Map Thread XX

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Doing some brainstorming for a map here. What would the world look like by 2020 if WW1 never happened or ended in a stalemate that resulted in the Status Quo returning?
France would pique a growing and desperate anger not to be able to recover the Alsace Lorraine, which will be more and more German in customs.
Doing some brainstorming for a map here. What would the world look like by 2020 if WW1 never happened or ended in a stalemate that resulted in the Status Quo returning?

Middle East - maybe Ottoman Empire hangs onto Syria and Iraq, Yemen partitioned between North and South, Palestine and Jordan are unified

South Asia - India/Pakistan/Bangladesh could be partitioned differently or not partitioned at all. Maybe more along ethno-linguistic and sectarian lines

East Asia - Korea probably unified, and Japan probably has South Sakhalin and Taiwan. China could just continue having a disastrous twentieth century and not have Xinjiang, Tibet, or Manchuria.

An Asian and Oceanic military alliance to counter the military might of China. Note that Taiwan and Sri Lanka are not there because Taiwan has been de facto annexed by China, and Sri Lanka has aligned itself politically and militarily with China.

My understanding of the key geostrategic chokepoints in every continent (10/ continent, with Asia divided into four units: Western or Persian influenced, Southern, Southeastern and Eastern
Feel like posting some (German centered) maps...

Germany being punished in a smaller way after an alternate WW2, with early Weimar borders shown.


How I would want Germany to look like after WW1, basically just take Luxemburg and very small lands from Belgium, France and wait till Austria Hungary breaks apart, then take lands with German majority or at least plurality (northern Slovenia).


What I consider the maximum and minimum (fully united) case for Weimar Germany.
For the minimum version it would just be all plebiscite regions plus Danzig and Saarland being taken from Germany.
For the maximum version we would actually need a POD shortly before German unification to include Luxemburg to Germany and Lichtenstein to Austria, while later the Allies would not hold any plebiscite after the war. Either Italy doesn't get South Tyrol or screws something up. In case of Pressburg, Ödenburg and Northern Slovenia Germany would just need to pressure these states with maybe a little payment.

Suffice to say both the Kaiserreich and (at least maximum) Weimar Germanies would be an absolute economic and militarily power. I'm not so sure with the alternate post-WW2 Germany, if it's supported after the war and not plundered then it would probably be a bit stronger than OTL.


Also Low Franconian/Low German union (including the Farther Pomerania, German Prussia and French Flanders) because the High German Consonant Shift is for losers. :cool:
(Actually I am wondering how strong this country would be...)

1 - Kingdom of Albania
2 - Kingdom of Bohemia
3 - Republic of Slovakia
4 - Republic of Brittany
5 - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
6 - Kingdom of the Netherlands
7 - Beylik of Tunis
8 - Republic of Saharel
9 - Republic of Algiers
10 - Kingdom of Oran
11 - Sultanate of Morocco.
12 - Republic of the Levant.


This is a project and TL i am working on.....
Here's a new map I've been working on for a while: another cover of The New Order mod for Hearts of Iron IV. This one, however, is a post-epilogue map based on an incomplete/flawed version of the otherwise "good" path for the Reich: the Albert Speer route wherein the "Gang of Four" succeed in turning him into a puppet and properly reform Germany into a democratic powerhouse, undoing decades of Nazism.

While TNO is (in)famous for how "cursed" or horrifying some of the paths and endings can be (with some more subtly disturbing than others), it's not without comparatively better and genuinely sane outcomes. The GO4 scenario is only one of many "good ends," which can range from a spacefaring America to a democratic Imperial Japan, Anarcho-Christian Russia under Alexander Men even "wholesome" variants of the USSR. There's more to the mod than hopeless nightmares or seeing the depths of human savagery, after all. It just might take a bit more effort.

Even though the scenario shown isn't exactly the most upbeat or "best" potential one in TNO, compared to the previous map, it's still far preferable. At any rate, this is a work of fiction. This is not a political or ideological screed. Depiction is not endorsement.

All the same, hope you enjoy this as much as I have in making it!

The DeviantArt version can also be found here.


The New Order: The Mending Continent

As with the Second World War or the preceding Scramble for Africa, Nazi Germany's ignoble presence on the African continent has come and gone. Yet long after the near-conquest of South Africa, and the collapse of Hans Hüttig's warped dreams of empire, the landmass still bears living scars of those dark years. Scars that are healing, undoubtedly, but scars nonetheless.

