Makemakean draws stuff

Rather than to clog up the Politibrit thread further, I figured that it seemed more prudent to just post these images in a thread of their own.

Without further ado, the first image request is that of my good fellow countryman @Utgard96 who requested Tiberius Gracchus. We don't really know what Tiberius Gracchus looked like, which fortunately for me gives the artist an awful lot of license. I cannot pretend to be an expert on political philosophy in ancient Rome, but I couldn't help but feel that the ideas of Tiberius Gracchus kind of reminded me a little of those of Thomas Jefferson, and the ideal of the independent yeoman farmer who works his own little farm and is not dependent on earning a wage from some wealthy boss in the city and how this is the ideal form of the citizenry in a prospering republic. So I made Tiberius a redhead. He seemed to me a very kind individual, a good guy, so I tried to portray him in a friendly way. Perhaps a bit of a starry-eyed idealist, a policymaker, rather than a politician, seen having figured out this wonderful scheme that, he feels, will solve all of Rome's troubles, be they social, economical, or military in nature:

I actually realised just after asking you that we, er, don't quite know what he looked like. Still, I think the idea of a Roman Jefferson is sort of fun, and as you say there's a degree of similarity between the two.
I must admit that I am terribly annoyed to learn that contrary to popular belief, the Roman Senate did not use the American or French system of a semi-circle in which to sit, but actually used the Westminster seating arrangement. I'm not really finding this annoying because I prefer the semicircle arrangement for aesthetic reasons, but rather because a semicircle is much easier to draw than the Westminster seating arrangement.

I'm going to have to think about how to handle this. It's like those white marble statues you see in every movie or TV series about the Romans. As a teacher I once had remarked, if we were actually to travel back in time and visit Ancient Rome, we would think that the whole thing "looked like Coney Island", because all the statues were painted.

On the one hand, if you draw it inaccurately, it's inaccurate. On the other hand, if you actually draw it accurate, then suddenly it no longer feels like Ancient Rome.
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I must admit that I am terribly annoyed to learn that contrary to popular belief, the Roman Senate did not use the American or French system of a semi-circle in which to sit, but actually used the Westminster seating arrangement. I'm not really finding this annoying because I prefer the semicircle arrangement for aesthetic reasons, but rather because a semicircle is much easier to draw than the Westminster seating arrangement.

I'm going to have to think about how to handle this. It's like those white marble statues you see in every movie or TV series about the Romans. As a teacher I once had remarked, if we were actually to travel back in time and visit Ancient Rome, we would think that the whole thing "looked like Coney Island", because all the statues were painted.

On the one hand, if you draw it inaccurately, it's inaccurate. On the other hand, if you actually draw it accurate, then suddenly it no longer feels like Ancient Rome.

Weirdly I was just thinking about the statues this morning when reading about the design of the Acropolis display, I wish the BM had a big fat painted Greek statue in the middle of the display room to give a hint as to what it might look like (its been a while so maybe they have?)

Was the senate always parliamentary layout? They did tend to go through buildings a fair bit after all... first thing to get burned down in a riot.
Admittedly not Roman, but related by way of Virgil...

You have some real talent! :love:

And, yeah, I would draw it accurately! So what if it looks like Coney Island, there are enough white marble semicircles in the archives of art about Ancient Rome. It's about time someone exposed them. Plus, I think the bright colors and eclectia would go better with your art style, anyways, though I could be wrong.
Seeing I haven't uploaded something in a while, to keep this thread from dying, I'll just upload this one thing I drew for the menu card for my vegan Burns night back in January:
