Keynes' Cruisers Volume 2

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Given that Anna Marie had a very short hair cut, drawing attention to herself as a social transgressor, even with an American, might not be the wisest decision from her point of view. She had little social capital to lean on. Her brother is fine with this. He might not appreciate hearing his sister getting plowed like a spring field in the next room over but far worse things have happened.
However, as Ann-Marie is going to work, her presence in the house is known. So her brother being there is to prevent gossip as unless she always keeps a headscarf on (which would still be suspicious), her short hair will give away that she’s been accused of collaboration (horizontal or otherwise). Am I missing something?

I was going to be icky and ask whether the ewes loaded to the NZ troop ship were rations or comfort beasts. However, others have done that so I’ll just assume the former.

Indiana Beach Crow

Monthly Donor
Lots of Scottish emigrated to New Zealand. Have to keep up the traditions from the old country.
The United States: Acts totally shocked and appalled when the Kinsey Reports reveal how many men have engaged in zoophilia.

The U.K.: Creates an entire genre of jokes about everyone who's ever spent more than 10 minutes alone with a farm animal.
Story 2961
Singapore, August 4, 1945

HMS Aphis had arrived two days ago. She had sailed independently from Hong Kong at a slow and steady six knots. Any faster and her temporary wooden bulkheads that kept out most of the sea would likely fail. She had taken three shells from a Japanese coastal defense gun as she had manuevered close to shore to shoot over the heads of a Rajput regiment.

The engineers at the yard as well as half a dozen naval officers and a trio of officials from the Treasury had spent the first few days of peace looking her over. She would be scrapped. Twenty hard years of service and no need for an inshore gunboat meant the likely limited Royal Navy repair funds would be kept for ships that could serve half a generation or more.
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Minor nitpick .
AIUI the Insect class river gunboat built in WW1 and serving through WW2 was HMS AphiS

Or is this a butterfly ?
Story 2962
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, August 5, 1945

The stop-work order was not unusual. The shipyard had received dozens of stop-work orders over the past six months. Each usually preceded a round of lay-offs by a week and then another round in two or three months as the preservation teams completed their work. The management team of the shipyard was not looking at this order funnily because it was not just a simple stop-work order. The project that would eventually become the aircraft carrier Valley Forge was now paused. That was not unusual. It was quite expected. However, the last paragraph of the stop-work order notified the shipyard of a major change order and new plans for the nearly completed hull.

By the end of the week, work restarted on converting the fast carrier into a very fast transport ship that would eventually be able to be reconverted back to a carrier.
By the end of the week, work restarted on converting the fast carrier into a very fast transport ship that would eventually be able to be reconverted back to a carrier.

Huh...looks like the Americans got a look at Shinano Maru or Akitsu Maru ITTL and decided to convert one of their Essex class Carriers into something similar....
Eventually becoming the prototype LPH? The originals were converted carriers.

More than likely, the Japanese actually built the first ships that could be considered Amphibious Assault Ships, they pioneered the idea - though all of them were put on the bottom by the USN before the war it seems like that didn't happen and thus the USN actually got a look at one of them at minimum and decided to copy the idea.
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, August 5, 1945

The stop-work order was not unusual. The shipyard had received dozens of stop-work orders over the past six months. Each usually preceded a round of lay-offs by a week and then another round in two or three months as the preservation teams completed their work. The management team of the shipyard was not looking at this order funnily because it was not just a simple stop-work order. The project that would eventually become the aircraft carrier Valley Forge was now paused. That was not unusual. It was quite expected. However, the last paragraph of the stop-work order notified the shipyard of a major change order and new plans for the nearly completed hull.

By the end of the week, work restarted on converting the fast carrier into a very fast transport ship that would eventually be able to be reconverted back to a carrier.
Is the Valley Forge an Essex or a "Midway" class CV? Depending on size is how many and what could be carried onboard.
Huh...looks like the Americans got a look at Shinano Maru or Akitsu Maru ITTL and decided to convert one of their Essex class Carriers into something similar....
Nope, nothing that advanced. The Department of the Navy is looking at their enemy list (currently empty) and looking at their current task orders (bring every GI home NOW!) and their budgets (going to rapidly shrink unless it is on the Magic Carpet line item) so they decided to use the almost ready carriers as fast transports. OTL they did this with USS Lake Champlain. TTL that means some of the specific radar and communications gear is not going to be installed at the shipyard and a few pieces of the defensive suit are being left off until post-Magic Carpet when the ship can be either refinished as a carrier or reset for reserve/mothballing as the budget and world situation determines.
What were the final frontlines in Asia ? Last time we got a check up the KMT were on the doorsteps of nanjing and Shanghai

Did they take it before the war ended
Story 2936
Hyesan, Korea August 6, 1945

The Old Man would probably disapprove, so that motivated the corporal to be somewhat discrete.

Twenty minutes later, the Marine platoon was a little short of cigarettes but passing around a few bottles of fraternally liberated vodka.

Several hundred meters away, a Red Army rifle platoon relaxed as they enjoyed the smooth tastes of North Carolina.
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