Make Japan run the Pacific Islands trusteeship after World War II.

Italy did regain the trusteeship for Somalia in the 50s, but between its co-belligerent status in late WWII and the network of Somalian collaborators lobbying for Italy's return it's safe to say it's not a 1:1 equivalent of Japan regaining the Pacific Islands.
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Not going to happen. Not a chance in heaven, hell, or the multiverse. This is coming from an expansionist Empire that betrayed the Americans at Pearl Harbor, invaded colonies/territories of Western powers, and did acts of atrocities towards the populations of these occupied territories.

The Allies would never let Japan have any piece of pre-war territory except the Home Islands.

Allowing Japan to hold into her possessions would be a spit in the faces of the people that suffered under occupation and for those who fought them.
Also, the pre-war resident Japanese civilian population on the Palaus etc. had thrown themselves off cliffs or been driven into American machine guns at bayonet point as the first wave of a banzai charge, so they were not on the islands any more.
Not going to happen. Not a chance in heaven, hell, or the multiverse. This is coming from an expansionist Empire that betrayed the Americans at Pearl Harbor, invaded colonies/territories of Western powers, and did acts of atrocities towards the populations of these occupied territories.

The Allies would never let Japan have any piece of pre-war territory except the Home Islands.

Allowing Japan to hold into her possessions would be a spit in the faces of the people that suffered under occupation and for those who fought them.
I agree completely. Total ASB that Japan keep anything outside the home islands.
I agree completely. Total ASB that Japan keep anything outside the home islands.
I made a similar scenario where Taiwan/Formosa remains a Japanese territory after 1945.

I had to put a disclaimer that it is ASB but I was more curious about the post-war development (especially with a belligerent PRC) if Taiwan/Formosa remained as part of Japan.
I participated in a similar scenario last year about Japan keeping their imperial military and some of their occupied territories.

This is my response to a following question:
I suggest you form an opinion on the matter, because discussion if the means justify the goal is quite useless if you don't know what the goal is.

And the matters are:
Should the Japanse military government stay in place?
Does Japan need to be occupied?
Does Japan get to keep some of their conquests?
Does Japan get to keep their military?

And honestly, it shouldn't be too hard to form on opinion on those.
1. No Allied country will tolerate the Japanese military government to remain in place. That will cause instability in East Asia in the long run.
2. Japan should be occupied to make sure there is a smooth transition of power from the hardline military government to the civilian government, just as OTL showed. The Empire of Japan did last as an entity until 1947 when the post-war constitution was enacted where it just known as Japan.
3. Definitely not. No Allied country will allow that and those resistance movements will see that as a spit on their faces.
4. Probably like OTL. The U.S. occupation force will be there and then Japan will set up a National Police Force. A similar model was seen in Korea, although it was controversial since the U.S. allowed the former Korean police (composed of Japanese collaborators) to be the internal security for the peninsula. Either way I could see it once the Cold War sets in, either the Japanese reform the Imperial military or the JSDF will be established.
From the thread itself which has many answers similar to mine.

And other similar threads: