List alternate PMs or Presidents

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That list is a bit too convergent, and also I really can't see Eisenhower or Reagan running for a third term.


It's a shame that they never looked beyond Europe. It would have been extremely cool to have European and Japanese, Indian or Ethiopian royalty intermarry.

I do have that in my sci-fi scenario which extends to the 23rd century. For example in 2350 the current monarch of the UK is Victoria III, married to a Jordanian prince called Ismail, referred to as Ishmael by the UK media. You can see a full list on this very thread here.
I do have that in my sci-fi scenario which extends to the 23rd century. For example in 2350 the current monarch of the UK is Victoria III, married to a Jordanian prince called Ismail, referred to as Ishmael by the UK media. You can see a full list on this very thread here.

Would that really have happened though? All English media refers to every Swedish king whose name was Karl/Carl/Carolus (spelling standard has changed over time) as Charles up to Charles XV, though the current monarch, Carl XVI Gustaf is called that in English media, and not Charles XVI Gustaf, as you should if you wanted to be consistent.

Which has made me wonder what they will call Prince Charles if he keeps his name in Sweden. Will he suddenly be referred to in Sweden as "Karl III av Storbritannien"? And then there will eventually be "Vilhelm V av Storbritannien"...

Though I'm quite thankful that we do not swedify George, as Göran, which is the actual swedification of George, sounds kind of odd a name for a British king, kind of how Ludvig sounds very unfitting a name for a French monarch.


22nd amendment allows 3 terms instead of only 2

Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-19451
Harry S. Truman 1945-1952
Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-19652
Lyndon B. Johnson 1965-19693
Richard Nixon 1969-19744
Spiro Agnew 1974-19815
Ronald Reagan 1981-19936
Jerry Brown 1993-20027
Ross Perot 2002- 20098
Ron Paul 2009-Present9

1. Roosevelt's term goes pretty much the same as OTL
2. Eisenhower goes for a third term and JFK doesn't run then get shot
3. LBJ runs and as expected looses the 68 elections
4. Nixon's term also goes mostly the same except he doesn't loose Spiro because he didn't bribe any one ITLL.
5. Spiro decides not to run against Reagan
6. His first 8 years are pretty much the same but in the Persian Gulf War he decides to get Saddam and in 5 months the war turns into a full scale civil war and Reagan ends up sending nearly 450,000 troops after the civil war start bringing the total us troops in Iraq to 950,000 after the 6 months civil war which ends with Saddam literally being torn to pieces by a mob of rioters.
7.Jerry brown win's 1992, 1996, and 2000 by landslide's and is called the greatest president's since FDR but is killed in the September 11 2002 suicide attack that leaves president brown, VP Gore, Speaker Hastert, and Senate Pro Temp Byrd dead.
8.Secretary of State Ross Perot becomes president and in 2004 he runs as a reformer which also gives his party a good number of seat in both the house and senate which leads to Ron Paul winning the election in 08
9. Ron Paul becomes the first us third party president since 1850, since his election the reform party has rocketed to main stream success holding 20 seats in the senate and 120 in the house of reps, with most of their seats coming from the republicans and a few from the democrats.

This is my first ATL some please give me some advice for the future

i messed up the first post so ill just put it up again with all the info
Here's a list I put together just for fun. Not supposed to be taken seriously in any way.

United States of America - Elective Monarchy

1789-1798: George I, House of Washington
1798-1824: John I, House of Adams
1824-1846: John II Quincy, House of Adams
1846-1863: Franklin I, House of Pierce
1863-1869: Robert I Edward, House of Lee
1869-1883: Schuyler I, House of Colfax
1883-1904: Grover I, House of Cleveland
1904-1924: Theodore I, House of Roosevelt
1924-1942: Franklin II, House of Roosevelt
1942-1954: Cordell I, House of Hull
1954-1966: Dwight I, House of Eisenhower
1966-1988: James I, House of Roosevelt
1988-2001: Lloyd I, House of Bentsen
2001-present: William I Jefferson, House of Blythe
Each president gets replaced by a politician from the state they were elected from:

Presidents of the United States
1. 1789-1797: Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
2. 1797-1801: Timothy Pickering (Federalist)
3. 1801-1809: James Madison (Democratic-Republican)
4. 1809-1817: James Monroe (Democratic-Republican)
5. 1817-1825: John Randolph (Democratic-Republican)
6. 1825-1829: Daniel Webster (Democratic-Republican)
7. 1829-1837: Hugh Lawson White (Democrat)
8. 1837-1841: Silas Wright (Democrat)
9. 1841-1845: Joseph Vance (Whig)
10. 1845-1849: John Bell (Whig)
11. 1849-1853: John Slidell (Democrat)
12. 1853-1857: John Hale (Free Soil)
13. 1857-1861: Simon Cameron (Republican)
14. 1861: Stephen Douglas (Democrat)‡
15. 1861-1865: Samuel Wells (Democrat)†
16. 1865-1869: Horace Maynard (Republican)
17. 1869-1877: David Davis (independent)
18. 1877-1885: John Sherman (Republican)
19. 1885-1889: Francis Kernan (Democrat)
20. 1889-1893: Isaac P. Gray (Democrat)
21. 1893-1897: David Hill (Democrat)
22. 1897-1901: Mark Hanna (Republican)†
23. 1901-1909: Elihu Root (Republican)
24. 1909-1913: Joseph Foraker (Republican)
25. 1913-1921: James Martine (Democrat)
26. 1921-1925: James Cox (Democrat)
27. 1925-1929: Frederick Gillett (Republican)
28. 1929-1933: Hiram Johnson (Republican)
29. 1933-1944: Al Smith (Democrat)‡
30. 1944-1953: Clarence Cannon (Democrat)
31. 1953-1957: W. Averell Harriman (Democrat)
32. 1957-1961: Edward Martin (Republican)
33. 1961-1963: Henry Cabot Lodge (Republican)†
34. 1963-1969: John Tower (Republican)
35. 1969-1974: Ronald Reagan (Republican)*
36. 1974-1977: George Romney (Republican)
37. 1977-1981: Carl Sanders (Democrat)
38. 1981-1989: Jerry Brown (Democrat)
39. 1989-1993: Bill Clements (Republican)
40. 1993-2001: Dale Bumpers (Democrat)
41. 2001-2009: Phil Gramm (Republican)
42. 2009-present: Dick Durbin (Democrat)

† = assassinated in office, ‡ = died of natural causes in office, * = resigned
† = assassinated in office, ‡ = died of natural causes in office, * = resigned

Presidents of the United States of America
36. 1961-1965: Richard M. Nixon (Republican)
37. 1965-1969: Lyndon B. Johnson (Democratic)
38. 1969-1973: Richard M. Nixon (Republican)
39. 1973-1977: Hubert H. Humphrey (Democratic)
40. 1977-1981: Gerald R. Ford (Republican)†
41. 1981-1985: Robert J. "Bob" Dole (Republican)
42. 1985-1993: Walter F. Mondale (Democratic)
43. 1993-1997: Paul E. Tsongas (Republican)
44. 1997-2005: Paul D. Wellstone (Democratic)
45. 2005-2009: Hillary D. Rodham (Republican)
46. 2009-2013: Sherrod C. Brown (Democratic)


Labour Vs. Liberal

The main contest for the 20th century is between Labour and the Liberal Party, also Ireland remains in the UK, make it a pain in the arse to get a majority.

1906: Henry Campbell-Bannerman (Liberal)
1910: H. H. Asquith (Liberal)
1915: H. H. Asquith (Liberal)
1919: David Lloyd George (Liberal-INP)[1]
1924: David Lloyd George (Liberal Minority)
1925: Philip Snowden (Labour Minority)
1927: Emmeline Pankhurst (Labour-Irish Labour)
1931: Arthur Horner (Labour-Irish Labour Minority)
1932: Winston Churchill (Liberal-Irish Liberal-INP)[2]
1936: Annie Kenney (Labour-Irish Labour-INP)
1939: Clement Attlee (Labour-Irish Labour-)
1944: Clement Attlee (Labour-Irish Labour-)
1948: Megan Lloyd George (Labour-Irish Labour-)
1951: Gwilym Lloyd George (Liberal-Irish Liberal-)
1955: Jo Grimond (Liberal-Irish Liberal-Federalist)[3]
1959: Barbra Castle (Labour Minority)
1960: Jo Grimond (Liberal-Irish Liberal-Federalist)
1964: Hugh Gaitskell (Labour-Irish Labour-Unionist)[4]
1969: Barbra Castle (Labour-Irish Labour-Unionist)
1974: William Whitelaw (National Unionist-Labour)
1978: William Whitelaw (National Unionist-Labour)[5]
1983: Jeremy Thorpe (Liberal Federalist)
1988: Jeremy Thorpe (Liberal Federalist)
1992: Bertie Ahern (Liberal Federalist) [6]
1997: Tony Blair (Liberal Federalist)
2001: Tony Blair (Liberal Federalist)
2005: Tony Blair (Liberal Federalist)
2010: Gordon Brown (National Labour)

[1] Ireland gets their devolved parliament.
[2] Each party ended up using a party proxy in Ireland
[3] The Federalist are a party advocating further integration into the Empire, especially popular in Ireland
[4] The Unionist are what was at one time the Conservative Party
[5] Have a bare majority by virtue of Sinn Fein's refusal to take up their seats
[6] First Irish PM

Leaders of the Liberal/Liberal Federalist Party

1910-1918 H.H.Asquith
1918-1925 David Lloyd George
1925-1939 Winston Chruchill
1939-1942 Herbert Samuel
1942-1949 Archibald Sinclair
1949-1954 Gwilym Lloyd George
1955-1968 Jo Grimond
1968-1969 David Steel
1969-1978 Edward Heath
1978-1991 Jeremy Thrope
1991-1996 Bertie Ahern
1996-2010 Tony Blair
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Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom
1929-1934: Stanley Baldwin (Conservative leading a Conservative - Liberal coalition government)
1934-1937: Stanley Baldwin (Conservative majority government)
1937-1940: Neville Chamberlain (Conservative majority government)
1940-1945: Winston Churchill (Conservative leading a Conservative - Labour - Liberal national government)
1945-1955: Clement Attlee (Labour majority)
1955-1960: Herbert Morrison (Labour majority)
1960-1963: Harold Macmillan (Conservative majority)
1963-1969: Rab Butler (Conservative leading a Conservative - Labour - Liberal national government)
1969-1970: Rab Butler (Conservative minority government)
1970-1980: Rab Butler (Conservative majority government)
1980-1982: Rab Butler (Conservative - Liberal coalition government)‡
1982-1982: David Steel (Liberal minority government)
1982-1987: David Steel (Liberal minority government with supply and confidence from the Labour Party)
1987-1992: David Steel (Liberal- Labour coalition government)
1992-2002: Michael Heseltine (Conservative majority government)
2002-present: Robert Skidlesky (Social Democratic majority government)
In this scenario, Grover Cleveland allows himself to be drafted for a third term in 1896 over fears of William Jennings Bryan winning the Democratic presidential nomination. Bryan and his supporters walk out of the Democratic convention and are nominated by the People's Party, throwing a massive spike into the existing party system in the United States.

Eventually, the People's Party eclipses the Democratic Party as the opposition party to the Republicans, with rather interesting results.

† = assassinated in office, ‡ = died of natural causes in office, * = resigned

Presidents of the United States of America
25. 1897-1901: William McKinley (Republican)†
26. 1901-1909: Theodore Roosevelt (Republican)
27. 1909-1917: William Howard Taft (Republican)
28. 1917-1925: Charles Evans Hughes (Republican)
29. 1925-1925: Robert M. La Follette (People's)†
30. 1925-1933: Burton K. Wheeler (People's)
31. 1933-1945: Franklin Roosevelt (Republican)‡
32. 1945-1953: Harold Stassen (People's) [1]
33. 1953-1957: Adlai Stevenson (Republican)
34. 1957-1961: Estes Kefauver (People's)
36. 1961-1963: John Kennedy (Republican)†
37. 1963-1969: Henry M. Jackson (Republican)
38. 1969-1977: Eugene McCarthy (People's)
39. 1977-1981: Robert F. Kennedy (Republican)†
40. 1981-1989: Lloyd Bentsen (Republican)
41. 1989-1997: Walter Mondale (People's)
42. 1997-2001: Bill Clinton (Republican)†
43. 2001-2005: Jay Rockefeller (Republican)
44. 2005-2009: Paul Wellstone (People's)
45. 2009-2017: Hillary Rodham Clinton (Republican)

[1] Ran on a bipartisan ticket with Roosevelt in 1944, became President upon Roosevelt's death in 1945. Re-elected over Republican opposition Thomas Dewey in 1948.
Inverting the Sixth Party System (1968-2008) to make the Democrats the dominant party.

