Map Thread XX

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Map of my chronology The Sun of Rocroi- A better Grand Condé . I had made an old version on the old thread that I have now corrected.
In this chronology the discrepancies appeared at the birth of Condé, the "Thirty Years War" diverged very quickly from our reality.
The war ended in 1643 after a better exploited victory of Condé after Rocroi. I enumerate the different divergences below.
-France obtained the totality of the Spanish Netherlands after the conquest of Condé.
-Sweden controlled the whole of Pomerania as well as the city of Bremen and the trade on the river Weser.
-Denmark kept control over Bremen Verden at the end of the conflict.
-Hesse is unified under Hesse-Darmstadt, an ally of the Habsburgs.
-The Rhine Palatinate was under the control of the Wittelsbachs of Bavaria.
-The Wittelsbachs of the Rhine were compensated by a new duchy of Munster.
-Wallenstein (who joined the Protestants during the ITL war) obtained the Duchy of Mecklenburg as well as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
-The Grisons Confederation became the Duchy of Graubünden, led by Georg Jenatsch, an ally of the Habsburgs.

What do you think of my map and my chronology?
Let's see.

Eurasia: Long story short Eurasian Scientific Republic, although it does have some democratic institutions present, is ruled by the Scientific Management Movement (which obviously is not a political party since these are disruptive to an orderly society) or more precisely a narrow clique of bureaucrats on the top of this movement.

Armenia: Think OTL North Korea but with less socialism and more biological and medical metaphors in the propaganda.
The Federal German Empire c.1950
Germany after WW2 during the Cold War where the German monarchy was restored in place of otl's West Germany. This map is part of my larger map where I focus on the outcome of a Third French Empire victory in WW2 where France manages to fight on from North Africa under the leadership of Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon VI) who emerges as the face of French Resistance where he goes on to form a new Third French Empire. In ttl, Petain dies during the battle of France and thus is remembered as a national hero and martyr against the forces of Nazism (ironic don't you think compared to his otl self). In ttl Italy mostly sits out the war consolidating its empire and eventually joins in 1943 on behalf of the allies which ends the war much earlier. Here in ttl, the war ends much faster for Germany, and as a result, the Holocaust and the vile Nazi regime is ended two years earlier than in otl. In ttl, Germany whose population becomes increasingly discontent with Nazi leadership manages to turn against Hitler. Hitler ends up assassinated by a group of conspirators who try to stage a coup, which fails as Himmler manages to rally some of the more fervent Nazi supporters starting a Civil War within Germany as it faces enemies from three fronts. However several monarchists and discontented high ranking officials such as the Imperial Pretender Kronprinz Wilhelm III, Kronprinz of Bavaria Ruprecht of Bavaria, Erwin Rommel, are implicated in the plot. Wilhelm III is captured and tried in a kangaroo court after being tortured by the increasingly unhinged Himmler and executed as a traitor to the Reich Himmler also embarks on a massive purge against German royalty and aristocracy in additition to members of the Church whom he sees as Fifth Column against his regime. This sparks massive outrage within Germany and sees large parts of the army and population defecting to Rommel and von Manstein who had formed an opposition government against Himmler.

France in ttl, is liberated by Napoleon VI and new Grand-Armee from Nazi occupation and is welcomed triumphantly as heroes. In ttl there was no Vichy France with Hitler instead choosing to place France directly under Axis control. France also more strongly resists the Nazis with Napoleon VI and his supporters mounting an effective propaganda apparatus turning French opinion against the Germans. This results in German retaliation against the civilian population which only makes the situation worse. In retribution for France's humiliation, Napoleon VI seizes back Alsace-Lorraine, and some of the 1792 borders in regards to the Rhineland as per the old 1814 Treaty of Paris in addition to annexing the Saarland. He also creates a puppet Rhenish Kingdom under French occupation tying it to the French economy. Within Germany itself, the nation is divided into two with the East being made into a Soviet Satellite while in the West a new Federal German Empire is proclaimed. As a clean break against the Nazi regime, the idea of restoring the German monarchy becomes popular especially after the execution of Wilhelm III which boosts public sympathy for Royal Family. Louis-Ferdnand uses the popularity to thus push for a restoration of the German Empire. Though unlike the Empire of old, its of a more Federal and Parliamentary structure. This plan is supported by Churchill and Britain whom are also more sympathetic to the Monarchist plan. The German nobility and royalty are thus restored to their original titles in the West, while Stalin in response creates a Soviet aligned state. East Germany in ttl is larger because of the war ending much faster and because the Soviets have a smaller iron curtain in ttl.