Understanding this requires turning the clock back to the period leading up to and during the carnage that since been called the South African War and Dschungelkrieg ("Jungle War"). Among the Reichkommisariats straddling the continent, Hüttig's Ostafrika was seen as the most "orthodox" and dedicated among them all, thanks in no small part to its administrator's brutality and zeal. Seeing his fellow Reichskommisars as complacent and decadent, however, he put it upon himself to properly bring the true light of National Socialism to the dark continent, with or without approval from Berlin. The formal establishment of the Afrika-Schild in 1963 was part of this initiative, yet only a step in a greater plan. Even as it proceeded to back Albert Hertzog's clique of Boer nationalists amidst Cape Town's conciliatory compromises with the African National Congress, the former SS commandant quietly staged a coup dethroning his compatriots. Proclaiming himself sovereign of the Großafrikanischer Reichsstaat, he took matters into his own hand and launched an invasion on a civil war-ridden South Africa the following year. With the Reich in the midst of infighting among Adolf Hitler's successors, there were seemingly no reprisals forthcoming.

The ensuing conflict, insofar as it's known, was expected by Hüttig to last a year or so, at most. His armies, however, didn't anticipate the stiff resistance posed by the South Africans, White and Black alike, to speak nothing of OFN reinforcements. These were further supplemented by black operations behind enemy lines, as well as the assassinated Wolfgang Schenck's true legacy: organized and well-developed native insurgents, such as Jonas Savimbi's UNITA. The rogue Reichstaat, nonetheless, proved formidable enough that the war dragged on for years, even after a ceasefire was signed following an American victory at the Zambesi in 1966. It wasn't long after that the cracks in the would-be Führer's regime, by then resembling the Burgundian System pioneered by Heinrich Himmler, spread uncontrollably. No matter how many "degenerates" or "upstart savages" he ordered dead, there was no rest for the increasingly insane overlord. Then in 1968, Jean Schramme's motley group of mercenaries and Congolese collaborators finally had enough, declaring their independence as the State of Katanga. This quickly sparked a chain of events, involving Patrice Lumumba's uprising in Stanleyville, a series of covert activities by CIA and SADF elements, and the butchering of Josef Mengele at the hands of Ugandan militiamen. It wouldn't be until 1971 that the madman was finally put of his misery during one fateful tour of his crumbling empire. Whether it was at the hands of African militants, agents sent from a Germany consolidating under Albert Speer, or even assassins hailing from the Jewish regions of Madagascar, the nightmare was over.

In the years since, much has changed, some for the worst. An orgy of warlordism and near-anarchic chaos ensued in various portions of the continent, which proved to be a boon for the nascent Katanga. The last "Belgian" state in the world following the mad Burgundian purges that preceded the collapse of Himmler's fief in 1982, the mercenaries and corporations that control the country (reinforced by French and Belgian refugees) had found plentiful work in myriad battlefields, their blood money driving a deceptively thriving economy. The remnants of Hüttig's regime didn't die with him, either, especially as Speer's advisors, known as the "Gang of Four" quitely usurped his rule over the Fatherland. Over the 1970s and '80s, German Namibians, militarist supporters of Hermann Göring, and "hardliners" from the Reich itself bolstered the so-called Afrikaner-Abwehrfront's numbers, allowing them to expand beyond Leopoldstadt and Hitlerstadt, all funded with aid from Kōichi Kido's "reformed" Co-Prosperity Sphere. While in South Africa, the victors pondered over what to do with those seen as fifth columns and traitors even as they consolidated reclaimed and conquered territories. In a controversial decision between the ruling United Party and African National Congress as part of the 1976 reforms, it was decided that such groups, including the Anglo-Rhodesians and Afrikaners who sided with Hertzog's quixotic rebellion would be granted special homelands (or "Autonomous Republics") that were nominally self-governing, but in practice glorified penal colonies (with fewer rights than the much more independent Protectorates) in which the vanquished were more often seen as cheap labor. While this led to mass population displacement, and although conditions have improved at least superficially following the tenure of Prime Minister Steven Biko, it's not likely for this policy to change any time soon.

