Map Challenge


what kind of POD would you folks think would be needed for NA to develop along these lines....


this is my first post, sorry if i am not following any etiquette.

Provided its post AR- New England goes independant at some time in the 19th century as it threatened to do and it gets close to Britain eventually joining up with Lab and NFL in a dominion whilst the rest of Canada goes off on its own.
Quebec votes for independance sometime later.
The USA is quite evil and goes on a conquest of latin America which for some reason Britain does nothing about.
For Alaska it could be anything, probally took in one of the many disagreements that were inevitable with Russia and Britain.
The USA and Britain go to war over Oregon. New England gets pissed off because the war shuts down her trade (Britain would most definately blockade the coast.), and secedes with Britain's aid.

That war is won by Britain. Angered, the rest of the USA (the power is now chiefly in the slave-holding states) attacks and annexes most (all?) of Mexico. This would please the slave-holding states because it let more slave states into the Union. The free states were now few and far between with the secession of New England.
Quebec doesn't join the Dominion of Canada. Maybe there is a war during the creation of Canada and Britain lets them go their seperate way.
Actually, there is something else going on here that I didn't see before. New England is the same color as Newfoundland... but Belize and the Bahamas are the same color, as well. It's not really feasible that NE could own Belize or the Bahamas (both are in the obvious sphere of the more expansionist United States)... which makes me think, are the parts in red actually direct British possessions?

The question is, how did Britain grab New England?
I'll suggest:

1. New England Confederation declares independence during the War of 1812. Eventually growing close enough to Britain that it enters into a union with the Maritime provinces.

2. Quebec becomes a dominion within its own right within the British Empire.

3. Canada is granted dominion status during the 1850s. It incorporates the territory of British Oregon, originally jointly exploited by the Hudson Bay Company and New England interests, and Alaska, seized by the British during the Russian War.

4. The United States extends its Manifest Destiny southward into Mexico during the Mexican-American War. There is also the Spanish-American War of the late 1890s. Santo Domingo requests and is granted statehood, while Haiti is later occupied to keep European investors from collecting on its debt. The US annexes Hawaii in 1899.

5. Filibuster William Walker succeeds in seizing power in Nicaragua and eventually conquers all of Central America. The United States of Central America annex the failing Yucatan Republic in the 1860s.

I'm not quite sure if we are to include Siberia, Greenland, Colombia and Venezuela since they are colored.