Map Thread XII

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Wouldn't Illyrian being considered akin to Dacian?
Nope, since Illyrio-Albanian is a completely different branch of the Indo-European languages from Daco-Thracian, exactly as OTL.
Is the Mesopotamic language just a divergent Assyrian or something completely different?

Great map, though!

Read the key. The Mesopotamic languages are a part of the Levantine branch of the Indo-European languages, bearing absolutely no relation to the OTL Assyrian languages.


There are usually two types of Axis victory TLs - one which attempts to provide a thorough and realistic scenario, and one which just has insane shit going on.

This falls into the latter.
Interesting, Japan managed to take all of China, India and Indonesia but left Australia unmolested? And the Axis powers took out Britain and conquered huge swathes of Africa but couldn't beat the Free French?
Interesting, Japan managed to take all of China, India and Indonesia but left Australia unmolested?

And Alaska, and California, and Cascadia, and Hawaii, and New Zealand, and Madagascar...

And the Axis powers took out Britain and conquered huge swathes of Africa but couldn't beat the Free French?

Well, he *did* say there was insane shit going on...:p

And I do so love the Portuguese enclaves in Macau, Timor, and Daman-Diu-Goa just plodding along as if nothing happened. Portugal über alles!:p
Interesting, Japan managed to take all of China, India and Indonesia but left Australia unmolested? And the Axis powers took out Britain and conquered huge swathes of Africa but couldn't beat the Free French?

Why would the Japanese bother? There would be few there to claim to be protected from European exploiters (and probably too dark skinned for the taste of some of the p Japanese military) and it would be too much of a drain on manpower to clear it out, let alone colonize it after that. There were much richer prices to the East. As for the French.... The Italians would need to cross the Sahara. Also probably consolidated into the United Nations.

And Alaska, and California, and Cascadia, and Hawaii, and New Zealand, and Madagascar...

Well, he *did* say there was insane shit going on...:p

And I do so love the Portuguese enclaves in Macau, Timor, and Daman-Diu-Goa just plodding along as if nothing happened. Portugal über alles!:p
Like the Dutch with the Nanban Trade, I imagine they would be seen as useful and relatively weak.

Can I make a challenge here for someone to show the ports, treaty rights, and spheres of influences in a Japense led GEACPS?
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Why would the Japanese bother? There would be few there to claim to be protected from European exploiters (and probably too dark skinned for the taste of some of the p Japanese military) and it would be too much of a drain on manpower to clear it out, let alone colonize it after that. There were much richer prices to the East.

Like the Dutch with the Nanban Trade, I imagine they would be seen as useful and relatively weak.

Can I make a challenge here for someone to show the ports, treaty rights, and spheres of influences in a Japense led GEACPS?

That's easy - just let Portugal keep their preexisting colonies, in fact let's give them West Timor as well, why not, and colour everything else Japan yellow.
Feudal futures are always interesting stuff. I'll take that the greenish-yellow state on the midwest is a raider tribes, mongol golden horde kind of thing, right?
And that thing in Alaska, is it russian or related to the equivalent of Russia on this timeline? I mean, considering its color...

Yes, the natives adopted a pastoral lifestyle and thus became nomadic tribes, who were eventually united, much like the Golden Horde. Alaska is just the Kingdom of Alaska, nothing more. The color is just for reference.

How much history was preserved? What kind of apocalyptic events?

A good deal of history was preserved, though a lot of it has become muddled in fiction and legend. The apocalyptic events include: nuclear war, disease, mass famine, and other such unpleasantness.
Figured I give map making another swing.
1980: Two years before the UK rage quits during the Falkland War and nukes Buenos Aires.
TL22 1980.png

