Korea liberation war 1919

March 1st Movement 1919, During the series of demonstrations that began that day and spread throughout Korea, 7,000 people were killed by Japanese police and soldiers.
Later Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea have been form in Shanghai, China.
Their also formed Korean Liberation Army , but this army only can only attack border of korea.
However, if Korean Liberation Army can succes their revolts and Korea become free aganist. Did this could be the begining of the end of Japanese Empire.
How did this event going to affect World War ii.
Japan would crush the rebellion. I don't think there's any way for Korea to become independent in 1919.

Perhaps more Japanese soldiers would have to be stationed in Korea, but in the long run, no big difference...
Japan would crush the rebellion. I don't think there's any way for Korea to become independent in 1919.

Perhaps more Japanese soldiers would have to be stationed in Korea, but in the long run, no big difference...
Foreign aid to the rebels is also unlikely; World War I has just ended and none of the other great powers would want to risk getting dragged into another war over what they would see as a minor colonial rebellion.


The only slim chance for the Rebels i could see would be this way:
1. Late CP victory in WW1 akin to A Shift in Priorities for example
2. Japanese-German negotiations regarding the fate of seized German colonies break down due to Germany unwilling to give them up and Japan deciding it can just hold on to them without the Germans being able to do something about it, even while nominally still at war.
3. Germany being totally exhausted can indeed not do much to force Japan to return the seized colonies and starts looking for indirect ways to hurt Japan.
4. Germany successfully negotiates naval basing rights from France in Indochina as part of German-French armistice.
5. Germany ships surplus war stocks of arms to Korean rebels and also starts a submarine campaign against Japanese shipping.

With the Japanese lines of communication to the Peninsula being harrased by Uboats and the Rebels getting outside arms and supplies they might have a chance.

Or have Japan join the CP instead of the Entente and loose.