Map Thread XVI

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I felt like I put too much effort into this for it to be put in the shitpost thread, so...

Here's A Germanywank. Also it has the many, many cliches in the map. I was bored, okay?

I kind of liked how it turned out so it's being posted here, I'm not sure about the backstory but the general POD is around 1815.

I felt like I put too much effort into this for it to be put in the shitpost thread, so...

Here's A Germanywank. Also it has the many, many cliches in the map. I was bored, okay?

I kind of liked how it turned out so it's being posted here, I'm not sure about the backstory but the general POD is around 1815.

View attachment 340009

Hey, you're pretty good. What took you so long?

If you have a follow up, may I suggest some fission mailed from North America?

Could be the next trend is taking 'shitpost' maps and knocking a +100 that makes sense out of them... ! ISOTs dominated for a month or two there, a while ago.

Based on one of the “reality seeds” from GURPS Alternate Earths, which is my cheap excuse for the swarms of butterflies lying dead at my feet.

The current year is 1566, the PoD is Saxon victory in 1066. With the northern route of expansion cut off, Normandy instead turns its attentions towards trying to dominate France, triggering a rivalry with the southern Occitan-speaking realms who build up their power base in response. This all comes to a head when the Normans and the French crown use the emergence of the Cathar heresy in Languedoc to call a crusade as an excuse to crush Occitan power, but the Occitans manage to beat back the crusaders and establish an independent Kingdom of Aquitaine under the Trencavel dynasty with tolerance for Cathars and other religious minorities along the lines of Al-Andalus or Sicily (considerably strengthened thanks to being the main destination for Norman migration in the absence of England), then gradually conquered or inherited its neighboring realms, leading some to speak of an Occitan Empire. Meanwhile, England remained more closely tied to Northern Europe than Western Europe, strengthening northern trading networks and giving a boost to the Hanseatic League, closely intertwined with the Teutonic Order - the Order helped acquire territory for the League and German settlers, and the League increasingly took on much of the Order’s devout crusading spirit. This was accelerated by close ties with the Church, which turned north as much of the south spurned it with permissive attitudes towards heretics and infidels. Eventually the League fully subsumed the Order and grew more powerful than most of the region’s lords, and declared a Hanseatic Republic over which it would be able to exert more direct and centralized authority.

Today, the Occitan Empire and Hanseatic Republic stand at the head of two distinct cultural spheres, the Mediterranean world of courtly love and jousts, troubadours and polymaths of all faiths, and the Baltic world of Catholic burghers devoted to God and gold. Sicily and Andalus constantly jockey with Occitania for control of the former, while England has lately begun to assert its isolation and challenge the Hansa for control of the latter. Europe is in the throes of a renaissance, first sparked by the return of a native Andalusian dynasty to the throne in Cordoba and its vigorous sponsorship of the arts and sciences, and fuelled by the influx of wealth from the newly-discovered Hybrasil, where all the powers are vigorously attempting to colonize. All this has caused a great deal of social upheaval, with the greatest new wave of Cathar movements across Europe since the Black Death. The clash between the Occitan policy of protecting Cathars and the Hanseatic policy of crusading against them seems sure to spark a war between the great powers in the near future, and while both north and south have strong traditions of knighthood and chivalry they may not survive the new age of gunpowder.
Hey, you're pretty good. What took you so long?

If you have a follow up, may I suggest some fission mailed from North America?

Could be the next trend is taking 'shitpost' maps and knocking a +100 that makes sense out of them... ! ISOTs dominated for a month or two there, a while ago.

Thank you! :D

I might actually make another edition of this soon, thanks for the idea...
Thank you! :D

I might actually make another edition of this soon, thanks for the idea...

: )

Well, there is a shitpost map thread, and I'm sure our cartographers have some clunkers in their WIP folder that could form the basis for a +100, that could spark inspiration in another poster. This is what the map thread is for, I think, but now that the site is bigger, it's what the map sub-forum is for.
: )

Well, there is a shitpost map thread, and I'm sure our cartographers have some clunkers in their WIP folder that could form the basis for a +100, that could spark inspiration in another poster. This is what the map thread is for, I think, but now that the site is bigger, it's what the map sub-forum is for.
Yes, I'd love for this to create a trend!
All right, it's time once again to play everyone's favorite game: Can I Kill Gimp? This time: Gimp is going up against an old project that got so large it killed my last gif making program. As I type this my laptop is trying to export it as a gif. And the result.......
..........Success! gimp:2 gifs:0
err... or not. I think I may have broken the site this time though. I'll solve it in the morning.

Edit: fixed it? I can see it in the preview but not the actual post. Let me know if you still have issues.
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Yeah, by 2067 the situation, as their Emperor might have put it, has developed not necessarily to the Race's advantage...
Why aren't eurasia's borders more like that "The Race and the Vulcans" map of yours or if not like that equally divergent in other ways? You'd expect 70-80 years of colonization to produce more divergent borders. at least ones a bit less ah to the advantage of arabs in north africa/the middle east?

