Latest PoD to achieve Islamic New World

I have explored this topic in my TL which can be found in my sig, but as to how plausible it is...

I know, I read it but to me it just wasn't very plausible to begin with. Hell the Muslims had the technology and the time to explore the Americas but they never did. I always thought my idea is a little more plausible. Instead of using blacks imported from west Africa, the Spaniards decide to import Muslims into their early colonies in the Caribbean. They eventually rebel (perhaps in co-junction with some remnant Native Americans depending on how early this happens) and these Muslims form their set of independent emirates in the Caribbean, Mesoamerica and South America. Some can be destroyed by the Spanish, other European powers or rival natives while most can survive and prosper, spreading Islam onto the continent. :D

About Guerilla Republik's TL, I think he was to much consumed by desire to add factor of cool all over the TL and he also seemed to want limiting Ottoman gains but ended up unrealistic in his attempt doing so. If Ottomans along with their subjected states would be able to build a Great Canal of Gold flowing from the Americas to Egypt and the Gulf AND the Silk Road (!) through the MedSea, the dawn of empire's economical decline WILL going to have a considerable setback in that scenario vis a vis OTL. Of course they can't keep the gold canal forever, and the time will come for Granada to walk its own path and become a major power itself, likely be strong enough to now contest Ottoman dominance in the MedSea (this is also I think one of the most glaring mistakes of his TL : Islamic expansion in Americas should be mostly GRANADAN adventure, while Ottomans will be just making minimal moves to ensure their own share of profit.)

Also, the process of muslim expansion in the New World will likely, if not most likely, to be slower, at least at first, for they will be under more relaxed economical environment vis as vis OTL Spaniards due to lack of sever limitation of access to the eastern trade. Of course, specifically for Christian Iberians, if they would have any idea to disturb the process, the Granadans with their Ottoman overlords would just send a hundred ships or two to wreck their ports.

Also, Guerilla Republik, actually it will be better to add a realistic flavor of Ottoman setback in this kind of situation, by actually having them still going for Hungary in this scenario. While they will have stronger financial muscles, by having BOTH Italy and Hungary under direct occupation it will still mean a pretty lunatic stretch up. Though still don't forget to take into account the permanent scare left on Christendom's back by the splintering of RCC....
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What about a possible successful Slave revolt led by Mandinka people somewhere in the Spanish Americas. In OTL slave revolts were always a threat to the Spanish, and the is the factor of the maroon communities which existed as parallel communities to Spanish rule.

The first POD would probably have Islam do alot better spreading in West Africa. This could be a barely Islamized West Africa, meaning they don't follow the anti-slaving practices of fellow muslims, and they might even still eat pork.

Overall the Spanish and Portuguese would end up enslaving a higher percentage of muslims than pagans.

Like OTL there were colonies that would be majority black, but this time they would be probably better united in some ways. Perhaps after being sold into slavery they eventually turn to extremely pure islamism.

Eventually a Islamic revolution of slaves occurs and the Spanish are thrown out.
What about a possible successful Slave revolt led by Mandinka people somewhere in the Spanish Americas. In OTL slave revolts were always a threat to the Spanish, and the is the factor of the maroon communities which existed as parallel communities to Spanish rule.

The first POD would probably have Islam do alot better spreading in West Africa. This could be a barely Islamized West Africa, meaning they don't follow the anti-slaving practices of fellow muslims, and they might even still eat pork.

Overall the Spanish and Portuguese would end up enslaving a higher percentage of muslims than pagans.

Like OTL there were colonies that would be majority black, but this time they would be probably better united in some ways. Perhaps after being sold into slavery they eventually turn to extremely pure islamism.

Eventually a Islamic revolution of slaves occurs and the Spanish are thrown out.

I like the idea and it's similar to mines save black Africans instead of the Granadans. :D
What about a possible successful Slave revolt led by Mandinka people somewhere in the Spanish Americas. In OTL slave revolts were always a threat to the Spanish, and the is the factor of the maroon communities which existed as parallel communities to Spanish rule.

The first POD would probably have Islam do alot better spreading in West Africa. This could be a barely Islamized West Africa, meaning they don't follow the anti-slaving practices of fellow muslims, and they might even still eat pork.

Overall the Spanish and Portuguese would end up enslaving a higher percentage of muslims than pagans.

Like OTL there were colonies that would be majority black, but this time they would be probably better united in some ways. Perhaps after being sold into slavery they eventually turn to extremely pure islamism.

Eventually a Islamic revolution of slaves occurs and the Spanish are thrown out.

Actually, OTL West Africa (around the areas of Mali) was already pretty Islamized by late 15th century, thanks to Mali Empire. Maybe have it even more successful and spread more to a wider area, later supplying TTL's slaving empires of the region with more muslim slaves to be sold to Spanish and Portuguese Merchants...
Actually, OTL West Africa (around the areas of Mali) was already pretty Islamized by late 15th century, thanks to Mali Empire. Maybe have it even more successful and spread more to a wider area, later supplying TTL's slaving empires of the region with more muslim slaves to be sold to Spanish and Portuguese Merchants...

You may even have Islam spread rapidly via any rebelling slave populations in the European colonies to native states like the Aztecs or the Incas.
Actually, OTL West Africa (around the areas of Mali) was already pretty Islamized by late 15th century, thanks to Mali Empire. Maybe have it even more successful and spread more to a wider area, later supplying TTL's slaving empires of the region with more muslim slaves to be sold to Spanish and Portuguese Merchants...

That's true but there was always enough pagan Africans to trade so that the Iberians didn't have to deal with the Muslims in the area. With a POD of near total Muslim conversion of West Africa, the slave trade would have to continue with Muslims being the only available slaves.
That's true but there was always enough pagan Africans to trade so that the Iberians didn't have to deal with the Muslims in the area. With a POD of near total Muslim conversion of West Africa, the slave trade would have to continue with Muslims being the only available slaves.

Any Muslim slaves working in any Spanish colonies in the New World would expect to have any old religious practices repressed by their masters.
Any Muslim slaves working in any Spanish colonies in the New World would expect to have any old religious practices repressed by their masters.

Yes but as the Haitians returned to their vodoun religion when they revolted the Muslim slaves would do the same. If the all Muslim slaves would be force converted but not totally devoid of their previous religious beliefs.

Would this revolt in reality be a syncretic mixture of Islam, African traditional religions, and Christianity.
Any Muslim slaves working in any Spanish colonies in the New World would expect to have any old religious practices repressed by their masters.

Yes but as the Haitians returned to their vodoun religion when they revolted the Muslim slaves would do the same. If the all Muslim slaves would be force converted but not totally devoid of their previous religious beliefs.

Would this revolt in reality be a syncretic mixture of Islam, African traditional religions, and Christianity?
Yes but as the Haitians returned to their vodoun religion when they revolted the Muslim slaves would do the same. If the all Muslim slaves would be force converted but not totally devoid of their previous religious beliefs.

Would this revolt in reality be a syncretic mixture of Islam, African traditional religions, and Christianity?

Don't forget any influence by any remaining Taino or Caribs. :D