Presidents of the United States of America
37. 1969-1977: Hubert Humphrey (Democratic)
38. 1977-1981: Chuck Percy (Republican)
39. 1981-1989: Henry M. Jackson (Democratic)
40. 1989-1993: Daniel Patrick Moynihan (Democratic)
41. 1993-2001: John Danforth (Republican)
42. 2001-2009: Paul Wellstone (Democratic)
43. 2009-present: Hillary Rodham (Republican)

President Rodham is facing off against Joseph P. Kennedy II in the 2012 General Election.
"We Are The Masters Now":

Clement Attlee: 1945-1953 (Labour)
Hugh Gaitskell: 1953-1962 (Labour)

Alfred Robens: 1962-1965 (Labour)
Ian Macleod: 1965-1971 (NDP)
Christopher Soames: 1971-1973 (NDP)
Barbara Castle: 1973-1978 (Labour)
Christopher Soames: 1978-1981 (NDP-Liberal)
Peter Shore: 1981-1985 (Labour-SDP)
Nicholas Scott: 1985-1995 (NDP-Liberal)
Chris Patten: 1995-1999 (NDP-Liberal)
Peter Jay: 1999-2000 (SDP-Labour-Liberal)
Chris Patten: 2000-2001 (NDP-Liberal-Independence)
Martin Wolf: 2001-2010 (SDP-Labour)
Anna Soubry: 2010-2012 (NDP-Liberal-Independence)
Andrew Adonis: 2012- (SDP-Labour-Green-Liberal)

Basically Labour wins in 1951 and rides the wave of prosperity until the mid-1960s. The Conservatives heed Macmillan's advice and reinvent themselves as the New Democratic Party. After the NDP gain power, Labour become more left-wing, and eventually the NDP and the Liberals in coalition adopt Proportional Representation.

Presidents of the United States of America

1945-1949: Harry Truman (Democrat)
1949-1954: Harold Stassen (Republican) [1]
1954-1961: Margaret Chase Smith (Republican) [2]
1961-1963: Adlai Stevenson (Democrat) [3]
1963-1973: Stuart Symington (Democrat)
1973-1981: George Romney (Republican)
1981-1982: Lloyd Bentsen (Democrat) [4]
1982-1989: Robert F. Kennedy (Democrat)
1989-1997: Pete du Pont (Republican)
1997-2001: Geraldine Ferraro (Democrat)
2001-2009: Colin Powell (Republican)
2009-2013: Olympia Snowe (Republican)
2013-present: Elizabeth Warren (Democrat)

Vice Presidents of the United States of America

1945-1949: vacant
1949-1955: Margaret Chase Smith (Republican)
1955-1957: vacant
1957-1961: Richard Nixon (Republican)
1961-1963: Stuart Symington (Democrat)
1963-1964: vacant
1964-1973: Hubert Humphrey (Democrat)
1973-1981: John Tower (Republican)
1981-1982: Robert F. Kennedy (Democrat)
1982: vacant
1982-1989: Jimmy Carter (Democrat)
1989-1997: Dick Cheney (Republican)
1997-2001: Joe Biden (Democrat)
2001-2009: Arne Carlsson (Republican)
2009-2013:Jeb Bush (Republican)
2013-present: Julian Castro (Democrat)

