Map Thread XX

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Firstly, you notice that upon Tywin’s death everything didn’t fall apart in the Westerlands. No one was rebelling or uprising because there was more than just fear of Tywin himself. We’re talking about the smallfolk here. Tywin’s schemes fell apart, his own dominion did not. We rarely ever get a view of the smallfolk period. Many want to be left alone, but several times characters are asked who they fight for and its clear that the wrong answer could mean a negative reaction.

And guest right is literally a sacred ancient tradition that is believed will bring divine retribution if broken. It’s a huge deal, especially to more superstitious smallfolk. Meanwhile, we don’t know how widely known Lady Hornwood’s cause of death is, and his hunts are a secret. Roose was very clear about keeping things “quiet” and hidden. He resents Ramsay whenever he is loud and lacking in discretion. The hunts occurred on noble land with only Ramsay and his Bastard Boys around, well and Reek being there too.

Also Roose maintains his right of firsts discretely. People fear him, but his reign has bee calm. He didn’t barge in and murder everyone openly, he went to the miller and hung him to be found later. And then the woman he raped turned out to be a real psycho and raised Ramsay to believe he deserved to be lord and never spoke of his conception.

Furthermore, the Boltons are old. Ancient, even, and have ruled the land for centuries. Far as we can tell, since they’re rebellion was out down, they have been decent rulers, with good harvests, large armies, and low crime. Roose is pretty sadistic but even his son was beloved as a gentle and compassionate man, and this wasn’t noted as highly anomalous, implying there have been good Boltons and bad over the years. Ramsay will likely have his bastard status used as a scapegoat too.

I just feel you’re overestimating that the status of a House that is thousands of years old can be so utterly destroyed as to have no loyalists alive at all within one lifetime.
House Blackfyre took their name from a sword so maybe House Longclaw?
I'd second House Longclaw for a name, but I'm not sure which sort of symbol would be best. A dragon would carry water with Targaryan supporters but not many otherwise while an inverted Stark direwolf would honor at least implicitly the cries of bastardry that tormented Jon for his entire life. It's a puzzle 🤔 maybe a stylized weirwood face to honor the Old Gods?
Welcome to Cuba. This 1956 poster made by the Ministry of Tourism advertises German Cuba as the ideal holiday destination.

Beginning in the 1920's, Cuba's reputation as "the island of sun, sand, and sin" would develop. The postwar economic boom and the ballooning market for commodities such as sugar transformed Cuba from a backwater former Spanish colony into a highly-developed center for tourism and industry. Germany invested billions of marks into Cuba's infrastructure and agricultural sector. It was Berlin's intention to establish an unrivaled monopoly over the sugar market, by closely interlinking Cuba with the world economy and maximizing production. It was a successful strategy: Cuban sugar exports more than tripled within five years, and thanks to the price controls established by the Deutsches Zuckeramt (German Sugar Board), profits skyrocketed. This quickly led to the rise of a Havana-based elite of German sugar producers and landowners, which not only dominated local politics but also birthed Cuba's notorious leisure industry.

By 1924, 89 cents out of every dollar made in Cuba went into the pockets of the German sugar cartel. This overwhelming concentration of wealth led to the construction of hotels, beerhalls, dance rooms, cabarets, theaters, and other venues of entertainment. Most importantly, however, were the casinos and gambling houses. Officially illegal under German law, local authorities turned a blind eye as long as they got a share of the pot. It was here that the most famous gangsters of the time made their money. Meyer Lansky, Benjamin Siegel, Arnold Rothstein, and a number of other criminal bosses known as "the Jewish Cabal" based their operations in Havana, and acquired significant political power in the process, establishing Cuba's reputation as an exotic tropical paradise of crime and vice. Mobster violence became common, as was political corruption and the proliferation of indecent entertainment. By the late 1920's, the power of the Jewish Cabal reached its peak.
Interesting scenario. How’d Cuba manage to become a German colony in the first place?
Interesting scenario. How’d Cuba manage to become a German colony in the first place?
CP victory scenario, in which Germany attacks the US mainland. Cuba, as an American puppet, was treated like a colony rather than an independent nation.
I've made progress on my ASOIAF project. Boy oh boy, I wonder what could be happening....







