Map Thread X

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I only swapped colors around to show who was a analogue of whom--to make the map easier to understand, so I didn't have to spend two pages explaining what each country was an analogue of.
By the way, I don't have a problem with this move. It brings home that the map doesn't depict an AH setting in its own right, but simply OTL's history with countries swapped around.
India Purple, for the Socialist Union of India (aka the Soviet proclaimed successor to the Raj which is suspiciously run almost entirerly by people born in the Soviet Union so far).

So the Soviets aren't going to set up a string of smaller, presumably ethnic-based states, the way they did in Iraq?
So the Soviets aren't going to set up a string of smaller, presumably ethnic-based states, the way they did in Iraq?
Well not yet anyway. They figure that since the British are being accused of divisiveness they'll try the opposite approach to try to get support, though they aren't really sure about the invasion of India to be honest, the plans haven't managed to keep up well enough with reality (unlike the Nazis who had the reverse issue).
The nation is split into occupation zones, Canada getting Hokkaido, a few small northern islands and a patch of Tokyo while the Americans get the rest, grabbing a few islands for themselves.

Movin' on up! To East Asia… to a de-luxe island chain on the seas!

Should we charge through Germany or build up our forces?

Poor Germany…

Canada gets part of Tokyo? I'm still trying to wrap my head around that.

"Decades later, citizens of East Tokyo (and elsewhere in Japan) still enjoy maple syrup on their sashimi, particularly the beef liver variety. The syrup remains one of Canada's primary exports to [either the parts of the country it does not control or the entire thing, depending on how Beedok takes this]."
@Doctor Imperialism, CandyDragon, Emperor-of-New-Zealand, Big Schwartz and everyone else being a complete dick:

You guys need to stop. If you don't like someone's maps, just skip over them or, better yet, offer some real constructive criticism rather than personally attacking them or telling them to post in ASB. This thread and its previous incarnations are filled with ASB and poor quality maps.


Just ignore them and keep working on your maps.
While attacking is not the answer, it makes a lot more sense then what you propose. In any case, she has gotten every single kind of criticism and advice over time, and very little works, or else it works but creates new problems.

I think it's a fine idea to take that theme and make multiple maps of it, but make sure you are happy with them and then post them in a single post or else with 3 or four day gaps between. Noone likes a flood of prototypes and drafts! Can you imagine someone going into the Flag Thread and posting 20 different variations of the same flag, each with the colours slightly changed and one element shifted a bit? It would not fly well at all. This goes for everyone; why should something which would be frowned upon in the majority of threads, barring those dedicated to specific projects, be accepted with open arms in this one?
You guys need to stop. If you don't like someone's maps, just skip over them or, better yet, offer some real constructive criticism rather than personally attacking them or telling them to post in ASB. This thread and its previous incarnations are filled with ASB and poor quality maps.
Do you know the definition of constructive criticism? Because it does not mean you should soften your language so much that any criticism loses all its power. The criticism I've seen has been valid and well-reasoned, presented in a friendly and not oppositional manner, to use Wikipedia's definition of constructive criticism. Some people simply value honesty over never rocking the boat.
Japan surrenders! American and Canadian cities ae filled with chears. Of course the government surrendering doesn't mean the whole populace has, but the newspapers aen't mentioning the ongoing partisan efforts quite yet. People need something to chear about. The nation is split into occupation zones, Canada getting Hokkaido, a few small northern islands and a patch of Tokyo while the Americans get the rest, grabbing a few islands for themselves. The Soviets are still working out what to do with Manchuria and Korea, Stalin not quite trusting Mao, though this Kim Il Sung fellow seems to be someone he can work with, but is a united Korea difficult to control so far away from Moscow's watchful eye? Oh well, there are too many things to deal with for the Soviets right now.

The invasion of Norway caught the Entente off guard though, that's good. India is less of a success than hoped for, Afghanistan is going to get some decent roads though if the Soviets have their way. Half the population might be dead by the end of things, but that's hardly an important matter to Moscow. Iraq has been dealt with, the Shia got thei bits, and that's it for the USSR. Italy might need some help in Libya though, that's troubling. Things are not quite going well in Germany eithe. The Neo-Nazi regime is growing fairly well and the Rhineland Socialists are still not accepting Moscow's demands. At leasth the Silesians and Viennese are manageable. The Czechs are nice and pragmatic too, though rumours of unpleasantries with the German inhabitants of the Sudetenland are not to be allowed to pass the rumour stage. Now how strong is that Entente wall right now? Should we charge through Germany or build up our forces? Hmm. . .
View attachment 193015

What year is it now exactly?
@Doctor Imperialism, CandyDragon, Emperor-of-New-Zealand, Big Schwartz and everyone else being a complete dick:

I don't believe you were present in the Map Thread the last time Abbey went on map-making sprees. As I stated, she improved back then after a ridiculously long amount of time spent ignoring what everyone advised and offered as far as criticism and help is concerned, so most of us are understandably frustrated at this barrage of half-finished and lazy maps.

