Map Thread XI

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My maps usually involve finding a way to wank my favorite nations (USA, ERE, Brazil, Chile, Austria, Tsarist Russia, and Portugal) so I made a map that screws them them over.

screw you.png
has anyone ever had a problem where a photoshop file doesn't open? this just happened to my ASB ATL's map file (and only that file) and i'm really pissed that it happened. i'm just thankful that i have the actual map still saved.

only one good thing has come of this thus far: it prompted me to map a new version of that map with a few improvements. namely, i touched up a border issue that someone mentioned (even though i had decided at the time that i wasn't gonna change it :p) and added in some designation for the modern protectorates ITTL. the protectorates shown are Anglo-Portuguese West Africa, Russo-Balkan West Africa, Dahomey, Hausaland, Kanem, Ethiopia, the White Nile Protectorate, Zambezi, Bechuanaland, and (using one color) the Secretariat of the South Pacific

in the final developments of the map, the South Pacific proved to be the most difficult thing to come up with stuff for. i ended up deciding that Britannia (TTL's Britain) would get OTL's Pacific monarchies (except for Hawaii, which is still a US state) while the rest is based on what powers discovered them first for the most part (though i decided to give all of Kiribati to France). one thing i decided on is that, except for Fiji (which is an actual Dominion like IOTL) every member-state of the Secretariat uses a European name instead of a native one--so Tonga, for instance, is called the "Friendly Islands" by everyone except the Tongans. Fiji is probably better off because of this: their European name was Cannibal Islands. :eek: (and yes, that's what they were actually called IOTL for a time!)

the Secretariat of the South Pacific (aka South Pacific Vassals) are actually independent from Britannia, the trade-off being that their natural resources are open to Britannian exploitation (and whatever other foreign powers get permission) and they have no armed forces except for law enforcement; for the most part, their territory is defended from possible incursions by the Britannian navy. in-universe, this would probably be considered a cushy assignment since there's little chance of seeing any action in this part of the world.

and again, any comments would be much appreciated: if there's some discrepancy that i overlooked, i'd like to know so that i can address it ;)

ATLAS-TMTTE Take 2 copy.png
I made a sequel of the map posted few days ago. We are in 1925 and my wank Italy followed the Entente winning WW1.

- Being more strong that OTL, Italy's performance was more than better (but also more wide), and at Versailles, she managed to put in minority Wilson and force Britain and France to respect in full the treaty of London (naturally more different than the original).

- Italy manages to obtain all the Adriatic coast, impose the birth of a Kingdom of Croatia ruled by the Savoia-Aosta dynasty, and contain the Serbians. Naturally, Belgrade felt itself humiliated and holded a grudge with Italy, and later goes fascist. Italy also goes for temporal occupation of Tyrol.

- Togo and Tanzania goes to Italy; attacking the Ottomans from Egypt, Kuwait, and Yemen, Rome takes also Palestine (annexed, due to the claims of the Savoia dynasty as kings of Jerusalem), Jordan and Iraq.

- Italy helps Greece in the war with Turkey, which was screwed in return, and forcing to cede Istanbul and other lands, while failing to retrieve the other territorial claims from France and USSR. Humiliated, soon also Turkey goes fascist. Greece and Italy became strict allies.

- Japan was more than disappointed by the gains in Oceania, considering that Italy ate a piece of German Oceania as well; the Rising Sun understood soon it will have to fight with the Italians to expand in the region.

- Being Italy a great winner in the war, Mussolini never had the possibility to impose the Fascism in the country; then, the Popular Party won the elections and signed the concordate with the Vatican.

- And lastly, Italian Antarctica with a share of penguins too. :p

Wank Italy- Entente victory.png
Is that German France?

looks to me like France is part of TTL's Holy Roman Empire instead (iirc, a general mapmaking convention is that, if Germany isn't unified, then German Gray/Feldgrau is used as an outline for the HRE)
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Now I have officially seen a map that has Russia split between Britain, Poland, and Sweden. :D

AE did it first in Vive la Francewank

Why does a Russia Screw require them to be completely destroyed but a Portugal Screw lets them keep their core territory?

Because while Portugal will slip into political irrelevance and become a vassal of Spain, Ruthania will, by virtue of is population and resources, become a more powerful part of the Triple Commonwealth.

Is that German France?

No, France is a member of this worlds HRE and the Bourbon monarchs of France are always competing with the Bavarian Wittelsbach dynasty for the title of Holy Roman Emperor since the Habsburgs never bounced back from the fall of Vienna.
At what date was western Canada taken by the US?

a different War of 1812, during which Britannia was still fighting Napoleon in the Coalition Wars (that's what the Napoleonic Wars are consistently referred to as ITTL). it ended up being that they divided too many troops between the various fronts and lost both, with them ceding Rupert's Land to the Americans in a vain attempt to salvage the much more important war in Europe. a few decades later, American and Britannian settlers come into conflict in what is western Quebec IOTL (which was part of Rupert's Land) but is solved more or less bloodlessly by the two governments' mutual decision that the people there wanted to be Britannians rather than Americans; the US later uses this against Britannia in acquiring Oregon (and the rest of western *Canada that's not part of Rupert's Land). the "Labrador Crisis" which arose over western *Quebec also resolved a loophole in the original cession, where Britannia retains control of the Arctic Isles because they were interested in uncovering the Northwest Passage while the Americans now had ports on both shores as well as plans to build the Panama Canal

also, Canada is called Albionaria ITTL due to butterflies ;)

EDIT: and before anyone says anything the Napoleonic Wars pretty much have everything going from bad to worse for the Coalition throughout, with Napoleon choosing to try for Constantinople instead of Russia and a pyrrhic Allied victory at Leipzig because the Kaiser, the Tsar, and their closest advisors were captured the night before. Napoleon really only in the long run because he overstretched himself in the Eighth Coalition War by trying to invade Russia, Britannia, Constantinople, AND maintain control of his client states until he died (officially of cancer, rumored to be poisoning)
a different War of 1812… …with them ceding Rupert’s Land to the Americans… …a few decades later… …acquiring Oregon… (and the rest of western *Canada that’s not part of Rupert’s Land).

May I then suggest these borders for this part of the map?

Watersheds are terrible borders, almost always.
I made a sequel of the map posted few days ago. We are in 1925 and my wank Italy followed the Entente winning WW1.
You know, I recently read about a suggestion that didn't go to far of Italy getting land in Caucasia around the time of WWI... Anyhow, is the Italian port/city in China the same one as they had been trying to get when everyone was grabbing at ports but was declined IOTl? The southern one, as I think the one in the north would be too important for them to have originally asked for. Could you explain the red lines in Siberia or the nuking of Japan? Base map problems?
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May I then suggest these borders for this part of the map?

Watersheds are terrible borders, almost always.

No, unless there's cities along their edges, I'd say they make fairly good borders; they ensure that river valleys lie in only one state, and as such the states formed become more natural entities than those formed by using rivers and lines of longitude or latitude as borders.
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