg. Lower Saxony has been formed by the former Prussian province of Hanover, the city of Bremen (which became the capital of Lower Saxony), the state of Oldenburg and the state of Brunswick, instead of the area north of Helmstedt, including Wolfsburg - this area, now a part of the Soviet controlled east, from 1949 on became a restricted military area, almost all the population had to leave this place. Wolfsburg itself including the industries have been mostly demolished and then got left to itself. Also the Lower Saxons had to abdicate the Braunlage-Walkenried part of former Brunswick state (which stayed West German in OTL) because it was given to the Soviet occupation zone.
Westphalia-Lower Rhine (Westfalen-Niederrhein) have been formed by the Prussian province of Westphalia and the northern half of the Rhine Province, the state of Lippe, both parts of Schaumburg and the northwestern half of former Waldeck. The Brits decided to choose Dortmund as a state's capital.
Without France being part of the occupators, the Americans could realize their dream of a "Greater Hesse" - but with minor border corrections with the Soviet occupied Thuringia, also the Americans allowed the Franconians an own state, which also got the formerly Thuringian Heldburg and Sonneberg. Because there could not appear an agreement about if Nuremberg (Nürnberg) or Würzburg should be the capital of the new state, the US helped on the decision and it was agreed, that Bamberg gets the capital status, although being quiet smaller than either Nuremberg or Würzburg.
Rhineland-Palatinate has very soon renamed to Moselland-Palatinate (Moselland-Pfalz), because the rhine is firstly just partly a part of the state and secondly when, mostly just on the border of the state, while the Mosel river is a significant part of the state. Also the capital has been removed from Coblence (Koblenz) to Trier in the early 1950s. Baden can keep its status as an own state and Württemberg(-Hohenzollern) gets the formely Bavarian district of (Upper-) Swabia and can form their southwest-state. For this, Ulm has been reunified after centuries (Württembergian Ulm and Bavarian Neu-Ulm) and became the capital of the new state. Bavaria, now reduced to its main linguistic unity is now renamed from Bayern to Baiern in German.

Here are the official abbreviations and capitals of the German federal states (Bundesländer):

SH - Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel)
MV - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Schwerin)
NI - Niedersachsen (Bremen)
SA - Sachsen-Anhalt (Magdeburg)
BB - Brandenburg (Potsdam)
WN - Westfalen-Niederrhein (Dortmund)
MP - Moselland-Pfalz (Trier)
HE - Hessen (Frankfurt/Main)
TH - Thüringen (Erfurt)
SN - Sachsen (Dresden)
LZ - Lausitz (Cottbus)
FR - Franken (Bamberg)
BA - Baden (Karlsruhe)
SW - Schwaben (Ulm)
BI - Baiern (München)
Berlin and Hamburg are Federal Cities (Bundesstädte) and include only one municipality each.

And yes, the birth rate has been a bit higher than in OTL, so that Germany has that number of inhabitants in this TL.
Still on a Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire kick. Hammered out this ending map for a fanfiction series over on ArchiveOfOurOwn. It is The North Remembers which is three fics about Sansa Stark changing the timeline of events by willfully wedding Tyrion and using her position as a Lannister to her advantage. A fairly feel good series that concludes in a bit of an "everyone is happy" fashion.

The major plot points for those who don't care about spoilers for such a series of fairly short fics is that Sansa and Tyrion are placed in charge of securing the North by Tywin, and by the series end, the Seven Kingdoms remain unified under House Baratheon, the Night King (called here the Winter's King) is defeated, the Wall was melted into a magical two-way flowing river called the Jojen River, and the Night's Watch controls the only crossing of said river where the two currents meet. Meanwhile Daenerys is kind of just... nowhere to be seen. Varys and Tyrion never flee to Essos, and the reign of the Baratheon's is consolidated under kind and fair rulership, so it's likely that Varys simply cut off support to Dany, resulting in her remaining in Essos for several more years, possibly building an empire off-screen.

I did take some artistic liberties with the ending Houses. Namely, I had some of them change their House sigils and House words to better reflect their new statuses given that the current political situation has been stable for a decade and a half by the conclusion.

In the fic, the Great Houses by the end are as follows (Anything in red is entirely my imaginings):

House Baratheon of King's Landing, which is headed by King Briar Baratheon, First of His Name, son of the late Joffrey Baratheon and Queen Mother Margaery. Betrothed and soon to be wedded to Jaime Lannister, daughter of Tyrion Lannister. As the primary heirs of Robert Baratheon (as history has long since forgotten the baseless accusations of Stannis and his supporters) they have made use of the words Ours is the Fury, showcasing their rule by might and using the recent bloody history of Westeros to intimidate enemies. King Briar is currently without issue.