TL22 1980.png
The Point of Divergence in this world comes around the death of Alexander the Great in 323. In this world, the collapse of the Macedonian Empire was bloodier, with more confusion. Meanwhile, in India, the Nanda Dynasty, under the despotic Dhana Nanda, was overthrown by Chandragupta Mauryan, who began the Mauryan Empire. The Mauryans, realizing their luck, advanced into the disunited remnants of Macedon, managing to hold all of the land, roughly, of the Achaemenid Empire. The Mauryan Empire was an interesting place, where Greek, Indian, and Persian cultures mixed together.
By the current date, Kaliyuga 3702, the Hindi Empire, now under the rule of an Anatolian dynasty, is the strongest in Eurasia. The Empire, in the last 900 years, has expanded westwards, taking Anatolia and Mesopotamia. In India, their original home, they have done little expansion. Despite not actually owning Greece and Latinia, the states that rule those lands have much Indian influence, and follow forms of Hinduism, albeit mixed with the old religions.
The Hindi Empire itself is a magnificent place. From the Greeks, they have inherited ways of building massive marble temples and statues, old techniques utilized even today, though often to honor new gods. The religion of the Hindi Empire is Hinduism. However, if asked, Hindus would be found from Latinia to the far reaches of Indonesia, so Hinduism has many different forms. In the Empire, Hinduism can be found in forms mixed with the old Greek Gods, even having parts of Aristotlean Philosophy in it. The caste system, though, is something honored throughout the entire Empire, and is practically law. It does make for some discontent amongst low caste people who will never have anything.
Though the Empire is strong, they do face some threats. Firstly, the Xiongu Horde, which is found on the steppe of Central Asia. They recently moved there, and seem likely to move on at some point. Unfortnatly, moving on would likely mean entering the Empire. Second, the tribal kingdoms of the Caucasus are a problem, but they are not nuemrous enough to destroy the empire, just destablize part of it. Finally, the Germanic peoples. The Germanic tribes are camped out north of the Balkan vassals of the Empire, and are ready to advance into those vassals.
Another large power is the Gaullic Empire. United by a Gaullic tribe the century after Alexanders death, forces of a King named Vercengetorix formed the beginning of the empire. The Empire is not especially strong, mostly due to it not having an especially centralized political structure, with tribes have a lot of authorities. The current Emperors three sons, Aneuno, Lugurix, and Frontu have vast areas they reign in.
Still, the Empire is feared in Iberia, where the Kingdom of the Lobetani, which controls much of Spain, and whose allies control most of the rest. The Gauls fought the Iberians recently, and the Gauls won. Its days have not yet ended.
Britain is an interesting place. In the south, a Celtic Kingdom rules, this one somewhat like the Gauls. To its north is another Celtic state, this one influenced heavily by the Norscan Kingdom which has a bit of land there. Further north is the kingdom of the West, which is ruled by Gaelo-Picts. Ireland is totally united aside from the land owned by the Kingdom of the West. Ireland itself has puppet kingdoms in Wales and Cornwall.
The Americas have not changed much, with the Mayans and Incas still as major powers. However, the Mexica pushed to the Gulf of Mexico, establishing a sea-borne culture which has colonies throughout the Gulf of Mexico. They are fearsome, and often descend on coastal villages for slaves.

Timeline One-Ninety-What
1969, 27 years since Gordon McSweeney and the forces of the Federated States of America entered Richmond, then pushed on to New Orleans, making themselves the only power of note on the North American continent. Now, Boston is only the center of a massive sphere that rules from the Yukon to the Yucatan.

1969, 25 years since Adolf Hitlers Panzers blared the Panzerlied and the Black Watch piped down the Champs Elysee, dividing continental Europe into the sphere of King Richard and the BUFs British Empire and the Nazi Third Reich, with their only opposition small states that could never challange the British and Germans.

1969. The world is split into five major sides. The British Federation, dominated by Social Darwinists of the British Union of Fascists, intent on purifying the Empire and filling it with settlers from fairist Albion. Germany, a jumble of different administrative regions, ruled by Adolf Hitlers successor, Fuhrer Albert Speer. Japan, which claims to be some "Greater East-Asian Co-prosperity Sphere". The United States of South America, the freest state in the world, ruled by survivors of the French Republic and the United States. And, the Federal States of America, still ruled by President Gordon McSweeny, a heavily religious former Sergeant who has managed to wipe out people he deems treasonous to the FSA and then dominate North America.

Why has the world come to this? Look back a century. In 1860, the United States, a minor power at that time, held an election. A man named Breckinridge came out on top, winning large states like California and Texas over his opponents, including Abraham Lincoln. Lincolnite states in the north, upset with Breckinridges victory, left the union, declaring the Federal States of America with its capitol in Boston, then Philadelphia. This FSA managed to get support from the British Empire, and secured its independence from the US. Another war was fought in the 1880s, where the US was again trounced by the British and FSA, with French support. The support of the French was somewhat ironic as they, under Napoleon IIIs monarchy, were the ones who had established the Mexican monarchy, which sold Sonora, Chihuahua, Baja California, and a few other northern states to the US, beginning the war. However, when France became a republic again, it switched sides, no longer supporting Mexico. With the FSA victory, the US only annexed a few states; Baja California, Sonora, and Chihuahua.

