KMT-USA World War possible?

In a world where the KMT wins the CCW in the 30s or so (what are the best PoDs for that) and survives the war with Japan but remains a military/presidential dictatorship on some level, could a world war break out between the KMT and USA anywhere between the 90s (where many argue that China OTL beca me a viable threat to the USA) and now or earlier (say 70s/80s)? What might that potential world war that's non-nuclear look like?

Bonus questions for this question - 1) Many agree that Chiang was not the best person who could've led the KMT and completely fumbled the ball on multiple occasions. Who, in your opinion, would've been a better KMT leader and when do you think they could've taken power?

2) in this world, let's say that Germany and Italy 'wins' in Europe, defeating the Soviets somehow and allowing Western occupied nations to be independent of Germany in some regard (this could be ASB so consider this for the scenario instead of it being its own question) but Japan still loses in the Pacific due to PH or something akin to it. Nazi Germany collapses in on itself in the 50s/60s and Eastern Europe becomes filled with successor states (ie the nations that were almost destroyed becoming independent again) and Russia regains much of its lost territory but is weaker than OTL Russia. How might Europe in this world react to such a war between the US and KMT and China? (Feel free to ignore question 2 if it makes no sense or makes you uncomfortable).

3) Chandra Bose was, in many ways, quite obviously the opposite of Ghandi. How might he be able to become bigger than Ghandi, take power in India, and what would India look like under him and his successors?

4) Final question - Could the USA, on complete accident, create a stronger KMT China through reconstruction funding and trade, making them a powerful foe by the 70s as they modernize and such? A sort of "facing the monster I made" type deal.

Feel free to answer these questions in any manner you can and, if you don't want to answer the bonus questions, then I am fine with that :)
2.) If Nazi Germany manages to defeat the USSR which imo is ASB but I digress, there isn’t going to be anything left population wise by the 1960s of those countries.


Bonus questions for this question - 1) Many agree that Chiang was not the best person who could've led the KMT and completely fumbled the ball on multiple occasions. Who, in your opinion, would've been a better KMT leader and when do you think they could've taken power?
paging @BobTheBarbarian to the white courtesy phone ... was it Bai Chongxi in Guangxi mentioned as a capable leader?
If KMT China is that strong, it would become a nuclear power. So it is unlikely there would be a world war with the US, given the implications for human kind.
Why would the Kuomintang be anything but best buddies with America?

Well Chiang had he won the CCW was planning on re-examining various western treaties and was looking at a more competitive relationship with the west and US, however the relations would have been better then they were under Mao and China enters the global market in the early 50s instead of 70s.
paging @BobTheBarbarian to the white courtesy phone ... was it Bai Chongxi in Guangxi mentioned as a capable leader?
He was probably the most capable candidate to replace Chiang and was known for both his skills as a general, administrator, and politician. It was no small feat for him to go from enemy to ally for CKS, though his record during the 1945-1949 period was a lot more mixed. Even though he was nominally Defense Minister, Chiang deliberately kept him on the sidelines and prevented him from exercising much power. As the war turned against the KMT he demanded Chiang step down and when the Communists attacked his Guangxi troops they abandoned key areas of the country to them. For obvious reasons the two never made up after that.

In my opinion, if anyone was capable of taking over from Chiang at that time it was probably Bai.
He was probably the most capable candidate to replace Chiang and was known for both his skills as a general, administrator, and politician. It was no small feat for him to go from enemy to ally for CKS, though his record during the 1945-1949 period was a lot more mixed. Even though he was nominally Defense Minister, Chiang deliberately kept him on the sidelines and prevented him from exercising much power. As the war turned against the KMT he demanded Chiang step down and when the Communists attacked his Guangxi troops they abandoned key areas of the country to them. For obvious reasons the two never made up after that.

In my opinion, if anyone was capable of taking over from Chiang at that time it was probably Bai.

When do you think is a good point in time for Chongxi to take over the KMT? Maybe if CKS dies at Xi'an? With a Chongxi led KMT, what does the war with Japan and rest of CCW look like, especially if something happens to Mao?