Map Thread XI

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A project for my favorite shared worlds game

"We're an Unbuilding Team: City Construction Game"




The Italians must be hundreds of billions of lire in debt with all that worthless land. And yet no Italian Antarctica.

The Philippines, Fujian, Somaliland, Kuwait, Egypt and the Suez Canal are hardly worthless. All of them (plus the powerful Siam as an ally) give Italy a foot in the door in very important global theatres too.
The Philippines, Fujian, Somaliland, Kuwait, Egypt and the Suez Canal are hardly worthless. All of them (plus the powerful Siam as an ally) give Italy a foot in the door in very important global theatres too.

There is no way that Britain would sell her shares in the Suez Canal. It forms a vital part of her interests, specifically, ease of access to India. The same goes for Malaysia.
The Philippines, Fujian, Somaliland, Kuwait, Egypt and the Suez Canal are hardly worthless. All of them (plus the powerful Siam as an ally) give Italy a foot in the door in very important global theatres too.
They shall never match the worth of a single penguin.

Kinda bored, so here's something of a post-WW1 map, with a rather sturdy OE around (or more like a really screwed up Russia, really). I'm not sure with the Baltic countries, but basically Germany had rather less success in Eastern Front.
If Russia is the US, why is the Ukraine independent? That's like throwing a Confederacy into the mix... :)


:p True enough, but the Germans won WWI, so the Ukraine is a independent Kingdom, but pretty much is the Canada to Russia's US.

Is Peru TTLs Afghanistan?

That is correct.

You should reduce the Basque Country's size. It includes the entirety of Aragon, which makes no sense. Also, if that county in the southern Iberian Peninsula is Andalusia, it makes no sense that it includes Murcia. Murcia, OTOH, would be fit for an equivalent of Montenegro.

I just modeled the borders after a larger map a friend of mine made for divided Spain when we were discussing on how to divide it. the borders are kind of tricky through.

and yes, the country in the South is supposed to be Andalusia.

and Spain isn't Yugoslavia.

Not to offend, but I used to skim past your maps. Well, besides the wonderful series you did with England being partitioned between Wales and Scotland as well as your other sorts of reversal maps. I would suggest adding text for flavoring, but this map's borders seem to be fairly clear. Hardly my place to talk about map making as I have made very few, but your improval is very satisfying.

Do what?

and text? why?

You also think the area is an expy for Yugoslavia?

That is not the expy for Yugoslavia, it's Czechoslovakia.

the expy for Yugoslavia is that clusterfuck in the Congo, why do people not see that?
the expy for Yugoslavia is that clusterfuck in the Congo, why do people not see that?

Because it's the Congo?

I mean, if there's any place on earth where people are just going to accept that there's a brutal multisided, complicated civil war going on without giving it more attention, it's there. For heaven's sakes, Rwanda managed to effectively puppetise large parts of the country barely a year after her own Genocide.
Because it's the Congo?

I mean, if there's any place on earth where people are just going to accept that there's a brutal multisided, complicated civil war going on without giving it more attention, it's there. For heaven's sakes, Rwanda managed to effectively puppetise large parts of the country barely a year after her own Genocide.

Fair enough, but the Congo is Yugoslavia. at least in terms of the Yugoslav Wars, while the Yugoslavia of Europe is Switzerland,
Sorry for not replied yet, was busy today.

How did Italy annex Montenegro?

Uh, successful chain of inheritance through Elena of Montenegro?

The Italians must be hundreds of billions of lire in debt with all that worthless land. And yet no Italian Antarctica.

Generally, in may maps I didn't modify eventual Antarctica borders. But in that case, and generally in OTL, I think Italy was more interested in outposts in the North Pole. Also, to claim Antarctica you must have near territories which Italy didn't have in the map.

The Philippines, Fujian, Somaliland, Kuwait, Egypt and the Suez Canal are hardly worthless. All of them (plus the powerful Siam as an ally) give Italy a foot in the door in very important global theatres too.

In effect, the chain of events was organized to allow my wank to arrive in China.

There is no way that Britain would sell her shares in the Suez Canal. It forms a vital part of her interests, specifically, ease of access to India. The same goes for Malaysia.

Let's say Italy contributed to the construction of the canal, and Britain didn't have the opportunity to bought its shares. And through Atjeh and Siam, Italy managed to convince Sarawak to enter in its sphere.
Cross-posting from MotF (I had posted this earlier, but before a number of revisions)

As Apartheid fell in South Africa, instead of unilaterally handing over Walvis Bay to Namibia, the South African Government decides to allow the residents of the exclave to hold a referendum on their fate. The Walvis Bay status referendum had three options on the ballot, "Remain with South Africa", "Merge with Namibia", and "Independence". "Independence" was added as an option, only after the insistence of many residents of the area. The Walvis Bay status referendum was the first election in the territory where all adults, regardless of race could vote. The "Independence" option won, with 39% of the vote, "Remain with South Africa" netted 34% of the vote, and "Join with Namibia" received 27%. The Independence option won, due to concern of South African neglect of the area, and the desire to have a degree of self-rule Namibia and South Africa were unwilling to give. While, many in South Africa and Namibia expected the country to become a basket-case, Walvis Bay has prospered post-independence.

Today, Walvis Bay is the wealthiest country per capita in Africa, and Africa's only first-world nation. Consisting of a 1,124 km^2 mainland, and the Penguin Islands, it is also among the smallest nations of Africa. The official languages of Walvis Bay are English, Afrikaans, and German. Walvis Bay has it's own currency, but it is pegged to the South African Rand. The economy of Walvis Bay is centered around fishing, Diamond and Guano mining, and tourism. The uninhabited Penguin islands provide Walvis Bay with a source of tourism, and Guano to be mined, while the exclusive economic zone of the Penguin islands provides Walvis Bay with a source of fish, and offshore diamond deposits. The country has it's own water desalination plant, but very little farmland. As a result, Walvis Bay imports most of its food from Namibia and South Africa. The country contains only 120,000 citizens, split roughly half and half between Whites and Blacks, with a small Coloured minority. The vast majority of these citizens live in the city of Walvis Bay, though there are 4 other municipalities within the country. While relations with neighboring Namibia are very good, Walvis bay remains adamant about joining Namibia.

Wouldn't West Indies Federation be a more likely situation that Caribbean Community? Unless, like OTL, attempts at a WIF failed and this CariCom has emerged from the unification of a transnational trade organisation.
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