Presidential tickets

fmr. Governor Harold Stassen (R-MN) / Congresswoman Margaret Chase Smith (R-ME)
President Harry Truman (D-MO) / Senator Alben W. Barkley (D-KY)
Governor Strom Thurmond (State's Rights-SC) / Governor Fielding L. Wright (State's Rights-MS)
President Harold Stassen (R-MN) / Vice President Margaret Chase Smith (R-ME)
Governor Adlai Stevenson (D-IL) / John Sparkman (D-AL)
President Margaret Chase Smith (R-ME) / Senator Richard Nixon (R-CA)
Senator Estes Kefauver (D-TN) / W. Averell Harriman (D-NY)
fmr. Governor Adlai Stevenson (D-IL) / Senator Stuart Symington (D-MO)
Vice President Richard Nixon (R-CA) / Governor Nelson Rockefeller (R-NY)
President Stuart Symington (D-MO) / Vice President Hubert Humphrey (D-MN)
Senator Nelson Rockefeller (R-NY) / William Scranton (R-PA)
Governor George Wallace (I-AL) / Harland Sanders (I-KY)
President Stuart Symington (D-MO) / Vice President Hubert Humphrey (D-MN)
Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) / Congressman Ronald Reagan (R-CA)
fmr. Governor George Romney (R-MI) / Governor Raymond P. Shafer (R-PA)
Vice President Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) / Edmund Muskie (D-ME)
fmr. Governor George Wallace (I-AL) / fmr. Governor Lester Maddox (I-GA)
President George Romney (R-MI) / Vice President Raymond P. Shafer (R-PA)
fmr. Vice President Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) / Senator Henry M. Jackson (D-WA)
Senator Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX) / Senator Robert F. Kennedy (D-MA)
Senator Howard Baker (R-TN) / Jim Thompson (R-IL)
President Robert F. Kennedy (D-MA) / Vice President Jimmy Carter (D-GA)
Governor George H.W. Bush (R-TX) / Senator John Danforth (R-MO)
fmr. Governor Pete du Pont (R-DE) / Congressman Dick Cheney (R-WY)
Vice President Jimmy Carter (D-GA) / Senator John Glenn (D-OH)
President Pete du Pont (R-DE) / Vice President Dick Cheney (R-WY)
Senator Gary Hart (D-CO) / House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt (D-MO)
Senator Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY) / Senator Joe Biden (D-DE)
Vice President Dick Cheney (R-WY) / Senator Pete Wilson (R-CA)
ret. General Colin Powell (R-NY) / Senator Arne Carlsson (R-MN)
President Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY) / Vice President Joe Biden (D-DE)
President Colin Powell (R-NY) / Vice President Arne Carlsson (R-MN)
fmr. Vice President Joe Biden (D-DE) / Senator Al Gore (D-TN)
Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) / Senator Jeb Bush (R-FL)
Senator Bill Clinton (D-AR) / Senator John Edwards (D-NC)
Governor Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) / Governor Julian Castro (D-TX)
President Olympia Snowe (R-ME) / Vice President Jeb Bush (R-FL)

Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom
1945-1953: Clement Attlee, Labour
1953-1960: Hugh Gaitskell, Labour
1960-1969: Rab Butler, Conservative
1969-1974: Roy Jenkins, Labour
1974-1978: Reginald Maudling, Conservative [5]
1978-1981: William Whitelaw, Conservative, then Conservative minority with supply and confidence from Liberals
1981-1992: David Owen, Labour
1992-1994: Neil Kinnock, Labour
1994-1999: Michael Heseltine, Conservative
1999-2001: Neil Kinnock, Labour minority with supply and confidence from Liberals
2001-2006: Kenneth Clarke, Conservative
2006-present: Tony Blair, Labour

Leaders of the Opposition
1945-1956: Winston Churchill, Conservative
1956-1960: Rab Butler, Conservative
1960-1967: Hugh Gaitskell, Labour
1967-1969: Roy Jenkins, Labour
1969-1971: Rab Butler, Conservative
1971-1974: Reginald Maudling, Conservative
1974-1979: Roy Jenkins, Labour
1979-1981: David Owen, Labour
1981-1987: William Whitelaw, Conservative
1987-1994: Michael Heseltine, Conservative
1994-1999: Neil Kinnock, Labour
1999-2000: Michael Heseltine, Conservative
2000-2001: Kenneth Clarke, Conservative
2001-2002: Neil Kinnock, Labour
2002-2006: Tony Blair, Labour
2006: Kenneth Clarke, Conservative
2006-present: Liam Fox, Conservative

[2] First female president
[3] Died in office from natural causes
[4] Assassinated
[5] Died in office from natural causes
A more militant United States

For this list, I chose the major party candidate from each election with the most military experience (not necessarily active combat service, although I did try to factor this in). If none of the OTL major party candidates had an prior service, I found someone who did. Same goes for VP candidates for Presidents who died in office (I used OTL death-dates). Essentially, this presumes a US where having at least enrolled in the military is a qualification for the Presidency (think a little like "Starship Troopers"). And yes, I know that this a pretty implausible list - especially since I based it on OTL service and experience, ignoring butterflies.