In 1914, war broke out again when the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was shot in Sarajevo by a Bosnian nationalist. Alliances came into effect, and that year saw Serbia, Bosnia, Russia, France, and the United States pitted against Germany, Britain, the FSA, Austria-Hungary, and Belgium. Throughout the war, Mexico, Brazil, and Italy came in on the French side. The war ended with a victory by the French and US in 1919, mostly because Austria-Hungary had collapsed.

The Treaty of Versailles placed heavy reparations on the losing powers, with them having to give up much territory. Italy, which believed it was treated unfairly by its allies after victory, was the home of a new ideology, Fascism, which took hold in Germany, Britain, and the FSA. In 1922, Benito Mussolini took power in Italy, Oswald Mosely in 1929 in Britain, and in 1933, Adolf Hitler in Germany and Gordon McSweeny in the FSA. Throughout the 1930s, these powers built up their militaries, and the Germans annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia.

The Second World War broke out in 1939 when Adolf Hitlers Nazis marched over the Polish border on September 1. That day, Britain and Italy both declared war on France and Poland. The US and FSA went to war on September 10 as FSA forces marched into US occupied Canada and the actual US. The war dragged on until 1944, at which point the Axis Powers, Italy, Germany, Britain, the FSA, and Japan split the world between them. These nations are all incredibly totalitarian and nationalistic, attempting to spread their cultures to all people in their empire by the sword.

Since 1944, these nations have begun to clash. They have realized that the world is simply not big enough for five nations, each believing themselves the best. In recent years, German spies have been seen in London, Japanese agents in New York, and Italians in Berlin. Many analysts have begun preparing for what they believe is the inevitable war, in which all five world powers will fight to the death with their atomics and men. However, one thing that keeps them from doing that is the fact that, in deep africa, guerillas still fight against their rulers, while behind the Urals, the Soviet Union still exists, and is churning out men who fight the Germans in the Military Frontier of Uralia. South America, though, is the only truly free place, where the Republic of Brazil dominates the continent. Brazil is filled with American and French refugees, having fled from the nations that now occupy their country. This is a world that is extremely unstable.

