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Jeasusland map 2016 edition:

And after the enviable war (so many enclaves + exclaves) between Jeasusland and The United States of Canada:
Jeasusland map 2016 edition:
View attachment 295048
And after the enviable war (so many enclaves + exclaves) between Jeasusland and The United States of Canada:
View attachment 295049

Like the premise, but I think you might wanna look at the electoral map's provinces for each state. West Virginia is Red through-and-through, while Chicago wants nothing to do with Trump or even the rest of it's own state. (I can say this as a Chicagonian.)
Nice map and hard word probably, but...
- lots of anachronistic place names (I identified about 20 in only one minute), some of them really absurd (cities named after Communists);
- no diacritics anywhere;
- a few clear spelling errors.
I've noticed I used the incorrect base map for names of places, I may go back and fix them. Also I had issues with the typeface not registering certain Romanian letters so I had to leave them out. Plus after working on this map for nearly a month I was irritated with the slow progression and gave into laziness
Definitely true. One of my pet peeves is when people say "reality is unrealistic", which is ridiculous as it is by definition the most real and plausible thing we can use. Nothing fictional even comes close.
"Truth is stranger than fiction". Fiction has to tell a story, have a complete narrative. Reality is under no obligation to conform to our subjective framework for what "makes sense".
The fact that Trump is President-elect of the US is a Trumpwank on its own, to be honest.

This. Some folks out there may want to make the argument of "but reality is the baseline!".....which it may be. Doesn't necessarily mean that something that happened IOTL wasn't implausible, however-this was a great example of that(it literally flew in the face of reason, and even just plain logic). And that's really all I have to say on that matter.
I was a bit bored, so I made this map of a hypothetical island, which was colonized by both the German Empire (by far the largest part) and Austria-Hungary (the region around Sabadhafen) in 1900.
The whole thing has a similar size as the German Empire, maybe a bit larger.

Shown are the provinces and the Regierungsbezirke.

20161110 Insel  beschr.   .png
Okay, how many of these Trump-reaction maps are we going to get?

I confess you I'm starting to pity Trump very much. The poor man is just now beginning to get hints of the big trouble he got himself into, and he put himself there by his own hands.
But even worse off are those who voted him, that haven't realized it yet.

"Hello, 911? Send an ambulance to the 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue, the President just had a collapse".
I confess you I'm starting to pity Trump very much. The poor man is just now beginning to get hints of the big trouble he got himself into, and he put himself there by his own hands.
But even worse off are those who voted him, that haven't realized it yet.

Seems more like baseless politicking than a statement on policy or capability.

"They said that it would never happen, but it did. When California seceded from the Union, a domino effect set off. Within a month of this happening, all that was left of the Union was the Midwest, western Pennsylvania and New York, Virginia, Maryland, and New Columbia. Although most of the states had seceded, the borders were not fluid. On the East Coast, originally the most successful states were New York and the Commonwealth of New England, a confederation between the six New England states. In economic competition, most pundits and observers believed New York would triumph due to its larger population. However, upstate New Yorkers felt that independence for New York had not solved their problems, and the country fractured. The original Republic of New York currently only holds onto part of the New York metro area. In the process, New England annexed the Plattsburgh area and added it onto Vermont to balance its low population. Presently, New England and California are the most prosperous of the many American breakaways (not including the U.S. itself). It also bought a few border islands from Canada as a diplomatic action; the two are currently in a military and economic alliance. A few radical members of the New England Parliament are considering a union with Canada, but support for this is low in the newly independent nation. However, as the 2010s have shown, anything is possible."

(note that this is not a partisan map, I started it before Election Day)
"They said that it would never happen, but it did. When California seceded from the Union, a domino effect set off. Within a month of this happening, all that was left of the Union was the Midwest, western Pennsylvania and New York, Virginia, Maryland, and New Columbia. Although most of the states had seceded, the borders were not fluid. On the East Coast, originally the most successful states were New York and the Commonwealth of New England, a confederation between the six New England states. In economic competition, most pundits and observers believed New York would triumph due to its larger population. However, upstate New Yorkers felt that independence for New York had not solved their problems, and the country fractured. The original Republic of New York currently only holds onto part of the New York metro area. In the process, New England annexed the Plattsburgh area and added it onto Vermont to balance its low population. Presently, New England and California are the most prosperous of the many American breakaways (not including the U.S. itself). It also bought a few border islands from Canada as a diplomatic action; the two are currently in a military and economic alliance. A few radical members of the New England Parliament are considering a union with Canada, but support for this is low in the newly independent nation. However, as the 2010s have shown, anything is possible."

(note that this is not a partisan map, I started it before Election Day)

Oh, no I don't mind at all; the map was entertaining and of a high quality.
And here's another map I've been working on: a map for this scenario by CyberPhoenix001.

I love the map, Bruce, I really do, but, let's face it, this definitely wasn't a good time for it. As we've seen, it seems no one cares about a Mongol-era divergence map with an Oman-wank right now.

Because why would they, when we can all talk about Donald Trump some more? I mean, God forbid we discuss him, the election and its outcome any less than we already have. :idontcare:
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