Map Thread XVI

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Here's map #2 in my last-letter alphabet ISOT series, this time it's C (no countries end in B, sorry!):

The only two countries ISOTed were the Dominican Republic and the Central African Republic, so this world is somewhat lonely. The Dominican Republic has quietly been colonizing the Caribbean and its hinterlands, with three mainland territories: one on the Mosquito Coast, one in Florida, and one in New York. The Central African Republic has become the African Empire, long dropping the "Central" moniker as there was no reason to keep it. It claims all of the African mainland and western Arabia, but only controls a small area. Even the darker-colored areas have somewhat dubious control (being mostly desert and rainforest), but then again it's not like there's a challenger or anything.
right, I think there's some sort of size limit on embedded images, so the best I can do is give you a thumbnail that hyperlinks. I've added another 20 frames in the meantime, and still haven't broken gimp (I think I might break my laptop first). I'll include a general breakdown of the frames as well:
1-10: Nation founding and expansion
11: Assimilation of Thrace
12, 13: further settlement/expansion
14-21: War with Anatolians
22-27: more settlement
28-40: First Persian War
41-60: even more settlement
61-75: Carthaginian War
76-79: Egyptian War
80-85: Moroccan Uprising
81-91: First Roman War
81-110: Second Persian War
111-116: First Golden Age
117-121: decline
121-134: Macedonian Civil War
121-146: Carthaginian Rebellion
141-147: Border disputes with Romans
147-152: "The Breather"
153-181: Persian Rebellion
182-190: Second Golden Age
191-207: Third Roman War
208: Things are fine
209: Things are no longer fine
210-211: Recognition of newly founded countries
212-225: Partition of Greater Syria
215-226: Partition of Sparta
215-239: Thesaly tribal War
226-: Greco-Armenian War
228-249: Parthian conquest of Pradesh
240-250: Thesalian Civil War/ demise
So America would still have a visible German culture that would keep growing.

Pretty much.

Mussolini still took over? Is he doing any better, or is it still worst?

Hmm... probably not much different, though without a colonial empire and military restrictions pinned on it, Mussolini may end up driving Italy down the same path of treaty repudiations as Hitler did IOTL. He'd remain anti-German (after all, they lost Venetia) and is one of the sponsors for the Nationalist side of the alt-Spanish Civil War (which may probably start earlier and last longer, with communist France at the border). The republican French government in Corisca may fall into the fascist sphere too, though I don't think it's appropriate to just simplify them as fascist. National conservatism, perhaps?

Please let Ireland be free. Losing WW1 would force the UK to go ahead with the Irish Free State as to bring down disorder and fighting that would only hurt it more.


"They will get their Hun puppet state over our mounds of dead!" - George V

Though, I will think about it. I don't intend for the Irish to become a full republic - that'll be too easy for the Germans, even if they're made out as the protagonists in my light novel TL scenario. But I'll think about dominion status a bit more.

Who is closest to the idea of a Atomic Bomb? (Tech should be somewhat more advanced than OTL as show here.)

Good question. I'd say, if not for the financial difficulties plaguing Germany, they'd be the closest.

What about the Russian Republic and Russian Empire? How are they, and who are leading them?

The Petrograd government is led by the Social Revolutionaries, while the Omsk government is led by Kolchak and his military junta. There is a third government based in Vladivostok, led by a social democratic government that claims allegiance to the Omsk government, but is in effect a Japanese protectorate.

What about Austria and Hungry themselves?

Competing for domination over the entire Austro-Hungarian federation. Hungary in particularly is struggling to pin down separatist and autonomist sympathies in Upper Hungary and Croatia, and is a lot harsher than Maki-hime the Austrians in dealing with them. Doesn't help that the Croat-dominated Bosnian government wants to expand their domain at their expense.

German Africa?

It was supposed to be the model colony, but it turned into a massive drain of resources. Plus side is, the Germans have good access to Uranium. :3

Anything with South America?

Nothing too different from OTL, honestly. Maybe more immigration from France and Spain as a result of the communists.

Still active, but it's stronger in Western Europe than it is in Germany. That the Entente is now the more antisemitic side isn't helping too much, but at least the Ottomans didn't care too much about Jewish immigration (they will, eventually, though).
How did the Labour and Mosley get in bed together? Politically, they were about as far apart as a mainstream party and an extremist can get in the UK.
Okay I'll go ahead and post this cause this is probably my last rendition of this map for a while. Im gonna move on and work on other ideas
Hope some can enjoy this haha
I'm making a world map here and I'd like some advice. I have a Republican Unified British Isles with some Anglo-Saxon romanticism influencing administrative boundaries. How can I divide this Mercia into a North/South or East/West Mercia that makes sense? On the verge of copping out and saying ITL it's a very politically contentious decision that's been in deadlock for perpetuity, so while Essex+East Anglia and Sussex + Kent have been merged the bloated and unwieldy (Province? State?) of Mercia remains.

How did the Labour and Mosley get in bed together? Politically, they were about as far apart as a mainstream party and an extremist can get in the UK.

Well, only a portion of Labour works with Mosley, and those that work with him were originally aligned with his views While he was a member of Labour. Also, Mosley and his Blackshirts are much more revolutionary with the Abolition of the Monarchy and the mass redistribution of wealth working in their favor amongst many Working-Class people
I'm making a world map here and I'd like some advice. I have a Republican Unified British Isles with some Anglo-Saxon romanticism influencing administrative boundaries. How can I divide this Mercia into a North/South or East/West Mercia that makes sense? On the verge of copping out and saying ITL it's a very politically contentious decision that's been in deadlock for perpetuity, so while Essex+East Anglia and Sussex + Kent have been merged the bloated and unwieldy (Province? State?) of Mercia remains.

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You could shave off the south east corner into a greater Middlesex.
You could shave off the south east corner into a greater Middlesex.

Thanks for the suggestion, I guess it's a viable option. I would think it would fail ITL as a politically viable solution that doesn't fundamentally tackle the issue of a single federal subdivision that is much larger than the others. (The remaining post-Mercia still seems too large and populous) I'll keep it as lore though, as one of the many proposals suggested by ITL policy makers.
To be sure, I was imagining a "greater Middlesex", which would incorporate OTL Middlesex, plus all of Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and maybe bits of Berkshire and Oxfordshire too.
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