Timeline One-Ninety-What?
Date: 1969
POD: 1860
Technology: Technology roughly followed OTL before World War 2. During the War, multiple powers created atomic weaponry, and after their usage, attempted to build bigger and better weapons. Rockets progressed faster, though vast air wings are still seen and held by all powers. Land weapons have gone similar to OTL, though with lots of fighting in rural areas of Africa and Asia, armor is not as dominant. Also, communication technology is more developed than OTL, though the government has more control in them.
North America
1- Canada was liberated by the British and FSA from the US in the 2nd World War. The new government recognizes the power of the King, but also has pretty much total autonomy.
2- The east of Canada is filled with Fenian and Quebecois revolutionaries. The Canadian and British armies use harsh methods, including the destruction of entire towns to stop the insurgency, yet it continues. Some of the Fenians have US weapons, including the famed Ford Rifles, despite Gordon McSweeneys famed anti-Catholicism.
3- The west of Canada is not much better, with Metis and Inuit rebels having a good bit of land. However, the Canadian authority remains in place because of settlers from the homeland and the FSA. Some of the FSAns now seem to want to join the FSA.
4- Alaska was taken by British forces quickly from the Soviet Union at the end of the 2nd World War.
5- The FSA. The FSA originally seceded from the USA over slavery in 1860. It remained around with foreign support, and, in the 2nd World War, dominated the north American continent. At the present it is ruled by Gordon McSweeney, an aging WW1 veteran, known for his teetotalism and radical Presbyterianism and the National Action Party, a party that believes the US and “morally decrepit” Anglicanism and Baptism is behind all the troubles the world has. The National Action Party expanded during the 1930s, and, after the 2nd World War, began disposing of people they found to be against the spirit of the FSA. They are relatively powerful, using an army to control the people, and have relatively few dissidents. Catholics and Jews remain around, but are somewhat frightened.
6- After the 2nd World War, the FSA annexed some lands it felt were rightfully theirs. These lands were flooded with settlers, their native populations either reeducated or fleeing southwards.
7- The former state of Polypotamia, traded back and forth between the USA and FSA after 1860, was finally permanently reannexed to the FSA after a plebiscite in 1938.
8- The Western states have had a better time in the FSA than the parts in the south.
9- The Atlantic States of America was created from the southeast of the USA after WW2, and is under the rule of a pro-FSA guy. It is not as tough on “moral enemies” or as authoritarian as the FSA, especially since a good bit of the population would rise up in arms if it were ever to occur.
10- The FSA leased the city of New Orleans indefinitely. It is filled with soldiers and dominates ASAn trade.
11- The Texas Republic, carved out of the USA in the last days of the war by the governor, who didn’t really want to occupied. Now is reasonably powerful, but cannot become too powerful due to its proximity to the FSA. Nevertheless, has nukes.
12- The Indian Republic, a US protectorate and the Oklahomah Free State, mostly afterthoughts.
13- The Carson Republic and Deseret Republic. One renowned for having lots of tough settlers, famed for brawling and cursing, with the other known for the exact opposite.
14- The California Republic was established about the same way as the Texas one. California has taken up being uncomfortably friendly with the Japanese in recent years. The FSA has also taken to having their ships patrol the coastal cities. Not for intimidation, seriously.
15- This area was kind of hard to put in any nation, so the FSA and Texas jointly administrate it. The locals are not quite happy, but are puzzled as to exactly who to revolt against.
16- Mexico had a troubled 19th century, going between monarchy and republic, but, in 1861, the French arrived and set up a monarchy under Emperor Francis, from Austria. The monarchy survived until the 1940s, fighting on the US side, when Communist revolutionaries overthrew the government, setting up a new government that is somewhat disliked by the FSA. They also fight Capitalist rebels in the Yucatan.
17- Cuba, pro-US, suffered a similar fate after the US collapsed, and in 1959, Communist rebels took it over. The FSA has an embargo on it.
18- The British managed to take over much of the Carribean. While they don’t like it, they don’t like getting killed in napalm strikes either.
South America
1- Brazil is the undisputed strongest free nation. It remained neutral throughout much of the 20th century, managing to host expatriates from conquered countries. It built up its military and now is a force to be reckoned with, dominating south America.
2- Back in 1905, Brazil and Ecuador trounced Colombia and Peru, getting a lot of lands. Ecuador eventually fell into the Brazilian sphere.
3- Colombia lost a lot of its southern lands to Brazil, and is still pissed off because of it. Pissed off enough to take British arms.
4- Panama, home of the Panama Canal, built by US investors around the turn of the century, was snatched up by the Brazilians, who figured having Britain or Germany own the canal would not be a good thing.
5- The Brazilians annexed British Guiana, though to this day they still claim it.