House Lannister of Winterfell, a powerful house headed by Lord Paramount Tyrion Lannister and his co-ruler and wife Sansa Lannister. As a cadet branch of House Lannister, some refer to them as House Winterlann. The Warden and Wardeness of the North have 5 issue: Eddard Lannister ♂, Jaime Lannister ♀, Lyanna Lannister ♀, Bran Lannister ♂, and Nymeria Lannister ♀. The words of the House were changed following the defeat of the White Walkers at the War of the Wall to The North Remembers.

House Baratheon of the Eyrie, headed by Lord Paramount Tommen Baratheon and his wife (and knight) Arya Baratheon. Tommen, a major lover of history and compassionate towards the people of the Vale, changed the House sigil to the colors of the now extinct House Arryn of the Eyrie, who were slain by the Bolton Invasion years ago prior to Tommen's appointment as Lord of the Eyrie. Additionally, Tommen distaste for violence had him further honor the former House and alter his cadet branch's words to Ours is the Honor.

House Tully of Riverrun, headed by Lord Paramount Edmure Tully. Restored to power after Brynden Blackfish seized control of the Twins. Edmure has one known issue, sex unknown.

House Greyjoy of Pyke, a house now headed by Lord Reaper Theon Greyjoy. True power over the Iron Islands lies with his sister Asha Greyjoy, whose children serve as Theon's heirs given that he is unwed and a eunuch. He was spared by Sansa Lannister to serve as an example of how betrayal is answered by the Wardens of the North.
Theon has remained a loyal vassal and enabled Asha to institute many reforms.

House Lannister of Casterly Rock, headed by Lord Paramount Jaime Lannister, formerly a knight of the Kingsguard before his dismissal. As part of the pact that ended the rebellion of Stannis Baratheon's supporters, Jaime wed Stannis' widow Selyse. They have one issue, a boy, name unknown.

House Tyrell of Highgarden, headed by the Knight of Flowers, Lord Paramount Loras Tyrell, though power is greatly centralized in his wife Cersei Tyrell, twin of Jaime Lannister.

House Stark of Storm's End, headed by the only remaining (landed) male heir of the Stark line, Lord Paramount Rickon Stark. As part of the peace between the forces of Stannis Baratheon and the Iron Throne, his daughter Shireen, whom Stannis tried to religiously sacrifice, was wed to Rickon, ensuring the loyalty and stability of the Stormlands. The Black Wolf and the Grey Doe, they are sometimes called. With his own direwolf Shaggydog being of black fur,
Rickon and Shireen had the sigil of House Stark altered to Baratheon colors to show their embrace of the House's new seat. Additionally, with concerns over invasion by the growing Tagaryen Free Hold, a return of the White Walkers, and other threats, the altered words of the House (The Storm is Coming) remain as a warning of hard times to come.

House Martell of Sunspear, is officially headed by Trystane Martell and Myrcella Martell, sister to the later King Joffrey. A great deal of power is held by Trystane's uncle Oberyn, who remains a member of the small council and a lover of Queen Mother Margaery.

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It's been a while since I've done one from this place.

The year is roughly 2000 BE (Before the Empire). This is the nadir of the Age of Bronze of the continent of Ovaicaea, and the dawn of the Age of Iron.
In the aftermath of a new warm period starting 11,000 years ago, and the extirpation of the race of giants due to the coming of the dragons, the dwarven race was at last able to leave its cave refuges and begin expanding into the Dorath Highlands the Ucral Plateau, as well as the fertile rivers south and west of the Tethar Mountains. At the same time, the western elves diversified and spread across several river valleys and coasts, creating the first settled farming cultures. Finally, human tribes arrived from across the sea onto the southern shores. These three co-mingled near the close of the Ages of Stone.

After the invention of bronze smelting by the dwarves, these races developed influential civilizations in the rivers and fertile lands of the south. Gradually the north saw the emergence of potent gnomish and elven kingdoms, but the extent to which they developed civilization independently, or adopted it from prolonged trade contact with the civilizations of the south, will remain a mystery. These northern kingdoms became absolutely essential, however, as producers of tin, which was exported south along extensive trade routes. These long supply lines and an overreliance on bronze, however, made the southern civilizations particularly vulnerable...

Bronze Age.png
Just have them beat each other up at the podium outside the Capitol. Whoever knocks the other out is president. Far less messy than a war.
Better to have them play The Price is Right but with shit like groceries and life necessities. That way the one who's most in touch with the general population wins and you can't get someone like Mitt Romney.
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