In keeping with the spirit of a more liberal and federalized Germany, in ttl Kaiser Louis-Ferdinand was offered the Imperial Crown by a new Congress assembled at Frankfurt which became the new seat of government. A new Constitution was created where the Emperor shared more power with the other German royals and nobles with the Chancellor also being answerable to the Reichstag. However while on a cursory glance the monarchy may be seen to be relegated into more ceremonial position as it was in Britain, Kaiser Louis-Ferdinand using the newfound popularity of the Hohenzollern family, manages to assert his role as an executive monarch quite successfully establishing the precedent for the role and authority of the monarch in government and politics. In addition to this, thanks to the support of the army, the Kaiser also enjoys significant behind the scenes influence in legislation as well. In that regard it functions somewhat similarly to Third French Empire under Napoleon VI.


A map of the Federal German Empire itself featuring a picture of Kaiser Louis-Ferdinand, and the new flag.


Province map of the Federal German Empire. The Prussian Kings are labeled as Kings of Westphalia to avoid tensions with the Soviets. Napoleon VI during the allied occupation of Germany also installed a puppet government in the French occupation zone installing Louis-Ferdinand as King of Westphalia. In order to appease the British while also diluting the power of the Hohenzollerns, the old Kingdom of Hanover is also restored as well.
What do you guys think of these maps and this mini tl? I have most of the main map finished, so that will be released sometime soon.
magnifique !
View attachment 595854

Map of my chronology The Sun of Rocroi- A better Grand Condé . I had made an old version on the old thread that I have now corrected.
In this chronology the discrepancies appeared at the birth of Condé, the "Thirty Years War" diverged very quickly from our reality.
The war ended in 1643 after a better exploited victory of Condé after Rocroi. I enumerate the different divergences below.
-France obtained the totality of the Spanish Netherlands after the conquest of Condé.
-Sweden controlled the whole of Pomerania as well as the city of Bremen and the trade on the river Weser.
-Denmark kept control over Bremen Verden at the end of the conflict.
-Hesse is unified under Hesse-Darmstadt, an ally of the Habsburgs.
-The Rhine Palatinate was under the control of the Wittelsbachs of Bavaria.
-The Wittelsbachs of the Rhine were compensated by a new duchy of Munster.
-Wallenstein (who joined the Protestants during the ITL war) obtained the Duchy of Mecklenburg as well as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
-The Grisons Confederation became the Duchy of Graubünden, led by Georg Jenatsch, an ally of the Habsburgs.

What do you think of my map and my chronology?
really good as your tl !
A little something I've been working on, inspired by a map of Reverse Americas Colonisation posted on the thread. But I decided to put my own spin on it. It's still a WIP, but I'm curioius what you all think.
A new age reversed.png
A little something I've been working on, inspired by a map of Reverse Americas Colonisation posted on the thread. But I decided to put my own spin on it. It's still a WIP, but I'm curioius what you all think.View attachment 596104

Melikey! I'm guessing that's *New Lusitania in mid-northern North America? Also, what's up with the light pink entities in Anglo-America, princely state equivalents or reservations?

Series 4 – 2020 No World Wars
Map 4.1 – Worldmap

Vacuity Institute RAV219MEL / Sub-Department of the “Vacuity Galactic and Universal Ministry” of the “United Multiverse Assembly” and the “Supreme Multiuniversal Templar Multiverse-Imperium Assembly”.

### Incoming transmission ###

To Supervisor Martin,

So I have been given the task to catalogue the late quadrillionaire Mr. Harlan inheritance. He made his wealth selling various cultural goods among various parts of the multiverse.
In his long live he’d built a vast collection of artifacts and treasures from large parts of the multiverse. Among his properties are multiple Capsule universes, which he would create with the approval of us or other multiverse organization.
It would take some time to work my way through all his collection and since Mr. Harlan has no relatives. All the Capsule Universes are to be given into the custody of their respective true universes – if they are multiverse aware – or their respective multiverse organization – if they are not aware.

So without further ado, I represent you the first of late Mr. Harlan capsule universes, he labeled it as – 2020 a Word with no world wars.