6- The French and Dutch governments in exile. They are heavily supported by Brazil and, without it, would collapse.
7- Argentina and Chile are still around and reasonably powerful. They are both somewhat pro-Brazilian, because they look less bad than the rest of the world.
8- Peru is pissed off at Brazil. They are revanchist, and of the sort that wants to restore the Incan Empire.
9- The Argentinians know not to even attack this place. They don’t want a nuke in Buenos Aires.
1- Britain is ruled by the British Union of Fascists and King George VI. The BUF managed to gain power after the British lost World War 1, which, though only a minor loss in power, was a major prestige loss. However, in World War 2, they managed to make up for their losses, smashing their enemies and restoring their empire. These days, the nation is run as a police state, with the army having quite a bit of power. However, in Britain, the BUF, unlike the Nazis or Italian Fascists, has a lot of support from the established aristocracy. The BUF itself puts a lot of emphasis on English nationalism, some weird sort of jumble of German-Celtic society, but still Christian. It is quite ill-defined.
2- Ireland. The English kind of wanted some lands to settle, plus the Irish were Catholics, and that caused a bit of trouble. The end result was a mass exodus to Canada or Brazil with English now living in their old homes.
3- The Greater German Reich. Hitler is still in control, just more insane owing to his old age. The place basically dominates Europe, having come out on top after World War 2. The Reich is basically a police state, dominated by the Wehrmacht, Gestapo, and SS, who feud amongst themselves as well as keep the people down. Not a terrible place to live, mostly because if you were going to get killed for some strange reason, it probably would have happened already, and, the standard of living is not actually that bad there, because state-funded megacorporations, Volkswagen among them, have begun producing high-quality, cheap, vehicles for all people to use.
4- Vichy France is still around, and not a bad place to live, because the local French leaders never got quite into the whole killing people thing, and, the Germans know better than to send in guys to find locals and deport them, unlike the north, which has had much worse fate. Vichy France still has quite a few colonial holdings, which it uses harsh methods to keep in the empire.
5- Germanys little Balkan friends are still holding out, and, with no major enemies to fight, now argue amongst themselves.
6- Sweden stayed around by allying themselves with the Germans. They have survived that way, and have a great standard of living. Under an eccentric dictator, there has been an attempt to “IKEA-fy” the country.
7- Being readied for annexation.
8- Denmark was allowed to survive by allowing German troops to go through it on their way to Norway. The Germans are now somewhat unhappy after realizing they cannot annex the place.
9- Finland fought alongside Germany, gaining much of the land in the north. It is mostly run by social conservatives who are somewhat unhappy they are associated with Germany. Still, the army, which styles itself as the successors of the ancient Finnic heroes, is still around, complicating matters.
10- The Kingdom of Moscow was propped up by the Germans, who allowed it to have a bit of self-rule. The Kingdom has an extensive secret police and propaganda department, who work tirelessly to portray the people as the descendants of the Vikings.
11- Military Frontier Uralia, is a vast zone designated as the end of authority by the Greater German Reich and its allies. The local Russian peasants hate the Germans, and the Soviets seem to occupy large areas of the border. It kind of sucks to be there, owing to the near constant warfare for about twenty years.
12- Spain. Still under Francoist rule, which is not as bad as German rule.
13- Salazar rules Portugal, and, due to his alliance with the British, means he has not been conquered yet. Like Spain, it really is not so bad to live in Portugal.
14- Italy, under Mussolinis successor Alessandro Pirzio Biroli, is still Fascist. Italian Fascism is a lot less efficient than Naziism. The trains do run on time.
15- Greece is under the rule of its own Fascists under Ionnis Metaxas, who the Germans left in power after realizing leaving the Italians with Greece would just be a problem waiting to happen. Its not doing to badly these days.
16- The Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans managed to stay out of World War 1, intervening in Russia, attempting to get some of the Turkic Homelands. After the war, they suffered a coup in which nationalist, and somewhat progressive, officers took over, putting a new government in place. Also, they lost the Caucasus. In World War 2, they stayed neutral, getting a jointly-administered state with the Germans in the Caucasus.
1- Egypt is under British protection, and the government there, under the Monarchy, is practically controlled by the Egyptian National Peoples Party. The ENPP is trying to imitate the Germans and Ottomans, but is not doing as well as the, and is a lot more corrupt. Don’t mess with millionaires mayors.
2- Italian Libya is still stable because of settlers, and the fact that some smart ministers have claimed Libyans are the descendents of the Romans, saving them from getting killed, and having insurgencies.
