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In the spirit of (belated) Christmas, I present a horrifying post-apocalyptic dystopia.


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In the early morning hours of May 8th, 1981, the world came to an end.

Cold War tensions were at an all-time high when a false alarm caused the Soviets to retaliate to what they thought was an initial American attack. NATO quickly responded in kind. While the majority of the fighting for WWIII would be over by nightfall, missiles would continue to fly for weeks afterward as submarines and hidden bases emptied the last of their nuclear, chemical, and biological arsenals.

Not all of these missiles would reach their targets, however. While the majority of the Soviet arsenal was directed to North America, Western Europe, China, and the Middle East, a single ICBM from the first wave of attack was directed to Pretoria, South Africa. They planned to coat the rest of the country with more in the successive waves, but the submarine carrying the deadly package found itself ripped in two at the bottom of the ocean before it could unleash death. The rest of Africa was left almost completely untouched, with the exception of the northern coast was bombarded as an extension of the attacks on Europe and the Middle East.

This left South Africa as the best armed, most industrialized, and least destabilized nation in a region full of natural resources and lacking protection from any outside powers. The years spent as an international pariah would now pay off, as the policies of autarky would let it survive the complete collapse of international trade following the war. Its geographic location would also protect it from the worst of the fallout, which was mainly concentrated in the Northern hemisphere.

The nationalist government, still operating under apartheid, found itself free to use its army and newfound power to "liberate" outside countries and crush internal dissent alike. Zimbabwe was one of the first targets, where the progress made to remove minority rule was taken back and Prime Minister Mugabe was deposed. Lesotho and Swaziland soon followed, and were both incorporated as internal bantustans.

While most of Africa was untouched by the nuclear holocaust, it still greatly suffered. Many countries relied on outside support for food aid, financial support, and manufactured goods. The regimes in power also relied on military support from either the Communist or Capitalist powers. Now that the survivors in NATO and the Warsaw Pact were busy eating each other before dying of radiation poisoning, all of that outside support vanished. This combined with the oncoming nuclear winter left hundreds of millions to die from starvation, warfare, and disease. Religious extremists and doomsday cults which would have made ISIS look like the Girl Scouts surged in power.

By 2000, South Africa would have united a large portion of the southern half of the continent. On top of merging with "Greater Rhodesia", they have also expanded into south-east Angola and Katanga for their resources and strategic positions. There have been talks of integrating Mozambique as well, but for now it has been deemed too much work for too little gain. They reserve the right to annex the puppet nation in the future should they ever change their minds, however. The government itself has benefited from the glut of white refugees fleeing Europe and North America, whom they mostly put to work in the military and civil services to earn their citizenship before shipping them off north to help settle the frontier. Anyone who arrives with known communist or anti-Apartheid backgrounds disappears to a work camp, never to be heard from again. The secret police force has grown over the years to ensure that any internal threats to the status quo are quickly silenced.

The nation also maintains most of the continent's remaining people. In 1981 the population of Africa stood at 490,000,000. By 1985 it would plummet to only 20% of that. By 2000, it has grown back up to 162,000,000, with nearly half of it in South Africa's new borders. A large portion of these survivors are native Africans eking out a living in the Bantustans, highly segregated communities set apart from the rest of South Africa with very low standards of living.

South Africa would not be the only nation on the continent to weather the storm, however. In the north was Ethiopia, still ruled by The Derg. During the long winter, the central government holed up with whatever resources they could to wait it out, even while it left much of the civilian population to die. Afterwards, it emerged from the core of the highlands to retake the nation and attempt to rebuild. The fragile state only stayed together through sheer force, greatly helped by a new cult of personality around Mengistu Mariam. One of the state's biggest goals was to secure the fertile farmland in southern Sudan, no matter the cost to the people already living there. The country would last to this day under a harsh Marxist regime that functions similarly to North Korea. It has found some success in sending teams to Arabia to salvage any vehicles, ships, and skilled survivors they can.

To the West was another final bastion of civilization. Nations in La Francophonie banded together, forming a European Union-like organization to coordinate aid, defense, and other needs. In reality, however, it would be a de facto military dictatorship ruled through the French Foreign Legion in small pockets of civilization separated by vast uncontrolled territories. The military forces cobbled together have started to resemble the local corrupt warlords they're supposed to be defending against. Compared to the outright genocidal dictatorships in South Africa and Ethiopia, however, they remain a paragon of Western ideals. Also unlike the other two major powers on the continent, La Francophonie also maintains decent relations with other surviving nations such as Ghana and the Central African Commune.
Actually if we're going by what pink US often means, I've seen a lot of SocDem Americas with pink. Got a rhyme for that?

If the Socialist Party wins US elections
But they're not diehard Marxists to our recollection
Be prepared for our leaders to paint the town pink
For the SocDems have truly come back from the brink
Part XII (The latest in the near future)
Other parts:

And so after a few volleys of diplomatic civil war in Afghanistan with a clear conscience turned into a huge conflict affecting the whole Indian subcontinent and of the Middle East. Cannon was meat in bulk, a lot of weapons decommissioned foreign hands untied, why limit yourself? So that soon the number of casualties of a new war caught up with the times of WWI and WWII. The battle came together the vast army, the air thundered battle hundreds of fighters. Already in the first few months, the total loss amounted to about half a million people, most of which died not at the front - logistics simply could not cope with the huge flows of ammunition and provisions that were needed in wartime, so many people simply did not live up to the battle. About the war is nothing special to say. The first half of the year on all fronts had been created positional chopper. The hardest thing had to Sindhu, who had to keep just three fronts. The mountainous terrain and trains from across the sea with all the necessary helped but did not solve the problem. In contrast to the front in the core Indian subcontinent, which dynamically arched in both directions around the ring Sindh gradually shrank. In April '57 the front under Hapur collapsed, and by June Sindhistan was entirely in the hands of northerners, who immediately drank it: Sindh left India, Balochistan - Afghanistan, Iran received some repair and some concessions.

The fall of Hyderabad has changed the overall picture of the war. From the first days of its most fierce battles with the Tamils. They were well organized and armed, and everything had a personal score to settle with the Indians. They threw the best technique and the people, but still managed to reach the northerners in the best case of parity, while both Maharashtra, where the weaker militarily, had to send the secondary force. With the disappearance of one of the fronts of the released compounds were aimed at combating Bombay. They were enough to tip the scales and to attack to the south. In the late autumn of Bombay fell, and in the early 58 Maharashtra spread across the seams of de facto retiring from the war. Tamils were left alone with all the red blocks, but nevertheless continued to fight desperately for every meter of land. Their courage was motivated by two reasons: first, there was a hope to get help from overseas, and secondly, know what to do Tamil Hindus of all their previous sins and atrocities. Fights last third of the war turned out to be this bloody bacchanalia, even against the background of the Second Anti-Communist. It got to the use of combat gas and destroy cities. Both sides, of course, do not take prisoners. Nevertheless, by April it was all over. For Tamils only a few coastal towns remained, its leaders, as previously elite Maharshatra and Sindhistan and fled to Travancore. This led to that wonderfully in the small principality simultaneously gathered various princes and Raj that had fled from reddening principalities during the time of World War II, and the socialist government in exile, who came here a few months ago. Quite often their new residence located almost in the neighboring rooms. Naturally such proximity Nobody benefited and often ended in scandal and the massacre. American and British diplomats regularly had to separate and reconcile enemies, that turned bad, and because they regularly had to resort to the last argument - the threat of deportation. This sobering both sides of at least a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, the last pockets of resistance fell and Tamils was completely in the hands of Delhi. Contrary to the expectations of the local, which has kept fallow fleet for (re) escape, Indian troops did not storm the last capitalist enclave on the continent and on the contrary, went to negotiate. As a result of Travancore was created around the demilitarized neutral zone width of up to hundreds of kilometers, Delhi recognized the independence and the borders of a small principality, and refused any territorial claims in this direction. Naturally, this was not the end, quite the contrary. Victory in this war Delhi switched to other destinations. In the first place to the west, where the International, reinforced by Indian and Afghan military experts Iranian army crossed the border of Azerbaijan thus starting another war. In the case immediately joined Turkey and, little by little, the rest of the hastily created Tbilisi Treaty, but a great experience gained in red in the last war the Trotskyists did not leave a single chance. The Iranian army is slowly but steadily moved forward despite the losses and technological advantage of the enemy, at the same time managing to concentrate forces on the border with Iraq. After a couple of weeks that something fishy was going on, and in the east, on the border with Burma. An army of workers headed for the north-east of the commune for the construction of warehouses, roads and access roads, and local garrisons rapidly expanded and updated by experienced war with the former Southern Front. Burma has long kept his army in full combat readiness and heavily built a defensive wall on the west of the country, but nevertheless, it was clear - if the Reds can unfold no shaft Yangon will not save. Tellingly, on the border with the pro-Japanese Manipuri no problems. In addition to public intervention Delhi resorted to other ways of expanding the influence, such as revolutions. The first sign was the Turkestan Emirate in which a couple dozen left-wing officers who were dissatisfied with the economic and social policy of the Emir, mutiny in the east of the country, took control of a dozen barracks, weapons depots, and then the entire crowd under the leadership of the Indian agenntov headed for Ashgabat. Local army had a negligible resistance and often passed on the side of the rebels, settlements obey one another. Many Americans were hoping for that for a long time in this country had several military bases, but they are not eager to fight and quietly collected things.

