King of Israel?!?

Let's say that during the congress of berlin, a jewish staste is founded in palestine.
Because it is very unlikly to be a republic, would it get king like bulgaria and romania?
if so, who will it be? a german prince? english? french? or maybe a member of the Rothschild family?
There were Jewish "princes" in the Ottoman Empire at one time or another if memory serves. However, why the European powers would even propose the creation of a Jewish state at this time is beyond me.
well it'd likely have to be a Jew, converting being hard, there is of course an issue (for Christians) with the Title "The King of the Jews", living that aside, the congress of berlin would have to take the land from the Ottomans, who would not be willing to give it up easy, if they did I think that the Rothschilds are the only Jews of a high enough rank plus the UK is the super power of 1878, Germany might want to put some one forward, and the Russians will hate the idea of holy land being ruled over by Jews, but if the UK wants it, long live King Nathan.
FWIW Herzl proposed in der Judenstaat that the Head of state have the title Doge, so a crowned (serene?) republic is a possibility.
well it'd likely have to be a Jew, converting being hard, there is of course an issue (for Christians) with the Title "The King of the Jews", living that aside, the congress of berlin would have to take the land from the Ottomans, who would not be willing to give it up easy, if they did I think that the Rothschilds are the only Jews of a high enough rank plus the UK is the super power of 1878, Germany might want to put some one forward, and the Russians will hate the idea of holy land being ruled over by Jews, but if the UK wants it, long live King Nathan.

I agree that "King of the Jews" won't be the title used. King of Galilee seems likelier as a title, or King of Palestine.
I agree that "King of the Jews" won't be the title used. King of Galilee seems likelier as a title, or King of Palestine.

Israel is a little biblely "my people Israel" but maybe Levant, the restored Hasmonean Kingdom, Judea, or maybe just to remind the Jews who is boss, The Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Israel is a little biblely "my people Israel" but maybe Levant, the restored Hasmonean Kingdom, Judea, or maybe just to remind the Jews who is boss, The Kingdom of Jerusalem.

I like the name Zion. It rings of something ripped out of fantasy and it's a cool name. Say it with me, Zion.
Would there be a Jewish equivalent to 'By the Grace of God', or might his title rather just start, "His Judaic Majesty, King...."?
Would there be a Jewish equivalent to 'By the Grace of God', or might his title rather just start, "His Judaic Majesty, King...."?

Wait a moment, could they not use the title of Nasi? The legislative assembly could be called the Sandherin.
I agree that in order to achive that,the jewish national movment should start in 1830s but that can be done.
and I think that Alfred de Rothschild would be a good choice.
and the name "kingdom of jerusalem" is AWESOM!! and it fit to the romantic era
I agree that in order to achive that,the jewish national movment should start in 1830s but that can be done.
and I think that Alfred de Rothschild would be a good choice.
and the name "kingdom of jerusalem" is AWESOM!! and it fit to the romantic era

Kingdom of Jerusalem has too many Crusader connotations, and the Jewish state may not even hold that city.
One problem: At this time, Palestine didn't have a Jewish majority yet. What happens to the Arabs?

I would argue that the problem in this thread is larger because it cannot be realistically assumed that all of what was thought of as Mandatory Palestine in 1948 would be included in most potential Jewish states to form in the region anyway. So, yes, the region was majority Arab, but there is no way for what this thread proposes to be anything close to the size of modern Israel either.