3- Spanish West Africa. Big, but not well managed, and not as many settlers as the Italian colonies, mostly because the Spanish aren’t on big as the idea of making the place Spanish-ized.
4- The Vichy French still own a lot of Africa, except, the area they actually control is very small. The Tuaregs have a lot of weapons these days, and weapons they cannot make themselves.
5- West Africa has a lot of trouble with Communist rebels. Even with all the troops and napalm, Europe cannot fight an entire continent.
6- Central Africa, while not as bad as West Africa, has pockets of rebels all over.
7- The Congo is just in absolute chaos. Its so bad even the British and FSA have sent troops to assist the Germans.
8- East Africa is pretty bad, but the British and Germans are taking care of it with the assistance of the Atomics.
9- Much of Rhodesia is filled with Bush Wars between the settlers and the locals. It is very bloody.
10- South Africa is spared much of the chaos, mostly because vast sections of the population are either deported or killed. Consequently, people who are not happy with getting killed have started an insurgency in the north, which is not exactly going strong.
1- The Soviet Union still exists behind the Urals, led by some guy named Georgy Malenkov. The Union went downhill after Joseph Stalin was killed by a German bomb. It basically uses slave labor in factories to build weapons for the soldiers, which basically make up the rest of the population. Its borders are ill-defined, mostly defined by where the warlord-officers are. Not a good place to be.
2- Ottoman Central Asia. Known mostly for having a lot of settlers from Anatolia, who act like they are Turks. The locals, who know how to live of the land find them quite funny.
3- Ottoman Mesopotamia. Turkish settlers are being sent there.
4- The Kingdom of Hedjaz. Now under a Turkish leader.
5- The Federation of Arabia. Originally a British puppet federation, but upon having things to do elsewhere, left the place under House Saud.
6- When the British left Afghanistan, the Turks began supporting the Afghans. Now, they have a lot of influence over the place, except in the northern region, where the people just want to be left alone.
7- The Islamic Federation of Bharat is the Muslim successor to India, divided by the British when they left. The Federation is under a semi-authoritarian leader who is actually not all that bad, provided you don’t hate large militaries.
8- The rest of India is under the rule of the United States of India. The USI sucks, as, with vast parts being Muslim or Buddhist, and being incredibly poor, a Hindu nationalist rules the place, using his vast army to basically keep control ad force work in the incredibly polluted cities. The German ideas got to them, and now they think they are so great, and want to get rid of all non-Indo-Iranians.
9- The British Dominion of Dravidia. The British kept this area, with some vague ideas of resettling it with British settlers. However, it turns out most people don’t just want to leave the homeland and settling in India. Consequently, the settling is going very slowly. The Indians make offers every few years. The British decline because they aren’t quite interested in having the whole population massacered.
10- Japan. A really strange place. With most people who oppose the military dictatorship gone, the society is this weird honor based place with giant corporations owning vast tracts of land throughout the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. The Pan-Asian nationalism thing is not really working, with the Chinese and Vietnamese a lot poorer and exploited by the Zaibatsu.
11- The Japanese colonies in the north of China, sorry, allies. Their borders are badly defined, with Communists coming over the border. The interiors are surprisingly pacified, because the locals are killed in droves for any crimes, and Japanese settlers are incredibly willing to use all measures.
12- The interior of China is divided between Communists, KMT, and Japanese allies. Don’t go there. Few people are actually born there, mostly because the life expectancy is so low.
13- The British have a lot of influence here. The Japanese don’t really mind, because the tariffs are so high.
14- Tibet managed to go independent. The Japanese claim some land, and the Soviets are invading anyway. Its not that bad, though they are heading towards a theocracy.
15- Japanese Indochina, taken from the French. Still a lot of rebels there, but the Japanese have no qualms with using small nuclear artillery and torture, so the rebels aren’t doing as well as they might have.
1- Indonesia, taken from the Dutch government in exile is a sucky place, because the British are just sucky rulers and the Japanese murderers. The locals have risen up, but are not doing so well.
2- The Japanese Philippines. Due to the local government having a lot of authority, there is no major insurgency there. The Corporations there, however, exploit the locals, paying them little money.
3- The Dominion of Australia is considered the great part of the British Empire. With thousands of settlers fleeing nuclear destruction in the homeland, and near-slaves brought from India and Africa, vast irrigation has been built, and life there is not too bad, unless you are one of the people brought to work there.
4- FSA Hawaii, really just full of resorts where the Moralism Police cannot be, and a home for the Pacific Fleet which is gearing up for war against Japan.
5- A lot nuclear tests happen here.