Naturally, after such an ignominious surrender of Turkmenistan similar event occurred in Uzbekistan. So much so that Russia, which had no right to the army, it was necessary to carry out the occupation of Karakalpakstan use force in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. De jure, of course it looked like a joint peacekeeping operation in Kiev and in Orenburg, but de facto all knew that the threads leading to the Kremlin. And they were not against, because the situation was catastrophic. The United States was in zugzwang position: on the one hand idly watching what was happening in Asia could not be greater, and further delay threatened with complete loss of credibility in the world. On the other send troops, even without a declaration of war, it was dangerous. The public, knowing how things may unfold, thoroughly prepared in advance: bummed tents, buses, banners, gasoline and all such other things. Politicians realized that any attempt to send "Goodfellas" to fight for the ideals of democracy could lead at best to the impeachment, and at worst to the revolution. Of course, no one is going to start a war. It is not output, but US generals and analysts do not knowingly eat their own bread, and that this is the case they have long been designed and approved a detailed operation. Operation Nebuchadnezzar.


On the night of July 27 to Travancore airfields, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Oman and Burma soared several hundred bombers class "air castle". Most of them carried on the fuselage of an American flag, but there were those in which you could see the Union Jack. All of them were sent to the coast of the Indian subcontinent. The first wave reached the territory of India and a half hours and the size of it was so great that even the primitive Indian radars able to detect them. Alarm raised all those who can and who can not be given on the intruders immediately went to Delhi. But to everyone's surprise in local rained not bombs and napalm, and hundreds of containers with humanitarian aid. This turn has forced the Indian leaders to fall into a painful meditation and discussion - This is a grand provocation or intervention? Attack guests in every way, or simply to accompany the discharge point? Hiding in a bomb shelter or appeal to the people? Half an hour later the reasons for disputes disappeared. The first bomb fell at 4:11 local time on Sulat, four minutes was followed by the second at Raipur, third and fourth landed in Rajkot. In total, the Indian land was to throw from 400 to 700 atomic bombs (the precise details are still secret), whose total capacity is from 20 to 50 megatons of TNT. Were attacked everything - infrastructure nodes, cities, industrial areas, dams, power stations, military depots, army compounds. "The grand Armada" was carrying death to all, but still prefer to strike the northern part of the country where they lived Hindi. Aviation Aboriginal tried to resist, but in vain - at that time a considerable part of the Air Force was relocated to the east, and the available forces were able to knock out a twelve bombers. Twelve bombers from five hundred ...

At the July morning of the 58 th year, India changed forever. And with it has changed and the rest of the world.
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In the spirit of (belated) Christmas, I present a horrifying post-apocalyptic dystopia.


Page link here.

In the early morning hours of May 8th, 1981, the world came to an end.

Cold War tensions were at an all-time high when a false alarm caused the Soviets to retaliate to what they thought was an initial American attack. NATO quickly responded in kind. While the majority of the fighting for WWIII would be over by nightfall, missiles would continue to fly for weeks afterward as submarines and hidden bases emptied the last of their nuclear, chemical, and biological arsenals.

Not all of these missiles would reach their targets, however. While the majority of the Soviet arsenal was directed to North America, Western Europe, China, and the Middle East, a single ICBM from the first wave of attack was directed to Pretoria, South Africa. They planned to coat the rest of the country with more in the successive waves, but the submarine carrying the deadly package found itself ripped in two at the bottom of the ocean before it could unleash death. The rest of Africa was left almost completely untouched, with the exception of the northern coast was bombarded as an extension of the attacks on Europe and the Middle East.

This left South Africa as the best armed, most industrialized, and least destabilized nation in a region full of natural resources and lacking protection from any outside powers. The years spent as an international pariah would now pay off, as the policies of autarky would let it survive the complete collapse of international trade following the war. Its geographic location would also protect it from the worst of the fallout, which was mainly concentrated in the Northern hemisphere.

The nationalist government, still operating under apartheid, found itself free to use its army and newfound power to "liberate" outside countries and crush internal dissent alike. Zimbabwe was one of the first targets, where the progress made to remove minority rule was taken back and Prime Minister Mugabe was deposed. Lesotho and Swaziland soon followed, and were both incorporated as internal bantustans.