### End transmission ###

### Start of summary ###
  • Franz Ferdinand did not go to Sarajevo in 1914 and did not get assassinated. Following Emperor Franz Josephs death in 1916 Franz Ferdinand began to implement his reforms for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It would take his whole reign but in the last years of his reign as Emperor Franz Ferdinand finally succeeded in transforming an ailing empire into a modern state where every (well almost every) minority group has a say in the state. Today the United Austrian Empire or the United States of Austria is a modern European state but still the wingman of Berlin.
  • Russia modernized in rapid pace and began to flex its muscles in oversea areas. It was through St. Petersburg (and London) machinations that the Ottoman Empire finally collapsed by 1919. It gained territories in eastern Anatolia up to what would now be called the State of Kurdistan and made Istanbul/Constantinople an independent Free City.
  • But the rapid pace of Russian industrialization and modernization only benefited the elite and resentment started to build among the poor and the working class. All of this bend up anger erupted in the Russian Revolution of 1930 where the Imperial family was overthrown, Poland, Finland and the Caucasus states gained their independence and the Russian people finally gained a representative democracy in the form of the Russian Republic.
  • European colonial empires benefited somewhat from a prolonged European influence. Populations are lower and prosperity higher in the respective countries. Although most African and Asian colonies haven’t shaken off all European influence and Europe still retains territories in Africa and the Americas.
  • Great power rivalry underwent three phases since the start of the 20th century. The first phase was from the 1900 until 1930 and was characterized by mostly direct confrontation between the powers (mostly in Africa, Asia but also in Europe). The Russian Revolution in 1930 but an end to the first phase and lead to a period of détente between the powers. By the time when their colonies started to gain independence (mostly in the late 1960s until early 1980s) the rivalry restarted, but direct confrontation was replaced by confrontation between their former colonies. Bush warfare and replacement wars became common and were supported by their respective “mother” countries, mostly with arms and supplies and sometimes with direct troop contribution.
  • The third phase of great power rivalry started in the early 2010s and is characterized by the addition of new non-European players. India began to assert itself in the Imperial Federation, which begins to unnerve policymakers in London, Ottowa, Canberra and Pretoria. Adding to London’s headache is that Canberra is increasingly taking over operations in Asia and the Pacific and that Pretoria still pursues its apartheid policies.
  • China is emerging from its lost century and is beginning to make sounds about Manchuria, Tibet and Sinkiang which hasn’t amused Moscow, New Delhi and Tokyo. Japan the only non-European power is worried that China, with whom it had a ten year war, is hell bent on revenge for all the sorrow Japanese troops had inflicted on China eighty years ago.
  • America is a great power, in fact it is the largest economic power of the world, but it hasn’t used its power outside of the Americas. America is noted as a benign, isolationist and liberal country. Other great powers often laughed at the small American military (they only maintain a 70.000 men large military – mostly in the navy), but behind their façade they fear American economic power – and Washington knows this.
  • That is not to say that America hasn’t experienced conflict. But by and large it has survived these and built a better union because of them. The American Labor movement is the largest in the world, its civil rights movement is a role model for the still oppressed colonial peoples, American women and minority rights groups (such as LGTBQs, ACLU) have achieved successes that are an inspiration for other similar groups in the world. And it is because of all of them that the average American enjoy free healthcare, free maternity leave, unemployment benefits, marriage rights, 38hour working week and other social and economic rights.
  • Technology level is about the same as OTL 2020. More advanced in medicines, biology and related tech sectors and less advanced in mobile and digital technology (late 2000s / early 2010s tech – flip phones are still a thing). The first moon landing happened in the early 1990s by Germany, quickly followed by the Brits and Russians. The Americans were the fourth power to land on the moon in the late 1990s.
### End of summary ###

Authors note: Welcome to the start of the fourth map/infobox series of Timelines of the Capsule Universes or TLCU.
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I like it, I just wonder how Portugal is able to control so much land with a population less than one million.
I believe if you add up the surface area, this is about the same as Brazil actually.
The population of New France was tiny.

Besides, it was able to control Brazil IOTL.
on top of that, only the coast was really under effective control throughout the colonial period.

EDIT: whoops, seems like that post was redundant. sorry
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I believe if you add up the surface area, this is about the same as Brazil actually.
The population of New France was tiny.

Besides, it was able to control Brazil IOTL.
Except that, IIRC, New France's economy was based on Atlantic fisheries and then fur trade, whilst Brazil had Brazilwood (good for textiles), then sugar cane, then gold and finally coffee. That's not to mention the fact that 90% of Brazil wasn't even properly controlled by the Portuguese. Portugal also had no competition to take Brazil, there are some exceptions here and there but they all failed. Portugal would be better having Brazil just like OTL than choosing whatever loss New France would give.

EDIT: @FancyHat, yes, only the coast was under effective control until the discovery of gold in Minas Gerais, but just the coast as it is was extremely profitable for the amount of effort the Portuguese had to put into controlling it. New France would give them a lot more headaches for lot less money.
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Melikey! I'm guessing that's *New Lusitania in mid-northern North America? Also, what's up with the light pink entities in Anglo-America, princely state equivalents or reservations?

Huh, what a coincidence, I had already picked out the name New Lusitania for Portuguese North America.

As for Anglo-America, yes they are princely state equivalents.

an alternate 2017 with pods from 1890
The strongest powers are basically the United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Newfoundland, Australia, Cape and New Zealand or just the UK, The Russian Republic, the Qing Dynasty, followed by the German Empire, Republic of France and to an extent the Ottoman Sultanate.
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