Map Thread XV

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The Totally Realistic Frank-Wank

You did that in 3 hours?

Impossible! Impossible, I say, without witchcraft or time travel!

So remember this post about an American civil war I made a while back? Well, I made another one. This one is not nearly as pretty, but you'll have to excuse me - the other one had 10 frames, this one has 34.

The previous map detailed Burr's 1810-1813 rebellion. This one details the War of the Supremes, which happened between 1829 and 1835.

All of the drooling, all of the time. :cool:

I think I'll be posting the first few chapters of this TL soon - I have a doc with like 50 pages of writing - though it's still far behind, only in the 1850s.

I would read this when it's posted. ;)
1420 occupied and open rebellion Onslaught 19.7.png


The Hundred Years War - The Final Phase

A small French force surprised and defeated a smaller English force under the Duke of Clarence, brother of Henry V, at Bourges in Berry. Clarence was killed in the battle. Bourges was then besieged and the population massacred by Henry V.
Returning to England in ill health, Henry V died in August 1422; his nine month old son became Henry VI. Two months later King Charles VI of France died and Henry VI was proclaimed King of France in Paris. The Dauphin was proclaimed King Charles VII in Limoges.

The French army, increasingly surrounded by enemies, was defeated at Angouleme in 1423, whilst trying to invade Gascony, by the English and their allies.
The following year, a force under the Duke of Bedford defeated a larger French army under the Duke of Alençon and the Earl of Douglas. Alençon was captured and Douglas killed.

In 1425, the Dauphin, facing defeat and revolt on all sides, fled France for Castile. His reception was not as he hoped and he was soon imprisoned whilst John II of Castile sought to gain politically.

It was probably not a coincidence that his death coincided with a marked improvement in the finances of Castile and in the relationship with England.

Whilst there was still some resistance in southern France, most Lords came to surprisingly good terms with Bedford who was acting as Regent in France. Northern and western France had already been split into six duchies ruled by men loyal to Henry VI; six duchies were, likewise formed for Henry's allies who accepted their lands as fiefs of the Crown. The three rebel Dukes of the south would later be added to that number along with three more loyal duchies. The Lands of Lyon, a rich trading centre, were ceded to England along with lands adjoining Calais in Picardy.
1420 occupied and open rebellion Onslaught 19.7.png


The Habsburg lands were excluded from the created duchies, under their agreement with Henry V; they were now independent of any duties to the French throne. They now began a gradual withdrawal from the Empire as well after the Emperor refused Albert V the title of King of Lotharingia. Habsburg lands adjoining Flanders were increased in 1421 by the purchase of Namur from Luxemburg, who needed funds for a crusade against the Hus, and in 1426 by forcing Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut, Holland and Zeeland to abdicate all her estates in favour of Albert V, ending Hainaut and Holland as independent counties.

Albert V married Isabella of Portugal in 1430, celebrating by creating the Order of Arles to commemorate the old Upper Burgundian Kingdom.

The Angevins were to hold Maine and Anjou for the lifetime of their Duke when they would revert to the Crown, Touraine would go to a younger son and continue as a fief of the Crown. In return lands surrounding Provence were ceded independent of any duties to the French throne. Dauphine was always in a different condition to the rest of France due to the agreement made when it was sold; a separate peace granted it independence as a vassal of both England and Provence. A portion of Beaune was also ceded to them to end a dispute over ownership between England and Albert V.

In 1431, 10 year old Henry VI was crowned Henry II of France. Bedford would remain Regent.

Venice allied herself with Florence, Ferrara, Savoy and Mantua whilst Genoa, Siena and Pisa supported Milan, polarizing all of northern Italy into one camp or the other. The war of 1426 was a short sharp shock to Milan, her strongholds no match for the latest innovation, artillery. Almost as soon as peace had been signed, war broke out again. The war of 1427-1428 saw Milan again in control of her strong fortifications but better prepared to resist the new weapon. Milan was close to defeat when Florence, threatened now by increasing Venetian power, signed a peace treaty. The third war of 1429-1433 was a purely Milanese-Venetian affair. Milan re-gained some of its losses.
1431 fr duchies Onslaught 19.7.png
1426 Hussites Onslaught  19.7.png


Hussite Wars

Sigismund, King of the Romans, was distracted by the Bavarian Civil war [1420-1422]. More of a family quarrel than a civil war; it was nonetheless on the borders of Bohemia and draining men needed for that struggle. Sigismund eventually brokered a four year truce and then exiled the main protagonists. In Bohemia, meantime, the two sects, Ultraquists and Taborites, quarrelled over power and how to proceed. This pressure was relieved by an invading Crusader army which retreated on hearing Hussite troops were approaching.

