Kingdom of the North - or how a clumsy maid and a thirsty dog created a mighty empire

I need this clarified, Edward is King of Sweden :eek: A Dane on the English Throne and an Englishman on the Swedish one plus I am excited to see who Hardeknud marries and if you have plans for the Jelling Dynasty to last or eventually die out.
I need this clarified, Edward is King of Sweden :eek: A Dane on the English Throne and an Englishman on the Swedish one plus I am excited to see who Hardeknud marries and if you have plans for the Jelling Dynasty to last or eventually die out.
Err... No? Hardeknut is king of England, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.


Err... No? Hardeknut is king of England, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

Exactly, but destiny, and mommy (to the degree such factors can be separated), has plans for Edward too, but not yet to be revealed, as is not what line ends up on what throne - expect some exchange - and it ain't over until it's over, whenever that is!


Steffen Redbeard


Hardeknud, son of Knud/Canute the Great has, miracolously, survived an attempt on his life and holds the thrones of England and Denmark. In close co-operation with his half-brother Edward (the Confessor), and the timely intervention of God's arm, he also gains the the thrones of Norway and Sweden, as well as crushes a Wendish invasion of Jutland. In 1044 Hardeknid is the most famous Christian King of the world!

Maintaining an Empire 1044-1046

Back in England Hardeknud and Edward seemed an unbreakable unity. Rumours said, that Hardeknud knew everything about Edward’s involvement in the failed attempt on him in 1042, and that Hardeknud used this knowledge as a leash on Edward and had pressed Edward to arrange the death of Anund Jakob – apart from the absence of a clumsy maid and a thirsty dog the circumstances around the wedding in Lambeth and the court in Sweden were stunningly similar. Nobody dared say that in public of course, not only because both Hardeknud and Edward were known to instantly strike down on opposition, and if one wasn’t around, the other usually was. But as important was the fear of God present in all free men then. No matter what mortals did what, Hardeknud obviously had the good will of God, and Edward no doubt was an indispensable part of the execution of God’s will – it didn’t appear that wise to oppose such forces!

Although with different fathers Hardeknud and Edward both were sons of Emma of Normandy, married first to Aethelred (the Unready) of England and next to Canute of Denmark, Norway and England. Emma, as any other mother in a similar situation, had a keen eye on securing her offspring. The oath between Hardeknud and Edward, giving Edward the throne of England if Hardeknud should die childless of course was a good start, but Hardeknud getting married and having some sons was the only certain way to keep the throne of both England and Scandinavia in family hands. Edward of course should be given his important role, perhaps in the church, but the dynasty had to be founded on Hardeknud – so Mother spoke!

Soon Edith of Wessex, daughter of the powerful Earl Godwin of Wessex and through her mother connected to both Swedish (Styrbjoern the Strong) and Danish Royal Blood (Harald Bluetooth) was pointed out and a wedding held, incl. toasts, and fortunately all survived. The honeymoon should not last long however, for down in Constantinople a Norwegian of good birth Harald Siggurdsson (OTL Hardrada from Stamford Bridge) serving in the Varinger Guard had followed the events in Norway and Scandinavia with disgust. Harald was the youngest half-brother of the Olaf killed by Canute’s allies at Sticklestad in 1030, and Harald felt a deep hate to Canute's son and felt that everything that now belonged to him ought to be his.

In 1045 Harald returned to Norway bringing with him some of his best men from the Varangian Guard in Constantinople. He instantly proved a threat to the established order, and soon succeeded in raising an army in Norway, not at least utilising all the gold he had acquired while in Byzantian service. By mid 1046 Hardeknud’s Earl in Norway was forced to flee and Harald claimed himself King of Norway – with thirst for more. The Swedes showed no interest in joining his adventure, they apparently were content about being left largely alone and protected by their agreement with a distant Hardeknud, but Hardeknud could be hit hard in Denmark, his origin of power, and many free Danes were known to be dissatisfied with being ruled from across the North Sea.

