Little Europe

The island of Taiwan was a Portuguese and Dutch colony for several centuries. It was they that brought the first Chinese settlers to the island. After doing some research the idea of a European Asian Island stuck in my head. I was wondering if there would be some way that Taiwan could have remained European, without them bringing in workers from the mainland. Could it have been a Dutch East India Company remnant? When would the pod have to be.


The dutch lost it to Koxinga's fleet. This actually seem relatively easy to avoid - if Koxinga doesn't conquer and Sinicize it in the process of using it as a Ming loyalist/pirate base, I'm not sure a future Chinese dynasty will have a reason to conquer the place. (Or the ability for that matter - the Qing weren't exactly a naval power.)

That doesn't mean the Dutch will hold on indefinitely - given its distance from the mainland, VOC rule, and small number of settlers, this might mean Taiwanese aborigines remain the majority, and they would take over once Dutch imperialism collapses and conquering islands around the world stops being fashionable. (Of course, if it collapses too early, another power might swoop in.)