Map Thread XV

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And finally the topography's done.

Now for the rivers, towns, and roads.
Ethiopia annex Somalia here or is there just a missing line in the upper right?
Oh dear. And they even use the mispelling of Labor. Are the Confederates in your story lining dealing with... Now that I think of it, I was going to say Articles of Confederation, but they could hardly have a nationalist party, could they? I guess the whole place has Confederation in its title?
Sorry for misspelling labor, my bad. The CNP (formerly the American Nationalist Party) is a party that wants to reform the UK (Britain in exile) into a Confederation based on the ideals of the old (failed) American revolution into a Confederation of American States. They also have a nationalistic agenda, seeking to reclaim Canada, and take Oregon. They are strongest in the Deep South. They will most likely go nowhere, the king has blocked many of their proposals.
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Alright, what have i mis- ... ok then, never mind the last 10 pages of entirely avoidable yet not entirely unwarranted witch-hunt.

On the other hand, in preparation for Ace Combat 7, a map of Strangereal that I have found floating on the web, color-coded, and filled with fanon nations to fill in the gaps.
Unsung War.png
And here's a vector version of (almost) the same fanon map - with flags too (by MS-06F). Note that the actual Ace Combat series doesn't mention any Islamic countries in the "Strangereal" world. This is a canon map (9766 x 5654 and slightly outdated - this was made before AC6 which split Anea into Nordennavic, Emmeria, and Estovakia)

full size version (5400 x 3600)


This is actually what the "Strangereal" world used to look like before it was retconned in Ace Combat 5:
(from this video by Ace Combat Fan)


And USEA stands for "United States of Euro-Asia" in Ace Combat 3.
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Sure they can. How would they get the ear of the Russian government and get them to go along with this before the peace process if over? This would torpedo things, angering the Germans for losing what they saw as German land, the Czechs because another portion of their ancient realm is being given up, and the Hungarians would see this as a treat to their own Ukranian populated areas due to the precedent this would set. Plus, communist, imperial, republican, whatever, the Russians would not want to be using their soldiers, treasure, and diplomatic clout to get the Poles ports and industrial areas filled with Germans, Czechs, Kashubians, and others, all so that... Well, pretty much so that the Poles would no longer need Russia. Did you explicitly mention Teschen in your timeline? And actually, wasn't part of the issue with Teschen IOTL that the Czechs invaded a bit of land that was formerly German because the Poles were having elections in the area when both countries were still trying to decide who would get what?
To be honest, you have a very good point there and it is a tad questionable to have Teschen given up. :oops: I might well go and change that now, if I'm honest.
Darn, it looks like I missed the Map of the Fortnight contest. :( this was going to be my entry....


A little bit of a teaser for a potential project of an ASB world where only Australia+Papua+the Pacific exist, and the Maori develop civilization of their own. I'm hoping to do three more versions of this;

Two traditional kingdoms- Ikamai (a contraction of Te Ika-a-Maui) and Wapanu (a contraction of Te Waipounamu) of four and five provinces each develop. Though initially not as advanced as the Tongans/Fijians/Samoans who visit them, the Maori develop their own ethno-religious identity and stave off numerically fewer but more advanced invaders from the sea. Unlike most of the world, which adopts writing from Tonga, the Maori cultures develop their own syllabic writing system. Though there's only a few syllables in the Maori languages, there are many glyphs made up of multiple syllables ('rohotoka' could potentially be written 'ro-ho-to-ka', 'roho-toka', 'ro-tohoka' etc.) and which glyph is used depends on convention (additionally, common grammatical words like pronouns and particles have their own glyphs).

Ikamai and Wapanu have a long complicated love-hate relationship with one another- while rarely going to war, and both frequently revealing in their Maori pride, there is quite a lot of mutual attempts to strong-arm the other into submission, but the two fairly equally matched.
And here's a vector version of (almost) the same fanon map - with flags too (by MS-06F). Note that the actual Ace Combat series doesn't mention any Islamic countries in the "Strangereal" world. This is a canon map (9766 x 5654 and slightly outdated - this was made before AC6 which split Anea into Nordennavic, Emmeria, and Estovakia)

full size version (5400 x 3600)


This is actually what the "Strangereal" world used to look like before it was retconned in Ace Combat 5:
(from this video by Ace Combat Fan)


And USEA stands for "United States of Euro-Asia" in Ace Combat 3.
Wait, a pseudo-world from an anime but NO sign of pseudo-japanese islands?
Darn, it looks like I missed the Map of the Fortnight contest. :( this was going to be my entry....


A little bit of a teaser for a potential project of an ASB world where only Australia+Papua+the Pacific exist, and the Maori develop civilization of their own. I'm hoping to do three more versions of this;

Two traditional kingdoms- Ikamai (a contraction of Te Ika-a-Maui) and Wapanu (a contraction of Te Waipounamu) of four and five provinces each develop. Though initially not as advanced as the Tongans/Fijians/Samoans who visit them, the Maori develop their own ethno-religious identity and stave off numerically fewer but more advanced invaders from the sea. Unlike most of the world, which adopts writing from Tonga, the Maori cultures develop their own syllabic writing system. Though there's only a few syllables in the Maori languages, there are many glyphs made up of multiple syllables ('rohotoka' could potentially be written 'ro-ho-to-ka', 'roho-toka', 'ro-tohoka' etc.) and which glyph is used depends on convention (additionally, common grammatical words like pronouns and particles have their own glyphs).

Ikamai and Wapanu have a long complicated love-hate relationship with one another- while rarely going to war, and both frequently revealing in their Maori pride, there is quite a lot of mutual attempts to strong-arm the other into submission, but the two fairly equally matched.
The moment when you realize that someone finally has used one of your mbam contributions to create a great new idea

Darn, it looks like I missed the Map of the Fortnight contest. :( this was going to be my entry...

Very fun. I would question the ability of the Maori to thrive in the South Island; none of their traditional crops would grow very well there, which is why until the Europeans started showing up more thn 80% of all Maori lived in the very far north of the North Island. It seems unlikely that civilisation would develop so strongly in the south without an enduring and constant influence of the north (that is to say, they couldn't be evenly matched).

Fun scenario, though, and it's always nice to see an ATL New Zealand show up.
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