In 1046 Harald landed in Jutland, Denmark, where Hardeknud’s loyal Earl Svend Estridsson repeated the tactics of 1043 – keeping in contact with Harald’s forces, but avoiding major battle until reinforcement had arrived. Svend knew that losing his main force now would mean a number of Danish nobles joining Harald – and he himself wouldn’t survive that for long.

Hardeknud of course had followed events from across the North Sea, but had hesitated to leave England himself. The solution showed up in the brother of his wife, the young Harold Godwinsson(born 1022), a strong and smart young man, and eager to earn honour in the service of his King and brother in law. Harold was put ahead of the fleet and army sent to Denmark, but with instruction to take advice from Svend.

When Harold and the army made contact with Svend, Harald Siggurdsson had marched from Aalborg in Northern Jutland to Vejle in eastern central Jutland in very short time and brushing aside all opposition. At Vejle, more precisely at Ravning Meadows a 700 m long wooden bridge crossed the swampy valley and as the experienced military commander Harald was, he knew that he would be very vulnerable while crossing the bridge, but OTOH he would be stuck in northern Jutland as long as he didn’t, and for every hour passing, the chance of Svend showing up with reinforcements from England would increase. So the advanceguard was ordered to cross immediately, and everything went well until suddenly battle noise was heard ahead – contact had been made – probably Svend performing one more of his tedious delaying actions. But even that could be dangerous in such a vulnerable situation, and Harald ordered all units to attack straight ahead as soon as leaving the bridge, not wasting time to put on the armour and mail usually carried in the train during marches– this might be the chance to catch Svend. Harald and his trusted men from the Varinger days lead the chase up the, for a Danish landscape, steep sides of the valley. At the top they did however not meet the scattered and exhausted men they had chased, but a massive shield wall of English and Danish Housecarls with the Royal Banner flying from its centre.

“Oh Sh...!” was all Harald got time to express, as he fell dead from his horse struck by an arrow in the head. His Varingers knew what was at stake and tried energetically to maintain order, but too many had seen Harald fall and as the shield wall from the top started pouring down the valley side with the young Godwinsson leading panic spread in Harald’s army. In the next hours until sunset followed a carnage and loot resembling that of the battle of Lyrskov Heath in 1043, and in many families precious Byzantian jewellery taken at Ravning Meadows was passed on from generation to generation.

With Harald dead the Norwegian rebellion soon vaporised like dew in the morning sun.

To be continued, and we shall see Edward qualify for a good job, with a little help from mommy, and mommy helping the Empire for a couple of centuries to come


Steffen Redbeard
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It's Byzantine (better still Roman) not Byzantian, and Varangian not Varinger. Aside from this, nice update. :)
Believe you me - trying to get the right form of proper names and adjectives in a foreign language is a real pain. Especially when one's native forms OUGHT to be adopted by the rest of the world:) Just be glad he's saying Byzantian instead of Miklagerzki:):D

Do you remember the incredulity that the English spelling "Canute" raised?
I like you have Sven Estridson do delaying actions and then participate in the total defeat of the enemy.

Personally I think Svens campaigns against Harald Sigurdsson OTL has been misunderstood - losing all battles until winning the final.
Actually I believe Sven opted for a strategic defensive facing Harald which he knew he had little change of defeating unless having a large numerical superiority - and then it seems Harald always had an open back door!

Fact is Sven did manage to carry on the campaign for something like eleven years which to me indicate that he had a firm grasp of the situation even on the defensive and his peoples understood that. Even Alfred the Great had to go through a valley of darkness and nobody derange him of that!
Believe you me - trying to get the right form of proper names and adjectives in a foreign language is a real pain. Especially when one's native forms OUGHT to be adopted by the rest of the world:) Just be glad he's saying Byzantian instead of Miklagerzki:):D

Do you remember the incredulity that the English spelling "Canute" raised?
There's a current vogue to use the Old English forms Cnut and Harthacnut ;)


Emma, the mother of both Hardeknud and Edward has had Hardeknud married to Edith of Wessex, daughter of Godwin, when a dangerous rebellion errupt in Norway and spread to Jutland. With help from Edith's brother Harold Godwinsson and Svend Estridsson Hardeknud however crush the rebellion, and Emma can now turn her motherly attention to Edward

Emma’s Archbishop 1047-1048

Back at the Royal Court Emma could look back at some most fortunate events. Her late husband’s Empire was consolidated and their son on its throne. Her other son Edward (with Ethelred the Unready) had been secured a position as heir to the throne in case Hardeknud died without children, but now that Hardeknud and Edith of Wessex started to produce sons (the first – Knud was born in 1047) something else had to be arranged for Edward.