1789-1797: George Washington (Independent)
1797-1805: Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
1805-1813: Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (Federalist)
1813-1817: James Madison (Democratic-Republican)
1817-1825: James Monroe (Democratic-Republican)
1825-1829: Andrew Jackson (Democratic-Republican)

1829-1837: Andrew Jackson (Democratic)
1837-1841: William Henry Harrison (Whig)Dies in office
1841-1845: John Tyler (Whig)

1845-1849: James K. Polk (Democratic)
1849-1850: Zachary Taylor (Whig) Dies in office
1850-1857: Winfield Scott (Whig)

1857-1861: John C. Fremont (Republican)
1861-1865: John C. Breckinridge (Southern Democratic)
1865-1869: George B. McClellan (Democratic) Southern and Northern Democrats re-unify
1869-1877: Ulysses S. Grant (Republican)
1877-1881: Rutherford B. Hayes

1881-1886: Winfield Scott Hancock (Democratic) Dies in office
1886-1889: William Ralls Morrison (Democratic)

1889-1897: Benjamin Harrison (Republican)
1897-1901: William McKinley (Republican) Dies in office
1901-1909: Theodore Roosevelt (Republican)
1909-1913: Joseph B. Foraker (Republican)

1913-1917: Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive) Republicans and Progressives ("Bull Moose Party") re-unify
1917-1919: Theodore Roosevelt (Republican) Dies in office
1919-1925: Leonard Wood (Republican)
1925-1933: John J. Pershing (Republican)

1933-1941: Cordell Hull (Democratic)
1941-1949: Harry S. Truman (Democratic)

1949-1953: Strom Thurmond (States' Rights Democratic)
1953-1961: Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican)
1961-1963: John F. Kennedy (Democratic) Dies in office
1963-1965: Lyndon B. Johnson (Democratic)

1965-1969: Barry Goldwater (Republican)
1969-1973: George C. Wallace (American Independent Party)
1973-1981: George McGovern (Democratic)
1981-1989: James "Jimmy" Carter (Democratic)

1989-1997: George H.W. Bush (Republican)
1997-2001: Robert "Bob" Dole

2001-2005: Albert Gore, Jr. (Democratic)
2005-2009: John Kerry (Democratic)

2009-present: John McCain
Presidents of the United States
1. 1789-1797: George Washington (Nonpartisan)
2. 1797-1801: John Adams (Federalist)
3. 1801-1809: George Clinton (Republican)
4. 1809-1813: Alexander Hamilton (Federalist)
5. 1813-1817: Thomas Jefferson (Republican)
6. 1817-1825: John Adams (Federalist)
7. 1825-1833: Andrew Jackson (Republican)
8. 1833-1837: Henry Clay (Federalist)
9. 1837-1841: Martin Van Buren (Republican)
10. 1841-1841: William Henry Harrison (Federalist)†
11. 1841-1845: John Tyler (Federalist, then Nonpartisan)
12. 1845-1853: John C. Calhoun (Republican)
13. 1853-1857: Millard Fillmore (Federalist)
14. 1857-1861: Stephen Douglas (Republican)†
15. 1861-1865: John C. Breckinridge (Republican)
16. 1865-1873: Horatio Seymour (Republican)
17. 1873-1881: Winfield S. Hancock (Republican)
18. 1881-1885: Samuel J. Tilden (Republican)
19. 1885-1889: James G. Blaine (Federalist)
20. 1889-1893: Thomas A. Hendricks (Republican)
21. 1893-1897: William McKinley (Federalist)
22. 1897-1901: John M. Palmer (Republican)
23. 1901-1905: Grover Cleveland (Republican)
24. 1905-1913: William H. Taft (Federalist)
25. 1913-1921: Charles E. Hughes (Federalist)
26. 1921-1925: Herbert Hoover (Federalist)
27. 1925-1929: Theodore Roosevelt (Federalist)
28. 1929-1933: John W. Davis (Republican)
29. 1933-1937: Herbert Hoover (Federalist)
30. 1937-1941: Franklin Roosevelt (Federalist)
31. 1941-1945: Charles McNary (Federalist)
32. 1945-1949: Franklin Roosevelt (Federalist)
33. 1949-1953: Strom Thurmond (Republican)
34. 1953-1957: Franklin Roosevelt (Federalist)
35. 1957-1965: John F. Kennedy (Republican)
36. 1965-1973: Bob Kennedy (Republican)
37. 1973-1979: Nelson Rockfeller (Federalist)†
38. 1979-1981: Ronald Reagan (Republican)
39. 1981-1985: John B. Anderson (Federalist)
40. 1985-1993: Bob Dole (Republican)
41. 1993-2001: John McCain (Republican)
42. 2001-2009: Colin Powell (Federalist)
43. 2009-2017: Hillary Clinton (Federalist)
44. 2017-2025: Brian Schweitzer (Republican)
45. 2025-2029: Elizabeth Warren (Federalist)
46. 2029-2033: Marco Rubio (Republican)