I'd second House Longclaw for a name, but I'm not sure which sort of symbol would be best. A dragon would carry water with Targaryan supporters but not many otherwise while an inverted Stark direwolf would honor at least implicitly the cries of bastardry that tormented Jon for his entire life. It's a puzzle 🤔 maybe a stylized weirwood face to honor the Old Gods?
You could have a white raven on a black background, to represent Jon's service with the Night's Watch and his status as the "outsider," not fully belonging among the Starks or the Watch.
What is happening in White Harbor?

Hmmmmm... 🤔


Basic elements:
This Pokémon region has banned Pokéballs and industrial breeding after some truly awful history, Batisques/Kiloude City is shown on this map as part of Agathos but is occupied with no obvious intent to hand it back by Kalos, this is sort of a de jure map if you will.
Réserve Naturelle is roughly between a National Park and a military-protected conservation program, Châteauchêne is the seat of the Rangers.
Electric blue is for National Routes, night blue is for other roads of importance, the small mauve-ish tracks are relevant pathways.
The gray area from Port-en-Saphir to Royalaise is one big metropolis called the Sapphire Shores.
I'm conflicted between having the de facto capital be Gasquande or Metrociutat, I feel like it'd be either to give Metrociutat a distinct vibe without having it be the Capital but also it would make more sense geographically (it's closer to the big population center and right at the meeting point between the big Canal and the river).
I was too lazy to add markers for the areas of interest but they include a geothermical power plant South of Puylimagne, a burnt down thermal station that was the seat of the Junta, representing the Vichy bath station, a huge mine in the mountains near Flussates, and the Coral reef near Curaglia.
In general this region has heavier themes than the anime and game, but it's probably not gonna go in the same path as the manga in terms of how to treat violence I guess?

Separation of Kalos to avoid participation in war, hastily formed unstable government.
Coup d'etat by a group of industrialists and merchants, they use Pokémon as resources and are generally authoritarian (poaching, smuggling, ...) (~ 2 generations)
Revolt and civil war, Kalos invades Batisques in chaos in exchange for aid against the dictatorship The dictatorship is overthrown, the government proclaims the release of the Pokémon and bans all forms of captivity (including intensive farms that do not have a conservation objective and Pokéballs)
A process of cooperation is launched with Kalos to rebuild the region (~ one generation), an organization against cooperation with Kalos is being set up (underground)
Among the cooperative projects set up after the reconstruction, a student exchange leads a student from Kalos to participate in the Pokemon Encyclopedia project in the region, in order to establish which species are extinct, which species have persisted, where they live, how their behaviors have changed.

So I'm not gonna develop a video game anytime soon it's just like, I've had a few ideas. First the protagonist would be an exchange student from Kalos, thus explaining why they are so unfamiliar with the way this society works. The introduction scene would be the protagonist getting off the High Speed Train to Kiloude/Batisques and getting searched by the checkpoint person to make sure they don't have Pokéballs and other forbidden stuff, and getting in the car with on her of research partners.
Maybe at some point when the player has proven they're trustworthy they could be awarded by the Rangers the honor and priviledge of receiving a Capture Styler and being allowed unsupervised into the Réserve. That'd be probably be made a huuuuuuuuuge deal of, and would allow the player to use the equivalent of the Poké Ride.
One thing I'd find interesting is having the Kalos cooperation manifest in the presence of advanced renewables (as displayed in X&Y) when the rest of the region is rather ... backwards, and having a bunch of Kalos brands in big cities to make the two regions feel connected by other things than lore.
To tame Pokémons, you'd have to interact with them in a way that corresponds to the Nature and species of your encounter (for example for Fight type Pokémons and Brave Pokémons it'd make sense to earn their respect by defeating them and then healing them, proving yourself a worthy and honorable opponent)