The politically adept Emma had no trouble realising that if not King the thing to be at that time and place was Archbishop – and not just any Archbishop. At that time the very ambitious Archbishop Adalbert of Bremen plotted to have all of Scandinavia and perhaps more included under Bremen. That had very limited support in Scandinavia and it anyway would be much more in the interest of her dynasty, to have the entire Empire under one archbishop – sited inside the Empire and of her own blood. That was the obvious mission for Edward, who already had a reputation for good liaisons to the divine powers and even at moments had shown some interest in churchly matters. Most important though, he had finally recognised that family loyalty brought him the furthest.

Having Edward elected as Archbishop over all of England, Denmark, Norway and Sweden wasn’t that easy however. First the Scandinavians, who were reluctant to respect an Archbishop of Bremen (to put it mildly), would not necessarily be that much more keen on being subjected to an Archbishop in Canterbury. And hell would sooner freeze and pigs fly before the English would buy an Archbishop from some Godforsaken muddy hole in Scandinavia. And then there was the Pope himself, who had to take the final decision. He knew everything about Edward’s reputation and how strong a factor Hardeknud and his Empire had become. But no matter how impressive and popular all that was, it for exactly that reason also was a source of substantial worries. If Hardeknud along with his mighty Empire, also had his own “super Archbishop”, how much of a Pope would the one in Rome be?
So were the thoughts of Benedict IX, as much as he thought in between his raping and drinking, but things weren’t improved by his successor, the much more “Pope-like” Damascus II, who took over when Benedict was driven away by slightly more pious German troops in July 1048.

Damascus wasn’t much of a rapist or drinker, but shared his predecessors sceptical thoughts about Emma’s plans. That apparently didn't really contribute to having him last very long however, for one day in August 1048 he suddenly died – like struck by God’s arm. Some said it was malaria, others that for all of the comfort of being Pope, he perhaps most of all had needed a clumsy maid and a thirsty dog!

Anyway the Holy Church needed a new Pope and all the fine Gentlemen with a vote in such matters gathered in Worms in late 1048. That is as far as we know all were men, but no matter what a sufficient number of them had been approached by Emma and her envoys beforehand, clearing the way for electing a German (Bruno von Egisheim-Dagsburg) for Pope as Leo IX, and giving Scandinavia to the Archbishop of York and Edward as the next Archbishop of York.

This solution did not entirely satisfy all her son’s subjects, but was the best of possible options. At least York was the most Scandinavian town in England (and probably the biggest Scandinavian town on the planet), the Scandinavians thought, and for the English at least York wasn’t in Scandinavia.

With such powers invested in York, it wasn’t that great a step to have Canterbury accept, that York was a bit more equal than others.

To be continued - when we shall see an ambitious young man from across the Channel entering the scene


Steffen Redbeard
This solution did not entirely satisfy all her son’s subjects, but was the best of possible options. At least York was the most Scandinavian town in England (and probably the biggest Scandinavian town on the planet), the Scandinavians thought, and for the English at least York wasn’t in Scandinavia.

With such powers invested in York, it wasn’t that great a step to have Canterbury accept, that York was a bit more equal than others.

OK. Good compromise that satisfies no one completely. But it's possible, and workable, where most of the other options wouldn't be.


I like you have Sven Estridson do delaying actions and then participate in the total defeat of the enemy.

Personally I think Svens campaigns against Harald Sigurdsson OTL has been misunderstood - losing all battles until winning the final.
Actually I believe Sven opted for a strategic defensive facing Harald which he knew he had little change of defeating unless having a large numerical superiority - and then it seems Harald always had an open back door!