Figured I give map making another swing.
1980: Two years before the UK rage quits during the Falkland War and nukes Buenos Aires.
View attachment 231222

Some questions here: 1. This European Federation doesn't look that democratic or free, more like... a Fourth Reich maybe? Or Euro-Nazis? Or is that freeer and more democratic than I think? The thesis that it is not too democratic can also be based on incorporation (annexation?) of the GDR coast, some colonies, and Albania...

2. How stable and how (un)democratic is this West African Union? How is it with the USA? The USSR with Poland in it is, I bet, no more democratic than OTL one?

3. Why did the British lose (give?) a part of Australia, which is anyway mostly worthless desert as far as I know, to the Dutch? What are the Belgians up to in Congo "Free" State (I presume it's nowhere near free!)?

4. What is the regime of this Tawantinsuyu/Peru-wank like? Commies like Mao/Pol Pot? Good commies? Ruthless white-rule capitalists/supremacists?

5. How did the Soviets get Alaska? Was/is there a Hispaniolan Missile Crisis?

6. Are all the other regimes (mostly) like OTL?
Some questions here: 1. This European Federation doesn't look that democratic or free, more like... a Fourth Reich maybe? Or Euro-Nazis? Or is that freeer and more democratic than I think? The thesis that it is not too democratic can also be based on incorporation (annexation?) of the GDR coast, some colonies, and Albania...

2. How stable and how (un)democratic is this West African Union? How is it with the USA? The USSR with Poland in it is, I bet, no more democratic than OTL one?

3. Why did the British lose (give?) a part of Australia, which is anyway mostly worthless desert as far as I know, to the Dutch? What are the Belgians up to in Congo "Free" State (I presume it's nowhere near free!)?

4. What is the regime of this Tawantinsuyu/Peru-wank like? Commies like Mao/Pol Pot? Good commies? Ruthless white-rule capitalists/supremacists?

5. How did the Soviets get Alaska? Was/is there a Hispaniolan Missile Crisis?

6. Are all the other regimes (mostly) like OTL?
1. Formed in the wake of the Nazi collapse in '49. Probably not as democratic as democracy is concerned. But bad enough that the dutch and belgians didnt want to leave their "safe*er" colonies.
2. Locked in an ice cold war with the European Federation. More democratic than the USSR but still commies. US is on better terms with them. USSR with poland no better, no worse
3. Australia always be a snag for me. United States of Belgium -maybe. bout as revoltous as syria has been these last few years
4. Peru-Bolivia government TBD
5. Merica never bought it; mexico's purty big. US got Cuba, Hati next best thing
6. mostly
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Realized how ridiculous my timescale was. going to slow things down a bit, along with use all the ideas (that second one I'm a bit less fond of, but whatever). Haven't heard much regarding my maps lately. I'd still like some if there's any to give. The Year's 2289.
Missed: Never bothered to change Chile's Claims on Antarctica to belong to Argentina. Still can't be arsed. School just ended, maybe I'll have the work ethic then. Doesn't really fit here, but i changed Denmark's color back to UCS for obvious reasons.
Systemwide: Earthly struggles have trumped outward expansion and threaten to keep it that way.
Europe: Europe's eyes are teporarily taken off Romaina and over to Russia, who has ripped itself apart during a gory class struggle, in which lower class citizens are denied the right to immigrate to space. Two main powers have emerged- a revived USSR, and the Republic of Russia. Both fighting heavily to recover and surpass the other. USSR has a capital in Moscow, while Russian Republic is in St. Petersburg. The Caucus People's Republic, Eastern Jewish Oblast, and Belarus have gained independence as well, along with the Oblast of Penza being contested. Ukraine is fighting for Independence, with PLC backing, having its own problems with the two Russias. Switzerland successfully fends off its invaders. Greece and the CEU temporarily settle their war over Bulgaria, but knowing the Greeks, who knows how long it will last.
Asia: The Russian conflict split over here, where China takes their small claim. Chukotka is trying to gain independence from the USSR. Burma is barely alive after finally making peace with India. Recovery is uncertain, and most people contest the region's government's handling of the war due to its lack of resolve. Siam turns its attention to Malaysia, Brunei unties with Singapore.
Africa: DRC continues to destabilize, even foreign powers realize they can't continue to prop up the state, and thus resort to damage control. SAC annexes Zambia, Malawi still in an uncomfortable spot. Union of Western Africa formed, rather loose collection of states under one flag. Internal political stalling threatens stability. French commonwealth pulled closer together, with Madagascar...umm..."joining".
Middle East: Greece "convinces" Turkey into seceding some territory on the Dardanelles. Afghanistan is still kicking.
S. America: WCO and LAU bash over Colombia. Colombian government exiled to a small island to the west of the mainland. Britain takes over the Suriname Union.
N. America: LAU gives up its claims on the WCO. France takes a few Caribbean islands.
Moon: SAC buys some Russian territory, nearly bankrupting them. USSR takes their share of territory after the split.
Mars: USSR takes their share of Martian territory as well. first definite borders begin to appear.

The World after the Conference of Budapest. The year is the 1895.

Very interesting map! (Is it your first one?)
What's going on in Albania, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Denmark-Norway-Sweden, and Siam/Thailand (how did that become a German protectorate/colony?)?
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