Map Thread XV

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Balkanizing the Balkans.

Balkanizing Balkanizing the Balkans.

The People's Regime, Seventy-Two Years After the Liberation

View attachment 310769

I'm in a roleplay where you are ISOT'd back to 3000 BCE and are immortal. I went to San Francisco in that era, and me being the weird nerd I am, I know by heart how to effectively start civilization. As such, 72 years later much of the West Coast is part of the Liberated Zone of the People's Regime.

Not the best map, I know, but I figured I'd share it.
Fellow Bay Areaian approved.
UPDATED WITH RAILROADS: There still aren't many miles of rail, as steel production is still rather primitive, but due to the need for rapid transportation between the Valley and Bay, and since the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers can only do so much, there's at least I'd say 1200 miles of rail built by year 72.

New Civilizations III My Map California.png
Thanks; sure. So Consociationalism in OTL is a real social framework designed around reconciling divisions that run along ethnic, religious and cultural lines. It's a form of power-sharing, and in theory allows segmental autonomy, proportionality of government and society, and is generally decentralised and shares a lot with corporatism; representation by major interest groups. ITTL they have a more socialistic approach to this; with an overarching bureaucracy composed from members of the all the Federation's many member states keeping the state churning in an almost self-perpetuating manner; the bureaucracy exists to keep the bureaucracy existing. For Britain, this means they don't need to worry about Drividistan centralising power because the segmental autonomy of each member keeps them from really influencing global policy, which is still decided in London. It's kinda the 'separate-but-equal' mentality taken to a literal extreme.

Perhaps I'm a bit dim, but what is the overarching governing body in London with the power to establish global policy? The only overarching structure in your description is the bureaucracy. (And I'm not sure what "segmental autonomy" means. )

Easy; you can vote in any blood and soil-based party you like ;)! Though admittedly the Technocratic Party has had a hold of the Presidency and Senate for something going on forty years, but they just can't seem to wrangle the House of Representatives no matter how many laws prohibiting freedom of assembly they pass. Basically the government is a draconian technocracy built by the elites of each major ethnic group; Whites, Latinos and Blacks, but the more regionalist and autonomist parties that don't stray too far from established policy are endured because they keep the more divisive groups in line; Asians, poor whites, mixed race, war hawks, etc.

Is the Technocratic Party another Blood and Soil party? Because that would make them rather poor technocrats. :biggrin: Are the "Blood and Soil" parties the same as the "regionalist and autonomist" parties?

I don't think we white Americans do mixed race: no matter what Tiger Woods may say, we continue to consider him black. :oops:
Similarly, if the Blood and Soil parties don't represent poorer whites, who do they represent?
This is because our state produces a sizable majority of American fruits, vegetables and nuts; 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots and the list goes on and on.

Cali-4-nya OP pls nerf
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