You do get props for keeping the jungle environmental preserves in place though. Nitpicking aside this is something I've been looking forwards too for a long, long time. :cool:
Perhaps it's because I haven't changed the color scheme for central Europe yet, but Poland (less the bits carved off the east) is an independent neutral at present, so at least none of them end up in the Nazi sphere.

They'll mostly have to worry about the Poles. (And Ukrainians. And Belorussians...)
Plus I feel it would be safe to assume that, those who could, would rush to Palestine or the U.S. as soon as possible. Though there would be problems in getting there without active foreign support bringing over ships.
World of Cancer

Is English-French Commonwealth just a popular name for that group? And now I am wondering about some Cromwellian/Jacobean Union after some centuries union. If only the French didn't call the English Channel the Sleeve, then I am sure we would have lots of Channel Unions on here. Or perhaps a Bouqet of Lilies and Weeds. Fluer de Lyes, thistle, shamrocks, leeks, thorny roses...


Perhaps it's because I haven't changed the color scheme for central Europe yet, but Poland (less the bits carved off the east) is an independent neutral at present, so at least none of them end up in the Nazi sphere.

They'll mostly have to worry about the Poles. (And Ukrainians. And Belorussians...)

And perhaps the USSR is a socialist state a la Sweden so they have nothing to worry about!

...Right? Right?
So, what's up with this WIP?

(Hint: the Olde World is about 70% done, while the New World is as yet untouched)

View attachment 339729
Not sure if the New Hebrides/Vanatu should be left out of what I imagine will be a Pacific confederation (I am unsure if the3 and 4 mean you are having French Polynesia separate or not, but given it also British Pitcairn, I asumethe two groups are together), as having the Anglo-French administered islands in the union seems natural.


Based on one of the “reality seeds” from GURPS Alternate Earths, which is my cheap excuse for the swarms of butterflies lying dead at my feet.

When the result is this cool, I don't care about the life of even the most innocent of butterflies. I mean, overpowered Occitania, Anglo-Saxon England and a Hanseatic Republic that's of the exact right dimensions (most people tend to leave out the Dutch areas when creating a state covering the 'Low German' area, but I live in the relevant area, and it is Saxon).
How do people do Straight lines in real life in Robinson's projection in this thread? It is my first time in making a map.
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How do people do Straight lines in real life in Robinson's projection in this thread? It is my first time in making a map.

There are basemaps with parallels and meridians already marked, of course, which gives a general indication.

If you really want to go into detail, there is the invaluable programme G.Projector. You can import a map you're working on into it, mark it as Robinson, convert it to equirectangular, and then export it like that. Then you draw the straight lines as you wish, save the image, import it into G.Projector as equirectangular, convert to Robinson... and export that. Done. You now have your original projection back, with the straight lines curved exactly as the projection demands. They'll be a bit blurry/pixellated, however. Personally, I always use gazillions of layers, so I just add the new image as a new layer in my edit version of the map, and then trace the lines on the relevant layer (I typically have separate 'coastline', 'national borders', 'state borders' layers, etc. - when satisfied with those, I merge them in a second edit file and start colouring stuff).

Other people probably use different methods.
I felt like I put too much effort into this for it to be put in the shitpost thread, so...

Here's A Germanywank. Also it has the many, many cliches in the map. I was bored, okay?

I kind of liked how it turned out so it's being posted here, I'm not sure about the backstory but the general POD is around 1815.

What's with the different factions in China?
Very nice, though I doubt that the East Coast would manage to hold onto land so far away in such a fashion. The New Englanders would- Ahhh wait. I don't suppose there are many Native Americans left at the time of this map, is there? All sent to the light green-blue areas? Anyways, Yankees in the Midwest are going to go are more about roads and farming that they would about ship building, unless of course New York and the New Englanders got together with a system of canals and such that helped fill everyone's pockets. May be issues in the South if land speculators try to take the best land despite other people (besides the Natives, I mean) already being their and working the land. And Georgia... I know it is IOTL, but it still amazes be why they were ever considered as owning Mississippi and Alabama, given their population level and demographics back around independence. East and West Florida might have been more likely. Really though, the Appalachians seems a good border line for where people start feeling resentful. I feel the way you did the internal boundaries of Georgia to be quite good, as it allows enough local authority to be spread around for there to be plenty in acceptably high positions. I imagine having the Five Civilized Tribes in that one square would be a little cramped, but that they would get by. I presume they would still use slavery here?
I havent really hammered out much tho this little doodle but ive gotten some seeming interest in the map so i might pursue it dsome more. I do understand that it might seem difficutl for support the extreme land claims but eh oh well ill figure it out later and besides it makes a nice map :)
before i head out to try and watch the eclipse heres something ive started now
AoC worlda 0.png
Potential ISOT idea: everywhere covered by a total eclipse ISOTed from the year the total eclipse crossed it, and older eclipses overwrite newer ones.

This would take SO LONG to make, but it could be SO COOL. America 2017 probably wins this one.
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