Sigismund gathered his forces together and invaded via the passes of Silesia but was again decisively defeated by Zizka east of Prague at Kutna Hora. Zizka did not pursue, allowing Sigismund to escape. For this failure, Zizka was arrested and beheaded.
The Ultraquists offered the Crown to Wladyslaw II of Poland and, when he refused, to Prince Sigismund Korybut, brother of King Vytautas of Lithuania-Smolensk, who accepted on condition the Hussites re-unite with the Catholic Church.

The Taborites rejected this choice; a civil war broke out with Prokop leading the Taborites. The Ultraquists were re-inforced by troops from the areas of Poland and Silesia under their influence along with Lithuanian troops loyal to Korybut.
With both sides using similar methods fighting was indecisive and a peace was agreed late in 1424.

The next attack did not come for two years, the Pope proclaimed yet another Crusade against the Hussites [the fourth]. This was again defeated but this time the Hussites struck back into lands that were supplying crusading troops, attempting to halt that flow. Whilst militarily successful, the second aim failed. Crusaders continued to come.

The Hussite's uninterrupted run of victories forced the Church into negotiations with the majority group, the Ultraquists. They were invited to the Council of Basel in 1431. To provide "encouragement" the Pope also called for another Crusade, this time led by Frederick, Elector of Brandenburg. Supported by 6,000 Polish Hussites, Prokop routed the Crusaders at Domazlice.

The Church, now under pressure from not only German nobles concerned over the democratic nature of the Hussite state but also the constant failure of its military efforts finally came to an agreement with the Ultraquists. Prince Sigismund Korybut was to become King and together with German troops would suppress the Taborite faction.

Kalmar Union
Eric of Pomerania became sole ruler of the Kalmar Union (Sweden, Denmark and Norway), in 1413. Kalmar was already at war with Holstein over Schleswig. Concerned for the safety of Rugen he put it under the protection of Pomerania [which he had re-unified with Stettin in 1404], ceding it to them in 1417. Introducing war dues or taxes on shipping in the Oresund or Sound, in 1420, annoyed the Hanseatic League who declared war in 1422. Eric's forces successfully regained Flensburg from Holstein and his navy defeated an attempt by the League to force the Sound.

League and Brotherhood ships succeeded in controlling the Sound in 1428, landing troops to besiege Copenhagen but these were withdrawn after making no headway. On land, Mecklenburg had joined the alliance and was threatening Pomerania.

Swedish ships, attempting to re-gain control in the Baltic, were destroyed by the combined fleet off of Straslund. Commerce between Kalmar and Baltic Europe was disrupted almost totally. Even the re-inforcement of Dutch ships in alliance with Eric, failed to break the blockade set up by the League.

The Steppes
The Juchi Khanate was finally succumbing to its internal pressures and spawning new Khanates but the borders were still being fought over.
1431 fr Onslaught 22.7.png
Here's an older linguistic map I did... but Africa was kept to fairy broad categories.

Nice definetly understand going a bit broad. It is amazing how diverse Africa is

If you are curious here was my attempt though I am sure most have already have seen it before:


  • IMG_4075.PNG
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Nice definetly understand going a bit broad. It is amazing how diverse Africa is

If you are curious here was my attempt though I am sure most have already have seen it before:

Which reminds me, I had used your African borders on my map a couple of pages back, but in the intervening months i had forgotten who to credit, until you replied to this thread.

So once again, thanks for those labyrinthine borders, snerfuplz.

So I made this little map over the course of two days. Not very complex but I had fun making it. Enjoy!
So, a few questions. What happened to the first and second Southron Republic? Are there any other American republics except the USA and TSR? Is there a TL you can link to?
So, a few questions. What happened to the first and second Southron Republic? Are there any other American republics except the USA and TSR? Is there a TL you can link to?