Feel free to ask any questions of course. I'm sorry all the names are in French but I was soooooo eager to share this map I couldn't be bothered to wait two more hours to find a good translation with etymological sense for all the locations.
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Basic elements:
This Pokémon region has banned Pokéballs and industrial breeding after some truly awful history, Batisques/Kiloude City is shown on this map as part of Agathos but is occupied with no obvious intent to hand it back by Kalos, this is sort of a de jure map if you will.
Réserve Naturelle is roughly between a National Park and a military-protected conservation program, Châteauchêne is the seat of the Rangers.
Electric blue is for National Routes, night blue is for other roads of importance, the small mauve-ish tracks are relevant pathways.
The gray area from Port-en-Saphir to Royalaise is one big metropolis called the Sapphire Shores.
I'm conflicted between having the de facto capital be Gasquande or Metrociutat, I feel like it'd be either to give Metrociutat a distinct vibe without having it be the Capital but also it would make more sense geographically (it's closer to the big population center and right at the meeting point between the big Canal and the river).
I was too lazy to add markers for the areas of interest but they include a geothermical power plant South of Puylimagne, a burnt down thermal station that was the seat of the Junta, representing the Vichy bath station, a huge mine in the mountains near Flussates, and the Coral reef near Curaglia.
In general this region has heavier themes than the anime and game, but it doesn't veer in the same grimdark as the manga does.

Separation of Kalos to avoid participation in war, hastily formed unstable government.
Coup d'etat by a group of industrialists and merchants, they use Pokémon as resources and are generally authoritarian (poaching, smuggling, ...) (~ 2 generations)
Revolt and civil war, Kalos invades Batisques in chaos in exchange for aid against the dictatorship The dictatorship is overthrown, the government proclaims the release of the Pokémon and bans all forms of captivity (including intensive farms that do not have a conservation objective and Pokéballs)
A process of cooperation is launched with Kalos to rebuild the region (~ one generation), an organization against cooperation with Kalos is being set up (underground)
Among the cooperative projects set up after the reconstruction, a student exchange leads a student from Kalos to participate in the Pokemon Encyclopedia project in the region, in order to establish which species are extinct, which species have persisted, where they live, how their behaviors have changed.

So I'm not gonna develop a video game anytime soon it's just like, I've had a few ideas. First the protagonist would be an exchange student from Kalos, thus explaining why they are so unfamiliar with the way this society works. The introduction scene would be the protagonist getting off the High Speed Train to Kiloude/Batisques and getting searched by the checkpoint person to make sure they don't have Pokéballs and other forbidden stuff, and getting in the car with on her of research partners.
Maybe at some point when the player has proven they're trustworthy they could be awarded by the Rangers the honor and priviledge of receiving a Capture Styler and being allowed unsupervised into the Réserve. That'd be probably be made a huuuuuuuuuge deal of, and would allow the player to use the equivalent of the Poké Ride.
One thing I'd find interesting is having the Kalos cooperation manifest in the presence of advanced renewables (as displayed in X&Y) when the rest of the region is rather ... backwards, and having a bunch of Kalos brands in big cities to make the two regions feel connected by other things than lore.
To tame Pokémons, you'd have to interact with them in a way that corresponds to the Nature and species of your encounter (for example for Fight type Pokémons and Brave Pokémons it'd make sense to earn their respect by defeating them and then healing them, proving yourself a worthy and honorable opponent)

Feel free to ask any questions of course. I'm sorry all the names are in French but I was soooooo eager to share this map I couldn't be bothered to wait two more hours to find a good translation with etymological sense for all the locations.
Metrociutat would be a more logical captal, as it is not literally right across a river from a not-exactly-friendly foreign power. Also, as a fan of the Pokémon Adventures manga, it is not anything close to being “grimdark”, outside of maybe the X and Y arc.
Metrociutat would be a more logical captal, as it is not literally right across a river from a not-exactly-friendly foreign power. Also, as a fan of the Pokémon Adventures manga, it is not anything close to being “grimdark”, outside of maybe the X and Y arc.
Yeah I agree, I just gotta make an actual effort to make Gasquande hold on its own.
And, yes, grimdark is not the right term. I just have the tendency to have unwanted gore images stick in my head so that's the first things that came back to my head. Corrected the original post.
Metrociutat ? Is it where Megamind lives ?
I wanted to emphasize just how big it is and insist on the Occitania part, plus it's a condensed version of several towns. I couldn't remember where "Metrocity" came from as a name, so I guess you better watch out or Megapensar could attack you and everyone you love.
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