Map Thread X

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This is a map of America and Mexico in 1917 after the sabotage of the Glorious Confederacy by the Yankees.

Dark Blue:American Territory's

*shrug* high enough to drown Florida and Denmark, cut Africa off from Asia, and link the Black and Caspian seas
While a large part of Denmark is pretty low-lying, drowning all of it requires more than twice the water of all the glaciers in the world. Though I see you have included that in your map, so you're just being insensitive with your wording. :mad:

This is approximately what would be left of Denmark. It's a WIP of a map I'm making. At least in this world we could probably get out old lands in Sweden back. :p

Screen shot 2012-10-12 at 07.28.37.png
This is a map of America and Mexico in 1917 after the sabotage of the Glorious Confederacy by the Yankees.

Dark Blue:American Territory's

Is the joke that there is no 'red' to represent the Confederacy? And what does the lavender color represent? Military districts?
While a large part of Denmark is pretty low-lying, drowning all of it requires more than twice the water of all the glaciers in the world. Though I see you have included that in your map, so you're just being insensitive with your wording. :mad:

This is approximately what would be left of Denmark. It's a WIP of a map I'm making. At least in this world we could probably get out old lands in Sweden back. :p
a goof on my part then ;)
just finished this, based on a map posted in the "World Flipped 90 Degrees" thread. its not necessarily supposed to be accurate to our world; i plan to use it in two situations, both fantasy oriented:

  1. as the broad setting of the DnD sessions my friends and i will be undertaking
  2. as the world on which the last book in a series i'm writing will take place

Why are their oceanic glaciers in the tropics?
One of those 'mess with your perceptions' maps; not mine and not ATL, but I thought it was interesting enough to post.


And he destroyed Florida. Well, at least we won't have to worry about election anamolies coming out of that State anymore.

For some reason I'm reminded of one memorable line from Wargames; "I like how you nuked Las Vegas; sort of a Biblical end to the place." :D

While a large part of Denmark is pretty low-lying, drowning all of it requires more than twice the water of all the glaciers in the world. Though I see you have included that in your map, so you're just being insensitive with your wording. :mad:

This is approximately what would be left of Denmark. It's a WIP of a map I'm making. At least in this world we could probably get out old lands in Sweden back. :p

...Is there even anything left after that? Looking at Google Maps, it seems like the only decent sized town that would survive is Silkeborg, which I hadn't even heard of before, and I'm not even sure about that. :eek:
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I never realized how much it looked like an elephant before, what with the trunk and tusks compliments of the Eas- Western Seaboard.

It kind of merges into nothingness the further west you go, though, so unlike with the more famous Southern Ontario Elephant, it's hard to tell what the Elephant's, ahem, hindquarters, is. Might be West Virginia or something. With no offense meant to residents of the Mountain State. :p
It kind of merges into nothingness the further west you go, though, so unlike with the more famous Southern Ontario Elephant, it's hard to tell what the Elephant's, ahem, hindquarters, is. Might be West Virginia or something. With no offense meant to residents of the Mountain State. :p

I think the elephant's hindquarters are the west coast (east in this case).
a goof on my part then ;)
Well, I forgive you. :p It's easy to just write off Denmark entirely when looking at a world map, since the few "highlands" just get averaged away on large maps.

...Is there even anything left after that? Looking at Google Maps, it seems like the only decent sized town that would survive is Silkeborg, which I hadn't even heard of before, and I'm not even sure about that. :eek:
Not much, unfortunately. I think maybe my map is averaging out some parts of Aarhus as well, but most of it is under water. At best, it would be a mostly submerged city with a few parts sticking out of the island sea I guess, which would kind of suck. Would look pretty cool though. Just imagine sailing around the Danish archipelago and seeing the top of the cathedral in Aarhus jutting out of the water. Well, I guess it wouldn't survive being submerged for long either.

Denmark isn't the only place to get screwed in such a scenario though, just think of how many cities are below the 80 meter mark. New York and London are two obvious ones to point out for our anglophone friends. Which incidentally both have a higher population than Denmark. :p
While a large part of Denmark is pretty low-lying, drowning all of it requires more than twice the water of all the glaciers in the world. Though I see you have included that in your map, so you're just being insensitive with your wording. :mad:

This is approximately what would be left of Denmark. It's a WIP of a map I'm making. At least in this world we could probably get out old lands in Sweden back. :p

As a Dutchman, I know how you feel.

As a Dutchman, I know how you feel.

Not only do you have the problem of being low-lying in the first place, the Netherlands have been sinking since the last glacial maximum and will continue to do so for quite a while. Even without rising sea levels the Netherlands will eventually (largely) join Doggerland beneath the waves, though that's true for southern Denmark as well. At least we'll get new land in the north though.

Interestingly, the adjustment taking place since the last glacial maximum is dropping sea levels by 0.3 mm/year, which is actually a significant number next to sea level rise. Not enough to outweigh the Netherlands dropping by a full 1 mm/year though.

I'm expecting some of you guys to move to Denmark in the future, to build dikes for us. Then we can share in our love of pigs and bicycles, and possibly pigs on bicycles.
It kind of merges into nothingness the further west you go, though, so unlike with the more famous Southern Ontario Elephant, it's hard to tell what the Elephant's, ahem, hindquarters, is. Might be West Virginia or something. With no offense meant to residents of the Mountain State. :p

"Man, is my ass really that big?"
My new planet - just a small preview

Hi there, guys and gals!
I'm working on a new planet and I just wanted to share a small bit of it now. :)
The far north.

What do You think?

preview of planet october 2012 (Der hohe Norden).png
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