Prime Ministers of the United States
1789-1793: Alexander Hamilton (Nonpartisan)
1793-1797: Thomas Jefferson (Republican)
1797-1801: Alexander Hamilton (Federalist)
1801-1805: Thomas Jefferson (Republican)
1805-1813: John Adams (Federalist)
1813-1821: James Madison (Republican)
1821-1825: John Quincy Adams (Federalist)
1825-1829: William Crawford (Republican)
1829-1833: John Quincy Adams (Federalist)
1833-1841: John C. Calhoun (Republican)
1841-1845: Henry Clay (Federalist)
1845-1849: James K. Polk (Republican)
1849-1852: Daniel Webster (Federalist)†
1852-1856: Winfield Scott (Federalist)
1856-1864: Jefferson Davis (Republican)
1864-1876: Abraham Lincoln (Federalist)
1876-1880: Abraham Lincoln (Federalist leading a Federalist - People's Party coalition government)
1880-1888: Abraham Lincoln (Federalist)
1888-1892: Grover Cleveland (Republican)
1892-1896: Grover Cleveland (Republican leading Republican - Whig coalition government)
1896-1900: Grover Cleveland (Republican)
1900-1924: Theodore Roosevelt (Federalist)
1924-1932: Calvin Coolidge (Republican)
1932-1936: Franklin Roosevelt (Federalist)
1936-1940: Wendell Willkie (Republican)
1940-1944: Franklin Roosevelt (Federalist)
1944-1948: Bob Taft (Republican)
1948-1952: Franklin Roosevelt (Federalist)
1952-1953: Bob Taft (Republican)†
1953-1964: Howard Buffett (Republican)†
1964-1964: Barry Goldwater (Republican)
1964-1968: Hubert Humphrey (Federalist)
1968-1972: Barry Goldwater (Republican)
1972-1978: Hubert Humphrey (Federalist)†
1978-1978: Ed Muskie (Federalist)
1978-1982: Barry Goldwater (Republican)
1982-1986: Ed Muskie (Federalist)
1986-1994: Walter Mondale (Federalist)
1994-1998: Dick Gephardt (Federalist)
1998-2002: Paul Wellstone (Federalist)
2002-2006: John McCain (Republican)
2006-2018: Elizabeth Warren (Federalist)
2018-2022: Paul Ryan (Republican)
2022-2026: Elizabeth Warren (Federalist)
2026-2030: Paul Ryan (Republican)
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1964-1968: Hubert Humphrey (Federalist)
1968-1972: Barry Goldwater (Republican)
1972-1978: Hubert Humphrey (Federalist)†
1978-1978: Ed Muskie (Federalist)
1978-1982: Barry Goldwater (Republican)
1982-1986: Ed Muskie (Federalist)

What on Earth happened to Humphrey, Muskie and the Federalists in 1978 that made them begin to hold the Presidential elections every fourth year from then onward?
What on Earth happened to Humphrey, Muskie and the Federalists in 1978 that made them begin to hold the Presidential elections every fourth year from then onward?

Humphrey died in office, so Muskie called an early general election upon succeeding to the Prime Ministry.
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