Fact is Sven did manage to carry on the campaign for something like eleven years which to me indicate that he had a firm grasp of the situation even on the defensive and his peoples understood that. Even Alfred the Great had to go through a valley of darkness and nobody derange him of that!

Yeah, Svend is a favourite of mine too, and he clearly is worthy of an ATL of his own (like you did). In this ATL Hardeknuds survival has a lot of OTL claims to thrones be irrelevant, so too with Svend, and he has to do with the role of a most loyal and very effective Earl - the kind of dependables marking the difference between an ambitious man and a great man.

Exactly as with Harold Godwinsson, and as will be the case with another OTL person of fame in tomorrows episode. But the story, and history, ain't over yet...


Steffen Redbeard
enjoyable update although York is very Scandinavian I dont believe they would be willing to be ruled from York. I think the City of Odense would be a better place for Archbishop Edward if he would accept it. I also believe that Knut will need to marry some Danish Noblewomen maybe Svend Estridsson's daughter Ingrid. The only reason I say that is that Knut the Great ruled from England but had his son Hardeknud raised in Denmark by Svend's father.

Also I always enjoyed King Erik I and I hope he plays an important role in this story.


enjoyable update although York is very Scandinavian I dont believe they would be willing to be ruled from York. I think the City of Odense would be a better place for Archbishop Edward if he would accept it. I also believe that Knut will need to marry some Danish Noblewomen maybe Svend Estridsson's daughter Ingrid. The only reason I say that is that Knut the Great ruled from England but had his son Hardeknud raised in Denmark by Svend's father.

Also I always enjoyed King Erik I and I hope he plays an important role in this story.

Had Hardeknud not been so successful in crushing all opposition in the eastern parts of the realm, it probably would have been impossible to execute the York-plan, but status quo is that nobody in Scandinavia really dare or find it wortwhile to oppose what Hardeknud (or his mother) dictates.

In England he is more dependent on the support of the important families, or at least absence of their opposition, which is also why Edith of Wessex is such a good choice as his bride, and why having the young Harold Godwinsson fight for you is most handy.

I hadn't yet thought of young Erik, but as son of the loyal and capable Svend Estridsson I suppose he has a good chance to follow his father as the Kings local "Super-Earl". I've written him briefly into one of the later episodes, trying to "utilise" his apparent talent in gaining popularity among common people. Thanks for the tip :)


Steffen Redbeard


OK. Good compromise that satisfies no one completely. But it's possible, and workable, where most of the other options wouldn't be.

I'm glad you think so. I'm quite fascinated with such solutions, it seems like we often by striving for the perfect overlook the workable - and get nothing! But anyway in OTL importing English clerics was seen as a good antidote against influence from the Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen, and although a lot of Scandinavians probably would have preferred an Archbishop in their own home village, I guess one located in York would be OK. After all, in this ATL, England and Denmark has been ruled by one King since Svend/Sweyn Forkbeard in 1013 (with a short interruption until Knud/Cnut/Canute settled all over in 1018) and in the centuries before that interaction across the north sea had been intense. So seen from this ATL in 1048, being ruled from across the North Sea is the natural thing.

And finally, the Curia in Rome would go far to gain allies against the German Emperor - but more of that later.


Steffen Redbeard
I agree to your choice of York as arch-bishop seat of the North. It is in line with the English mission in Scandinvia in competion with Hamburg-Bremen as well as the "import" of English clergy by Sven Forkbeard.

Sven Estridson is going to have a rough time with the Jutland nobility described by one history scolar as making a living from rebellion! (Dansk krigshistorie bind 1)
The rebellion in Norway and Jutland in your lates update show this, but I guess Norway or at least part of it would still be a place for rebellions to boil if nothing is done about it like the early "crusades" OTL in the Baltic.
Remember the Balts are quite seafaring at this time opdopting Viking ways. Other candidates for a local "crusade" could be the Smaalandinger north of Scania or Finns. There's plenty to pick from and something is to be done to keep the unruly bunch of Scandinavians occupied with other things than pondering the next King!