Still, it would be a lie to claim that the landmass is still the "Heart of Darkness." Despite the chaos, the OFN-aligned Congolese Republic and Savimbi's Angola have emerged as beacons of order and prosperity, building upon what their respective peoples had learned from their colonial masters while mending the wounds wrought in the carnage. In what was once Ostafrika, the German-friendly Republic of Tanganyika has maximized connections fostered during the days of Chancellor Helmut Schmidt to emerge as the Zollverein's main presence on the continent, bringing in wealth and infrastructure where little to none existed. Even regional hegemon South Africa, for all its flaws, could claim with pride a sense of moral superiority as a country where Africans of any race or creed could live in peace. Currently under Prime Minister Helen Suzman and the unifying reign of Queen-in-Exile Elizabeth II, it not only serves as a major component within the OFN and New Commonwealth (further bolstered by British immigrants escaping Thatcherite rule), but also as head of the African Customs Union, all the while standing firm against Fascists and extremists alike.

There still remains much left to be done, with each nation finding its own way of dealing with Hüttig's legacy. Despite all setbacks, neither the "State of Mittelafrika" founded by the Afrikaner-Abwehrfront nor more radical "anti-European" states like Cameroon are likely to see the error of their ways for the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, with each passing decade, hope persists that one day, liberty and sanity for all men will prevail. As South Africa's anthem intones:

That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free


For some added trivia, the photo used for Mittelafrika's head of state is an actual one of Ferdinand von Schirach. In real life, he's an accomplished lawyer and author in Germany...and grandson of Hitler Youth leader Baldur von Schirach (who in TNO becomes a rival of Martin Bormann should he win the German Civil War) and great-grandson of Hitler’s official photographer Heinrich Hoffmann. This should give an idea as to who wound up "migrating" to join the Afrikaner-Abwehrfront after the fall of Hüttig's regime.

Robert Denard, also known in OTL simply as Bob Denard, was a French mercenary who was particularly active in Africa, including direct involvement with Katanga in the 1960s alongside Jean Schramme. In TNO, it's not much of a stretch to see him rise to prominent there, until becoming its "President."

Antoine Gizenga, meanwhile was Patrice Lumumba's deputy PM prior to Mobutu Sese Seko's takeover. Still carrying on Lumumba's ideals, he eventually returned from exile and became the Democratic Republic of the Congo's PM in 2006.

Severo Moto in OTL is known as the most notable among Equatorial Guinea's opposition politicians and currently lives in exile in Spain. While the "Iberian Federation" is the democratic outcome of the Iberian Union, should democratic reforms succeed instead of either Fascism prevailing or the union collapsing into a bloody civil war.

The Viktoriazee/Congo Sea is an offshoot of the Atlantropa plan, with a massive dam creating an inland sea that would help in providing trade and livable ground for settlers. At least that's the theory.

Helen Suzman was a South African MP who represented liberal and center-left opposition among White South Africans during Apartheid. Among other things, she founded the modern opposition Democratic Alliance, and used her position in the government to both reach out to Nelson Mandela and expose Apartheid's abuses to the media.

In a bit of irony, for all the effort South Africa does in averting OTL Apartheid, the system of "Autonomous Republics" is deliberate reference to the infamous Bantustans. While this is abhorrent, given the context of how brutal the South African War was, it's sadly not hard to imagine shades of Apartheid emerging under different circumstances.

And yes, the lyrics at the end are from the final verse of Die Stem's English rendition. Which until OTL, doesn't have have the same level of stigmatizing connotations.

There's also peculiar stamp placed on the map that's in German. Whether it's from the people behind An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government or the mysterious "Agency" mentioned in other maps...I'll leave it for the reader to decide.


View attachment 593556
An Asian and Oceanic military alliance to counter the military might of China. Note that Taiwan and Sri Lanka are not there because Taiwan has been de facto annexed by China, and Sri Lanka has aligned itself politically and militarily with China.
My thoughts are that Burma might be a black sheep here too. It is at loggerheads with Bangladesh over the genocide and is closer to China than the other SE Asian nations.
My understanding of the key geostrategic chokepoints in every continent (10/ continent, with Asia divided into four units: Western or Persian influenced, Southern, Southeastern and Eastern
It'd be really helpful if these were labeled, and I'm surprised there's nothing in Northern Asia (not that there are a lot of people there, but even so), but this seems like it could be a very useful resource.
Here's a new map I've been working on for a while: another cover of The New Order mod for Hearts of Iron IV. This one, however, is a post-epilogue map based on an incomplete/flawed version of the otherwise "good" path for the Reich: the Albert Speer route wherein the "Gang of Four" succeed in turning him into a puppet and properly reform Germany into a democratic powerhouse, undoing decades of Nazism.