Now my replies will be a bit vague because I'm considering to write something involving this scenario and I don't want to bog myself down with certain details right now, so I apologize in advance. So to answer the last question first: no, there's not a TL (yet..?).

The First Southron Republic is the CSA. It's kind of a "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" = First German Empire thing, name-wise. The CSA was replaced by the Southron Republic in the 1880s, with the loss of the Spanish-Confederate War being the starting point for the Confederate collapse. The Third Southron Republic was established in the 1950s in order to centralize the government and establish "autonomous republics" (read: bantustans and reservations) and when it came to naming it rationalized the official inclusion of "Third" in its name to establish a sense of progression between the three incarnations of the independent South.

To answer the second question: yes. The write-up does imply the independence of Texas, and now I'm entering the realm of "eh, this might get retconned" territory: Texas controls Texas, the Neutral Territory/Oklahoma Panhandle, the bit of Arkansas southwest of the Red River, and Louisiana excluding Greater New Orleans & the West Florida Parishes. West Florida is part of the TSR, New Orleans existed as neutral territory since the end of the *Civil War and is now an independent city state. Otherwise there's also Roanoke Republic, formerly known as North Carolina, and the Republic of Sequoyah, formerly known as the Indian Territory. Sequoyah, New Orleans, and Roanoke are all in a NAFTA-like free trade agreement with the US.

That's at least my current idea for that setting XD
Now my replies will be a bit vague because I'm considering to write something involving this scenario and I don't want to bog myself down with certain details right now, so I apologize in advance. So to answer the last question first: no, there's not a TL (yet..?).

The First Southron Republic is the CSA. It's kind of a "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" = First German Empire thing, name-wise. The CSA was replaced by the Southron Republic in the 1880s, with the loss of the Spanish-Confederate War being the starting point for the Confederate collapse. The Third Southron Republic was established in the 1950s in order to centralize the government and establish "autonomous republics" (read: bantustans and reservations) and when it came to naming it rationalized the official inclusion of "Third" in its name to establish a sense of progression between the three incarnations of the independent South.

To answer the second question: yes. The write-up does imply the independence of Texas, and now I'm entering the realm of "eh, this might get retconned" territory: Texas controls Texas, the Neutral Territory/Oklahoma Panhandle, the bit of Arkansas southwest of the Red River, and Louisiana excluding Greater New Orleans & the West Florida Parishes. West Florida is part of the TSR, New Orleans existed as neutral territory since the end of the *Civil War and is now an independent city state. Otherwise there's also Roanoke Republic, formerly known as North Carolina, and the Republic of Sequoyah, formerly known as the Indian Territory. Sequoyah, New Orleans, and Roanoke are all in a NAFTA-like free trade agreement with the US.

That's at least my current idea for that setting XD
So Sequoyah borders the USA, does Roanoke? (i.e. is Virginia part of the TSR?) And where does the TSR have "reservations" given that the Indian Territory/Sequoyah is a separate independent nation?
So Sequoyah borders the USA, does Roanoke? (i.e. is Virginia part of the TSR?) And where does the TSR have "reservations" given that the Indian Territory/Sequoyah is a separate independent nation?

Virginia has eventually rejoined the US, even though for a while it was also independent. Arkansas and Tennessee are also US states, though it should be noted that Tennessee at this point only covers the central and western third of the state, since eastern Tennessee was kept by the US after the end of the *Civil War (it's now called Franklin). And there are a handful of tiny reservations left in the TSR (compare with this map).
Virginia has eventually rejoined the US, even though for a while it was also independent. Arkansas and Tennessee are also US states, though it should be noted that Tennessee at this point only covers the central and western third of the state, since eastern Tennessee was kept by the US after the end of the *Civil War (it's now called Franklin). And there are a handful of tiny reservations left in the TSR (compare with this map).
So at this point, the TSR covers the Pre-war states of SC, GA,FL (-minus the Spanish Keys), AL, MS & the West Florida Panhandle. And the population of the States that were in the CSA and aren't in the TSR is greater than those that are in the TSR... At this rate, the FSR will consist of the 10 square miles around Columbia, South Carolinia. If Virginia left, where is the TSR's capital?
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