Lands of Incense and Mental Illness: A Suqutran Timeline


NOTE: Due to personal reasons, I will not be able to work on this TL for a time. At this point I'm just setting it up.

Two day's sail from Cape Gardaaful lies a bizarre, desolate island. For thousands of years Mehri and Somali sailors have sailed to it, some settling on this strange land and fishing and raising cattle. Traders from India, Egypt and Arabia landed there, stopping for food and water on the journeys. A few stayed, bringing gods like Bendocradir and Fesnoo with them. The trade ships eventually dwindled away as the seas between Yemen and the island grew rough and difficult to navigate.

As the year 4350 by the Galee Yeuka, the island was much the same as it was a thousand years before. The island was divided into five chiefdoms, those of the Qulensiyah, Tamrida, Ridah, Ghubbah and Bidholeh. However, the outside world soon come to the island.

Suqutra is about to burst onto the world stage.


NOTE: Due to personal reasons, I will not be able to work on this TL for a time. At this point I'm just setting it up.

Two day's sail from Cape Gardaaful lies a bizarre, desolate island. For thousands of years Mehri and Somali sailors have sailed to it, some settling on this strange land and fishing and raising cattle. Traders from India, Egypt and Arabia landed there, stopping for food and water on the journeys. A few stayed, bringing gods like Bendocradir and Fesnoo with them. The trade ships eventually dwindled away as the seas between Yemen and the island grew rough and difficult to navigate.

As the year 4350 by the Galee Yeuka, the island was much the same as it was a thousand years before. The island was divided into five chiefdoms, those of the Qulensiyah, Tamrida, Ridah, Ghubbah and Bidholeh. However, the outside world soon come to the island.

Suqutra is about to burst onto the world stage.
Interesting to see how this unfolds. What's the context?


Interesting to see how this unfolds. What's the context?

4350 is 1250 in the Gregorian Calendar.

This whole idea came about when I was doing the write up for After the Flash. I was digging through my old Word files when I found an abandoned CK2 AAR about a game where the insane Emir of Sokhotra invades India (which he believes to be Hell) to avenge the (percieved) death of the (unborn) Second Coming of Christ at the (speculative) hands of Saladin (who had been dead for sixty years). Through a series of insane coincidences he instead conquers Iraq in a quest to liberate the Ghost of Nebuchadnezzar from the Sassanian Empire (he's not all there)

I thought about how...odd...that was, and so thought that a more realistic version of that would be interesting to a general audiance