You guys need to stop. If you don't like someone's maps, just skip over them or, better yet, offer some real constructive criticism rather than personally attacking them or telling them to post in ASB. This thread and its previous incarnations are filled with ASB and poor quality maps.

They were filled with ASB and poor quality maps from various members and in different incarnations, not ASB and poor quality maps that looked the same every time and all came from the same source. Last time it happened she was accused of trolling because it got so bad.


Just ignore them and keep working on your maps.

If you do this, eventually even chunkeymonkey will get pissed off. Take criticism, take advice, go away for some time and work at it really hard. That is all we are asking of you.
Crossposting from the OTL info map thread; a map showing the populations of the Autonomous Communities and Cities of Spain using the 2011 Census data;

2011 Autonomous Communities and Cities Population.png


Crossposting from the OTL info map thread; a map showing the populations of the Autonomous Communities and Cities of Spain using the 2011 Census data;
Hmm, we could use that to make a Spanish electoral college for the ASB electoral systems thread.
Hmm, we could use that to make a Spanish electoral college for the ASB electoral systems thread.

I actually made it as a reference for my idea for Spanish Electoral Reform, but hey glad it can be of use to others for other stuff to.
I think it's like the occupation zones in OTL Berlin. Is that right, Beedok?

Yes, effectively. Though there's no Soviets messing up everyone's day by bein uncooperative. Also Canadian and American forces pass between the areas pretty easily.

Movin' on up! To East Asia… to a de-luxe island chain on the seas!

We may see some Pacific states beyond Hawaii.

Poor Germany…

Yeah, it's not a nice place to be.

"Decades later, citizens of East Tokyo (and elsewhere in Japan) still enjoy maple syrup on their sashimi, particularly the beef liver variety. The syrup remains one of Canada's primary exports to [either the parts of the country it does not control or the entire thing, depending on how Beedok takes this]."

I think that maple products are fairly popular over there anyway. I also wonder if someone my try getting syrop from Japanese Maples. :p

What year is it now exactly?

Early 1945 I'm thinking.
While attacking is not the answer, it makes a lot more sense then what you propose. In any case, she has gotten every single kind of criticism and advice over time, and very little works, or else it works but creates new problems.

I think it's a fine idea to take that theme and make multiple maps of it, but make sure you are happy with them and then post them in a single post or else with 3 or four day gaps between. Noone likes a flood of prototypes and drafts! Can you imagine someone going into the Flag Thread and posting 20 different variations of the same flag, each with the colours slightly changed and one element shifted a bit? It would not fly well at all. This goes for everyone; why should something which would be frowned upon in the majority of threads, barring those dedicated to specific projects, be accepted with open arms in this one?

What the heck? I was happy with that last map I posted. It was finished. but then I get "it's unfinished. it's half-assed. and it looks no diffrent then your previous maps" WTF? I spent a fucking week on that map. A FUCKING WEEK. and it's half-assed?

as criticism and help is concerned, so most of us are understandably frustrated at this barrage of half-finished and lazy maps.

If you do this, eventually even chunkeymonkey will get pissed off. Take criticism, take advice, go away for some time and work at it really hard. That is all we are asking of you.

I have been working at it fucking hard. ive been putting alot of work into these maps. yet. all I get in return is "fuck you bitch" basiccly. alest that;s how I feel.
What the heck? I was happy with that last map I posted. It was finished. but then I get "it's unfinished. it's half-assed. and it looks no diffrent then your previous maps" WTF? I spent a fucking week on that map. A FUCKING WEEK. and it's half-assed?

I have been working at it fucking hard. ive been putting alot of work into these maps. yet. all I get in return is "fuck you bitch" basiccly. alest that;s how I feel.

I once spent a month working on an entire-world QBAM with a POD in the Renaissance; it was one of the biggest tasks I'd ever undertaken and when I posted it . . . it was pretty universally criticised. But you know what, I didn't cry foul, I didn't flood the thread with adjusted versions or pointless whingeing, I went back to square one and I made a better map.

That's the thing with this thread: lots of the people here take cartography as an art form, and are very protective of its quality; what pissed people off more than anything is seeing poorly made, poorly thought out maps which take attention from their own work, which they may have spent a lot of time and effort on.

You don't have to be an artistic genius, hell I'm not, but I like to think I come up with original scenarios and execute them competently to make a decent, if not overwhelmingly visually striking, map. You, on the other hand, may complain about spending loads of time on something, but with your weak starting concept (which doesn't belong on this thread) and continual spamming with minor adjustments, you've alienated a lot of this thread . . . again.

Again, I'm not an expert, nor a brilliant AH mapmaker, but it's not about quality of art, it's about how much care and thought you've put into something, and how you approach this thread.
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