Map Thread XV

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Just me messing around in Inkscape.

Mars States.png
WW2 axis victory, with very optimistic outcomes for Italy, Spain, and Siam. Several significant tweaks here: Germany ruled by Manstein, with a far superior military strategy than OTL. German investment in Italy resulted in better Italian industrialization and overall development. The war started in 1940 rather than 1939. The European Axis eliminated Britain before turning on Russia. The fascist doctrines that ruled the Axis in Europe had far less focus on racial superiority, and so there was no mass-extermination of Jews- instead, Communists were the enemy- and because of this German and Italian technological development advanced far more rapidly than OTL. Occupied peoples were less opposed to the German occupation (see: Ukraine. OTL was eager for German 'liberation', but due to Nazi hatred of Slavs the Ukrainians quickly learned to hate the Nazis. Here, the Ukrainians become a key element of the Reich, with intensely loyal citizens). Japan similarly avoided such a racially focused ideology. Many Chinese joined the pan-Asian empire idea, resulting in a Japanese conquest of China by the time the United States declared embargos. More aggressive Japanese leadership occupied Hawaii, and was able to cut off Asia and Australia from American aid. The Second World War- known to Germany as 'Der Krieg des Reiches' (The War of the Empire), to Italy as 'Il Restauro Romano' (The Roman Restoration), and Japan as 統一戦争, 'Tōitsu Sensō' (Unification War)- ended in 1952, with the world dominated by 3 Empires. The 3rd Reich and her dependents, the Roman Empire and her puppets and vassals, and Japan and her Pan-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. Spain barely escaped the fate of Romania and Hungary, swallowed up in the Reich, and maintained a shadow of independence. Thailand remained fiercely opposed to subjugation, and the weary Japanese permitted its survival as a wholly independent state. This is the world in 1955. Much of the "Pan-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere" remained under Japanese occupation, after failed attempts at integration. Germany was gradually relinquishing its grip on the American Reich, a fiercely loyal ally of the German Reich. Italy remained Germany's greatest ally, putting down revolts in Africa and South America. The Iron Axis was reestablished in 1954, with one element missing- Japan. This exclusion escalated already growing Euro-Asian tensions, caused by disputes over Italian India and the German control of Australia

Kind of the cliché alternate history, but I tried to take a few unique spins on the idea by making the axis less of an evil extremist alliance and more just an extremist alliance. Fairly ASB, but that tends to go hand-in-hand with the idea of an Axis-ruled globe.
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The nut which Sierra Nevada, the rich mining state to the west, has yet to crack. Not for lack of trying though.

When you have the best natural harbor in the world and some of the most fertile land as well, it's difficult to be cracked ;)

So SF is the middleman between Sierran ores and the rest of the world?
When you have the best natural harbor in the world and some of the most fertile land as well, it's difficult to be cracked ;)

So SF is the middleman between Sierran ores and the rest of the world?
Ehhh. Not exactly. They just fought a pretty vicious religious war that left San Fran's lands a marshy mess. So its like San Fran is the one that stands in the way of getting to the rest of the world.
WW2 axis victory, with very optimistic outcomes for Italy, Spain, and Siam.
Thank you for not making the Axis near as evil as they were IOTL, because otherwise I can't really stomach these kinds of maps (with their implications of mass genocide and all). Without those implications, it's pretty nice (though I feel like the Axis would probably rejigger some borders, out of spite if nothing else, and also that obviously this kind of Threeist division of the world could never actually happen).
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