Map Thread X

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just finished this, based on a map posted in the "World Flipped 90 Degrees" thread. its not necessarily supposed to be accurate to our world; i plan to use it in two situations, both fantasy oriented:

  1. as the broad setting of the DnD sessions my friends and i will be undertaking
  2. as the world on which the last book in a series i'm writing will take place

That's amazing! Thanks for sharing.
just finished this, based on a map posted in the "World Flipped 90 Degrees" thread. its not necessarily supposed to be accurate to our world; i plan to use it in two situations, both fantasy oriented:

  1. as the broad setting of the DnD sessions my friends and i will be undertaking
  2. as the world on which the last book in a series i'm writing will take place

Reminds me of the four "Tilt!" worlds of
From a TL where the Empire of Japan won World War II; note the city names. Map courtesy of Totentanz0 from DeviantART.

I'd like to hear more about this strange alternate WWII where Japan was in a position to actually take territory from the US. I'll have to go check it out.
The United States could use a few changes, though; Indiana and Ohio in particular NEED to be changed. The northern border of both states is highly ASBish. Why wouldn't the Lower Peninsula of Michigan be able to become it's own state, especially with Detroit?

Toledo War analogue gone hot and becoming a complete clusterfuck? ;):D
just finished this, based on a map posted in the "World Flipped 90 Degrees" thread. its not necessarily supposed to be accurate to our world; i plan to use it in two situations, both fantasy oriented:

  1. as the broad setting of the DnD sessions my friends and i will be undertaking
  2. as the world on which the last book in a series i'm writing will take place

Needs random tiny islands all over one of those big oceans.
It works actually, Ottoman Turkish was primarily only spoken by the Nobility, Upper Echelons of governance and people of importance, the population in general spoke what essentially became Modern Turkish.
No, modern Turkish is the product of massive reforms by Ataturk.
Toledo War analogue gone hot and becoming a complete clusterfuck? ;):D

I have changed that "Chernoseus" gets Toledo, but loses bits North of Fort
Recovery to Indiana.

And also: I have decided that a weird Federalized EU-in-Argentina-with-friends "United Nations of America (Name Pending)" will be the Hegemon of Latin America against the Mexico-Colombia alliance.
Interesting: so Britain is in the tropics and India near the North Pole?


PS - never mind: I see from the link that's the case.

And he destroyed Florida. Well, at least we won't have to worry about election anamolies coming out of that State anymore.
Needs random tiny islands all over one of those big oceans.
the sea level is higher here; most of those islands are submerged. i based the shorelines on a much more detailed map (as i mentioned in the earlier post) and most of those islands were gone. if they weren't, they were too small to warrant being noted on the smaller map (the map i based it on is several times bigger than the one i posted)

i'm also working on an early political map for what my RL friends and i have established as being part of the world in our DnD sessions. it will include the kingdom of Amtewalada, led by the snarky King Noah of Tandem, and its sparsely-settled subregion "the Ant Wilds," a confederation of seventeen settled-barbarian crusader states and surrounding diaspora, a little-populated jungle which was once home to a Mayan-esque city and its evil necromancer king, a Far Northern city populated by a people analogous to the OTL Arabs, and a large inland sea which has been cursed and transformed into a huge expanse of toxic blood
the sea level is higher here; most of those islands are submerged. i based the shorelines on a much more detailed map (as i mentioned in the earlier post) and most of those islands were gone. if they weren't, they were too small to warrant being noted on the smaller map (the map i based it on is several times bigger than the one i posted)
Although couldn't there be a part of the world where it's warm enough for coral to maintain seamounts above sea level in the same way it does in the South Pacific IOTL?
Although couldn't there be a part of the world where it's warm enough for coral to maintain seamounts above sea level in the same way it does in the South Pacific IOTL?
theoretically, but its not my concern at the moment ;) i made the map with the intention of gods and other deities being driving forces behind its creation in both Dungeons & Dragons and in my own written work (which will be featuring eight other worlds based on different mythologies, in some cases combining them, and in which gods and goddesses are very much in existence and have very real effects on those worlds)
the sea level is higher here; most of those islands are submerged. i based the shorelines on a much more detailed map (as i mentioned in the earlier post) and most of those islands were gone. if they weren't, they were too small to warrant being noted on the smaller map (the map i based it on is several times bigger than the one i posted)

How much higher than OTL?
Why, a certain Mr. Antwiler of course. I didn't even have to look that one up.
here ya go ;) *hands viperhawkz a cookie* apparently, good ol' Spoony inspired one of my RL friends into taking up DnD and he spread it around to the rest of us. my guy is a gentleman thief :D


This map is a map of The Glorious Confederacy in 1895 after the Mexican-Confederate war. Which started after the greedy Mexicans reneged on the deal to let The Glorious Confederacy buy Chihuahua and Sonora to make the magnificent coast-to-coast Confederate rail road.

Ill add the map of the fall of the Glorious Confederacy later.

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