While TNO is (in)famous for how "cursed" or horrifying some of the paths and endings can be (with some more subtly disturbing than others), it's not without comparatively better and genuinely sane outcomes. The GO4 scenario is only one of many "good ends," which can range from a spacefaring America to a democratic Imperial Japan, Anarcho-Christian Russia under Alexander Men even "wholesome" variants of the USSR. There's more to the mod than hopeless nightmares or seeing the depths of human savagery, after all. It just might take a bit more effort.

Even though the scenario shown isn't exactly the most upbeat or "best" potential one in TNO, compared to the previous map, it's still far preferable. At any rate, this is a work of fiction. This is not a political or ideological screed. Depiction is not endorsement.

All the same, hope you enjoy this as much as I have in making it!

The DeviantArt version can also be found here.


The New Order: The Mending Continent

As with the Second World War or the preceding Scramble for Africa, Nazi Germany's ignoble presence on the African continent has come and gone. Yet long after the near-conquest of South Africa, and the collapse of Hans Hüttig's warped dreams of empire, the landmass still bears living scars of those dark years. Scars that are healing, undoubtedly, but scars nonetheless.

Understanding this requires turning the clock back to the period leading up to and during the carnage that since been called the South African War and Dschungelkrieg ("Jungle War"). Among the Reichkommisariats straddling the continent, Hüttig's Ostafrika was seen as the most "orthodox" and dedicated among them all, thanks in no small part to its administrator's brutality and zeal. Seeing his fellow Reichskommisars as complacent and decadent, however, he put it upon himself to properly bring the true light of National Socialism to the dark continent, with or without approval from Berlin. The formal establishment of the Afrika-Schild in 1963 was part of this initiative, yet only a step in a greater plan. Even as it proceeded to back Albert Hertzog's clique of Boer nationalists amidst Cape Town's conciliatory compromises with the African National Congress, the former SS commandant quietly staged a coup dethroning his compatriots. Proclaiming himself sovereign of the Großafrikanischer Reichsstaat, he took matters into his own hand and launched an invasion on a civil war-ridden South Africa the following year. With the Reich in the midst of infighting among Adolf Hitler's successors, there were seemingly no reprisals forthcoming.

The ensuing conflict, insofar as it's known, was expected by Hüttig to last a year or so, at most. His armies, however, didn't anticipate the stiff resistance posed by the South Africans, White and Black alike, to speak nothing of OFN reinforcements. These were further supplemented by black operations behind enemy lines, as well as the assassinated Wolfgang Schenck's true legacy: organized and well-developed native insurgents, such as Jonas Savimbi's UNITA. The rogue Reichstaat, nonetheless, proved formidable enough that the war dragged on for years, even after a ceasefire was signed following an American victory at the Zambesi in 1966. It wasn't long after that the cracks in the would-be Führer's regime, by then resembling the Burgundian System pioneered by Heinrich Himmler, spread uncontrollably. No matter how many "degenerates" or "upstart savages" he ordered dead, there was no rest for the increasingly insane overlord. Then in 1968, Jean Schramme's motley group of mercenaries and Congolese collaborators finally had enough, declaring their independence as the State of Katanga. This quickly sparked a chain of events, involving Patrice Lumumba's uprising in Stanleyville, a series of covert activities by CIA and SADF elements, and the butchering of Josef Mengele at the hands of Ugandan militiamen. It wouldn't be until 1971 that the madman was finally put of his misery during one fateful tour of his crumbling empire. Whether it was at the hands of African militants, agents sent from a Germany consolidating under Albert Speer, or even assassins hailing from the Jewish regions of Madagascar, the nightmare was over.

In the years since, much has changed, some for the worst. An orgy of warlordism and near-anarchic chaos ensued in various portions of the continent, which proved to be a boon for the nascent Katanga. The last "Belgian" state in the world following the mad Burgundian purges that preceded the collapse of Himmler's fief in 1982, the mercenaries and corporations that control the country (reinforced by French and Belgian refugees) had found plentiful work in myriad battlefields, their blood money driving a deceptively thriving economy. The remnants of Hüttig's regime didn't die with him, either, especially as Speer's advisors, known as the "Gang of Four" quitely usurped his rule over the Fatherland. Over the 1970s and '80s, German Namibians, militarist supporters of Hermann Göring, and "hardliners" from the Reich itself bolstered the so-called Afrikaner-Abwehrfront's numbers, allowing them to expand beyond Leopoldstadt and Hitlerstadt, all funded with aid from Kōichi Kido's "reformed" Co-Prosperity Sphere. While in South Africa, the victors pondered over what to do with those seen as fifth columns and traitors even as they consolidated reclaimed and conquered territories. In a controversial decision between the ruling United Party and African National Congress as part of the 1976 reforms, it was decided that such groups, including the Anglo-Rhodesians and Afrikaners who sided with Hertzog's quixotic rebellion would be granted special homelands (or "Autonomous Republics") that were nominally self-governing, but in practice glorified penal colonies (with fewer rights than the much more independent Protectorates) in which the vanquished were more often seen as cheap labor. While this led to mass population displacement, and although conditions have improved at least superficially following the tenure of Prime Minister Steven Biko, it's not likely for this policy to change any time soon.

