Kit Carson fights for the CSA

Just read a book on the Wild West at Dymocks yest, which went into how Kit Carson ended up serving the Union during the ACW tho alot of his family were actually Southern sympathisers, incl 1 of his brothers who went into Confederate service.

So WI Kit himself had decided to fight for the South instead of the North ? How could the Confederate efforts to strike into the west have been bettered with this redoubtable mountain man at their head ?
Having just read "Blood and Thunder" (Which should have been subtitled something like, "Kit Carson: American Badass" lol) I can't imagine it would hurt, but conquering the Southwest seems like a pretty tall order for the Confederacy even with Mr. Carson's considerable talents. I don't think there was a lot of love lost between the indigneous Hispanics and the presumably Texan invaders and that slice of the continent is just entirely too defensible IMO.

Maybe if you could bring some of the local Native Americans aboard too?
Probably Not

Having lived in the southwest for nine years, I can't say that the people here would have been obliged to be attacked by the racists and farmers coming toward them. Places like California ha a strong Militia, and major cities such as Santa Fe, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles would have probably sent numerous forces to protect their interests. Also, many of the miners and prospectors didn't supoport slaver (they thought that people should have to mine gold for themselves) and other minorities, such as the Chinese or Hispanics, probably would not have wanted to be ruled by a society that had legalized the ownership of humans. Indeed, for all they knew, they might have been next! Besides, after being defeated a few times, I am sure that Kit Carson would have deserted or changed sides.