While most of Africa was untouched by the nuclear holocaust, it still greatly suffered. Many countries relied on outside support for food aid, financial support, and manufactured goods. The regimes in power also relied on military support from either the Communist or Capitalist powers. Now that the survivors in NATO and the Warsaw Pact were busy eating each other before dying of radiation poisoning, all of that outside support vanished. This combined with the oncoming nuclear winter left hundreds of millions to die from starvation, warfare, and disease. Religious extremists and doomsday cults which would have made ISIS look like the Girl Scouts surged in power.

By 2000, South Africa would have united a large portion of the southern half of the continent. On top of merging with "Greater Rhodesia", they have also expanded into south-east Angola and Katanga for their resources and strategic positions. There have been talks of integrating Mozambique as well, but for now it has been deemed too much work for too little gain. They reserve the right to annex the puppet nation in the future should they ever change their minds, however. The government itself has benefited from the glut of white refugees fleeing Europe and North America, whom they mostly put to work in the military and civil services to earn their citizenship before shipping them off north to help settle the frontier. Anyone who arrives with known communist or anti-Apartheid backgrounds disappears to a work camp, never to be heard from again. The secret police force has grown over the years to ensure that any internal threats to the status quo are quickly silenced.

The nation also maintains most of the continent's remaining people. In 1981 the population of Africa stood at 490,000,000. By 1985 it would plummet to only 20% of that. By 2000, it has grown back up to 162,000,000, with nearly half of it in South Africa's new borders. A large portion of these survivors are native Africans eking out a living in the Bantustans, highly segregated communities set apart from the rest of South Africa with very low standards of living.

South Africa would not be the only nation on the continent to weather the storm, however. In the north was Ethiopia, still ruled by The Derg. During the long winter, the central government holed up with whatever resources they could to wait it out, even while it left much of the civilian population to die. Afterwards, it emerged from the core of the highlands to retake the nation and attempt to rebuild. The fragile state only stayed together through sheer force, greatly helped by a new cult of personality around Mengistu Mariam. One of the state's biggest goals was to secure the fertile farmland in southern Sudan, no matter the cost to the people already living there. The country would last to this day under a harsh Marxist regime that functions similarly to North Korea. It has found some success in sending teams to Arabia to salvage any vehicles, ships, and skilled survivors they can.

To the West was another final bastion of civilization. Nations in La Francophonie banded together, forming a European Union-like organization to coordinate aid, defense, and other needs. In reality, however, it would be a de facto military dictatorship ruled through the French Foreign Legion in small pockets of civilization separated by vast uncontrolled territories. The military forces cobbled together have started to resemble the local corrupt warlords they're supposed to be defending against. Compared to the outright genocidal dictatorships in South Africa and Ethiopia, however, they remain a paragon of Western ideals. Also unlike the other two major powers on the continent, La Francophonie also maintains decent relations with other surviving nations such as Ghana and the Central African Commune.
I applaud you on this because by and large you are not wrong, by any means, I just want to say two things, in our time line what you have said could have happened with the nukes, however chances are that at least some parts of South America would have survived as well, because that sub probably would have been targeting both South Africa and South America. Also disease, especially the kind that effects people and livestock would have halved the population of southern Africa. Granted you may have factored that in with the population reduction. I like what you have done with this congrats.
I applaud you on this because by and large you are not wrong, by any means, I just want to say two things, in our time line what you have said could have happened with the nukes, however chances are that at least some parts of South America would have survived as well, because that sub probably would have been targeting both South Africa and South America. Also disease, especially the kind that effects people and livestock would have halved the population of southern Africa. Granted you may have factored that in with the population reduction. I like what you have done with this congrats.

Thank you :)

I did plan on having South America mostly survive, though there would be issues with food and disease in certain areas, as well as dictatorships being cut off from their outside support. I planned to mention them in passing along with other possible surviving remnants in China, but ultimately decided against it to keep the focus on Africa. I know I can get carried away with the backstories for my maps, so I'm trying to keep them shorter and simpler. South America in general would be a big trading partner with Africa once global trade slowly starts back up.

I did figure that a lot of people would die in southern Africa as well, though still not as many as in the north. Much of the death would have been outside South Africa, and unfortunately I can see South Africa itself putting most of the burden of low resources on the non-white lower classes. Part of the reason for their population growth is that they were able to stabilize sooner than other regions, and also received a huge number of refugees from the northern hemisphere on top of expanding territorially.
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