Still, it would be a lie to claim that the landmass is still the "Heart of Darkness." Despite the chaos, the OFN-aligned Congolese Republic and Savimbi's Angola have emerged as beacons of order and prosperity, building upon what their respective peoples had learned from their colonial masters while mending the wounds wrought in the carnage. In what was once Ostafrika, the German-friendly Republic of Tanganyika has maximized connections fostered during the days of Chancellor Helmut Schmidt to emerge as the Zollverein's main presence on the continent, bringing in wealth and infrastructure where little to none existed. Even regional hegemon South Africa, for all its flaws, could claim with pride a sense of moral superiority as a country where Africans of any race or creed could live in peace. Currently under Prime Minister Helen Suzman and the unifying reign of Queen-in-Exile Elizabeth II, it not only serves as a major component within the OFN and New Commonwealth (further bolstered by British immigrants escaping Thatcherite rule), but also as head of the African Customs Union, all the while standing firm against Fascists and extremists alike.

There still remains much left to be done, with each nation finding its own way of dealing with Hüttig's legacy. Despite all setbacks, neither the "State of Mittelafrika" founded by the Afrikaner-Abwehrfront nor more radical "anti-European" states like Cameroon are likely to see the error of their ways for the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, with each passing decade, hope persists that one day, liberty and sanity for all men will prevail. As South Africa's anthem intones:

That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free

For some added trivia, the photo used for Mittelafrika's head of state is an actual one of Ferdinand von Schirach. In real life, he's an accomplished lawyer and author in Germany...and grandson of Hitler Youth leader Baldur von Schirach (who in TNO becomes a rival of Martin Bormann should he win the German Civil War) and great-grandson of Hitler’s official photographer Heinrich Hoffmann. This should give an idea as to who wound up "migrating" to join the Afrikaner-Abwehrfront after the fall of Hüttig's regime.

Robert Denard, also known in OTL simply as Bob Denard, was a French mercenary who was particularly active in Africa, including direct involvement with Katanga in the 1960s alongside Jean Schramme. In TNO, it's not much of a stretch to see him rise to prominent there, until becoming its "President."

Antoine Gizenga, meanwhile was Patrice Lumumba's deputy PM prior to Mobutu Sese Seko's takeover. Still carrying on Lumumba's ideals, he eventually returned from exile and became the Democratic Republic of the Congo's PM in 2006.

Severo Moto in OTL is known as the most notable among Equatorial Guinea's opposition politicians and currently lives in exile in Spain. While the "Iberian Federation" is the democratic outcome of the Iberian Union, should democratic reforms succeed instead of either Fascism prevailing or the union collapsing into a bloody civil war.

The Viktoriazee/Congo Sea is an offshoot of the Atlantropa plan, with a massive dam creating an inland sea that would help in providing trade and livable ground for settlers. At least that's the theory.

Helen Suzman was a South African MP who represented liberal and center-left opposition among White South Africans during Apartheid. Among other things, she founded the modern opposition Democratic Alliance, and used her position in the government to both reach out to Nelson Mandela and expose Apartheid's abuses to the media.

In a bit of irony, for all the effort South Africa does in averting OTL Apartheid, the system of "Autonomous Republics" is deliberate reference to the infamous Bantustans. While this is abhorrent, given the context of how brutal the South African War was, it's sadly not hard to imagine shades of Apartheid emerging under different circumstances.

And yes, the lyrics at the end are from the final verse of Die Stem's English rendition. Which until OTL, doesn't have have the same level of stigmatizing connotations.

There's also peculiar stamp placed on the map that's in German. Whether it's from the people behind An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government or the mysterious "Agency" mentioned in other maps...I'll leave it for the reader to decide.


@mdc_1957 hey man love your map. Would you do some for me for my TL? It is not TNO related but I think you would like it.
Greater London
Any context?