Crusading was indeed a Scandinavian pastime, look up Knud Villads Jensen. Apparently Sven Estridson was a Vassal of St. Peter and Scandinavians did take part in the Crusades apart from prince Sven the Crusader and his fiancee.

Should be plenty to keep you busy!

But its a very good TL. :)
Ah good the AB of York gets his rightful place ;).

Will Hardacnut create the position of Overearl/jarl? or import a certain title from across the Channel? On the one hand having such a hierarchy will keep down rebellious earls and jarls, on the other ambitious Overearls would likely selfpromote themselves to King...

Enjoying the update anyway and hope that Norman upstart gets what's coming to him :D


Ah good the AB of York gets his rightful place ;).

Will Hardacnut create the position of Overearl/jarl? or import a certain title from across the Channel? On the one hand having such a hierarchy will keep down rebellious earls and jarls, on the other ambitious Overearls would likely selfpromote themselves to King...

Enjoying the update anyway and hope that Norman upstart gets what's coming to him :D

A later "episode" will mention the system of Earls functioning as a kind of governors, but so far I haven't yet thought of titles apart from "Earl" - suggestions are welcome.

Concerning the "Norman upstart" - well wait and see and judge for yourself :cool:

I hope to post next episode tonight, but I might be home very late (work - the curse of any good hobby) , so it might be tomorrow.


Steffen Redbeard


Hardeknud has crushed rebellions in Denmark and Norway, defeated Wendish invasions and has married Godwin of Wessex's daughter Edith. With a little help from Mother, Hardeknud's halfbrother Edward (OTL the Confessor) is elected Archbishop of York and not only is all of Scandinavia is given to York, but York also has the de facto status of "primus inter pares" of Archbishops

William of Normandy 1047-1060

Across the English Channel the young William II (the Bastard) of Normandy had secured power over his Duchy. It had not been unproblematic – he was the only son of the old Duke Robert I, but as a product of an illegitimate liaison with a tanner’s daughter. By his father’s will he at the age of seven had become Duke of Normandy when his father died in 1035. At the age of 15 he was shown recognition by the King of France who knighted him, and in 1047 by the age of 19 his power was consolidated by defeating rebel Norman barons at the battle of Val-es-Dunes, but three Guardians had lost their lives keeping young William on the throne.

King Henry of France had been quite helpful in the process, and William had visited his Aunt Emma of England for assistance, but she and her sons were too busy minding their own business, to be of much help. Emma also had babbled a lot about God working to secure her offspring on the throne of England, and that God’s arm so far hadn’t hesitated to strike when necessary and that everybody now should pray for Hardeknud having sons - that would immediately reduce the number of potential targets for God’s arm.

William at first hadn’t understood what on earth the old witch meant, but at the Court in England he had met Harold Godwinsson and they together drank a lot of ale and gave favour to many pretty maids. At one of the drinking parties another nobleman in drunkenness had called William “a bastard smelling like a tanner” and Harold immediately had rammed a sword through the poor man’s eye. Standing with a foot on the dead man’s body and the bloody sword in hand he proclaimed:

A tongue told a lie
Harold Godwinsson struck at the eye
Let every head know
This is what happens to William’s foe

A strong friendship evolved between the two young noblemen, and the slightly older Harold not only gave William some confidential briefings about how things worked in England, but also some advice about not making yourself a target of God’s arm.

Not long after Hardeknud’s first son was born, and a lot of young noblemen could draw a breath of relief – some knew themselves, others not. William certainly realised how this lifted him out of some potential focus, but somehow he also sensed that extreme danger also meant extreme opportunities. Not at least after some strange dreams, where he and Harold fought over the Throne of England, and he usually woke up with images of Harold falling to the ground with blood streaming from his eye. He was enough of a Prince to realise that for a Prince the Throne of England ought to be worth more than any friendship, on the other hand he was glad, that recent events in Hardeknud’s family had made any opportunities of him and Harold fighting irrelevant.

To be continued, with further tales from the freindship between Harold and William


Steffen Redbeard