The subdivisions appear to be based on the former county boundaries :
Westminster, Finsbury, Greenwich and Southwark = County of London
Middlesex, Westminster and Finsbury = Middlesex and parts of Hertfordshire
Riverside and Southwark = Surrey
Selkent and Greenwich = Kent
Newham = Essex
City = City of London

Not too sure about where the names Riverside and Selkent came from though!?
Any context?

The subdivisions appear to be based on the former county boundaries :
Westminster, Finsbury, Greenwich and Southwark = County of London
Middlesex, Westminster and Finsbury = Middlesex and parts of Hertfordshire
Riverside and Southwark = Surrey
Selkent and Greenwich = Kent
Newham = Essex
City = City of London

Not too sure about where the names Riverside and Selkent came from though!?
This is alternate boroughs of London. Riverside is on the side of the river and Selkent is short for south east london and kent
Feel like posting some (German centered) maps...
View attachment 593586
Germany being punished in a smaller way after an alternate WW2, with early Weimar borders shown.

View attachment 593587
How I would want Germany to look like after WW1, basically just take Luxemburg and very small lands from Belgium, France and wait till Austria Hungary breaks apart, then take lands with German majority or at least plurality (northern Slovenia).

View attachment 593590
What I consider the maximum and minimum (fully united) case for Weimar Germany.
For the minimum version it would just be all plebiscite regions plus Danzig and Saarland being taken from Germany.
For the maximum version we would actually need a POD shortly before German unification to include Luxemburg to Germany and Lichtenstein to Austria, while later the Allies would not hold any plebiscite after the war. Either Italy doesn't get South Tyrol or screws something up. In case of Pressburg, Ödenburg and Northern Slovenia Germany would just need to pressure these states with maybe a little payment.

Suffice to say both the Kaiserreich and (at least maximum) Weimar Germanies would be an absolute economic and militarily power. I'm not so sure with the alternate post-WW2 Germany, if it's supported after the war and not plundered then it would probably be a bit stronger than OTL.

View attachment 593595
Also Low Franconian/Low German union (including the Farther Pomerania, German Prussia and French Flanders) because the High German Consonant Shift is for losers. :cool:
(Actually I am wondering how strong this country would be...)
What map format is that? Is there a larger version of that map for all of Europe, or only that Germany one?
A Holy Roman Empire

A map of a French dominated HRE which under the Carolingians manage to retain their throne and consolidate their demesne within the Kingdom of France. The French Kings thus are able to assert their authority and influence within their borders. Due to a continued Carolingian dynasty, the idea of a unified Carolingian Empire thus continues into the Middle Ages. The Empire however rather than being more of a unitary state functions is more decentralized with each of its constituent realms under the influence of the Carolingians. However the Carolingians in ttl are more focused on affairs in the West and in Italy with it seeking to move against the Muslims in Iberia. Within Southern Italy, the Carolingians prosecuted a successful war against the Emirate of Sicily defending Rome from a Saracen raid and ultimately crushing the threat. By working with the Eastern Romans the two Empires were able to restore Christian influence over Italy. Basically in ttl the Byzantines retake Sicily while the Franks subdued the other Lombard States.

What do you guys think of this map? Also @John7755 يوحنا does this seem like an appropriate pod for a French dominated HRE?​
A Holy Roman Empire

A map of a French dominated HRE which under the Carolingians manage to retain their throne and consolidate their demesne within the Kingdom of France. The French Kings thus are able to assert their authority and influence within their borders. Due to a continued Carolingian dynasty, the idea of a unified Carolingian Empire thus continues into the Middle Ages. The Empire however rather than being more of a unitary state functions is more decentralized with each of its constituent realms under the influence of the Carolingians. However the Carolingians in ttl are more focused on affairs in the West and in Italy with it seeking to move against the Muslims in Iberia. Within Southern Italy, the Carolingians prosecuted a successful war against the Emirate of Sicily defending Rome from a Saracen raid and ultimately crushing the threat. By working with the Eastern Romans the two Empires were able to restore Christian influence over Italy. Basically in ttl the Byzantines retake Sicily while the Franks subdued the other Lombard States.

What do you guys think of this map? Also @John7755 يوحنا does this seem like an appropriate pod for a French dominated HRE?​
I think the Royal Domain would have continued the naming scheme of the other territories. The County of Paris was at, various points of time, a thing, but it would technically have less prestige than every duchy. Perhaps they could have created an Arch-Duchy of Neustria or something.
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