John Wilkes Booth Misses

Story: John Wilkes Booth misses when he fires at Lincoln. Then what?

I want to see what others think of this topic, like alternate timelines. I know it's a cheesy topic for Alternate History, but I want to see what others think.
From a common sence point of view

Kind of hard to miss since it was Point Blank Range.

From an Alt. History fan.

Lincoln would live on, thus causing butterflies. Most likely we would have a different list of presidents since Lincoln. As for Booth's fate, I believe that Lincoln would semi-pardon him. Not completly forgive him, but at least make sure that he doesn't get The Death Penalty.
Lincoln beats Booth to death with a chair before throwing him out of his balcony and shouting, "I am the Lion of America! Fear me you Confederate dogs!"

I like going over the top, more fun to picture.

Lincoln beats Booth to death with a chair before throwing him out of his balcony and shouting, "I am the Lion of America! Fear me you Confederate dogs!"

I like going over the top, more fun to picture.

That's hilarious, but it doesn't sound like Lincoln. Boy I would love to do that to Booth. If you have a scenario, please post!
if he missed, held have to be one of the worst shooters, period.

although one would wonder what would happen if, say, something hit Booth's arm and he ended up shooting Mary Todd Lincon instead.

Never thought of that. Make another thread and discuss that! That's pretty a cool thought (not the thought of doing know what I mean)! My dream is to make a time machine and go back in time to that night. Then as Booth fires, I lift his hand.
Lincoln is seen as a pretty good/okay president. Not like OTL where everyone (including myself at times) goes: "Lincoln is teh roxxorz!"
You don't need a miss, just a misfire. Apparently, the sort of pistol Booth carried was prone to that particular misfortune. In the immediate moment, I could definitely see Lincoln successfully wrestling Booth to the ground. His doctors on the deathbed commented on how muscular he was, and Booth was just an actor.

In the longer term, its quite possible that a captive Booth is proven to have ties to the Confederate Secret Service (he did meet with some of them in Canada), but I'm not sure what that would mean for the country.

Reconstruction is a big if. What happens next? I'd imagine some research would need to be done.
RE: USGrant

You don't need a miss, just a misfire. Apparently, the sort of pistol Booth carried was prone to that particular misfortune. In the immediate moment, I could definitely see Lincoln successfully wrestling Booth to the ground. His doctors on the deathbed commented on how muscular he was, and Booth was just an actor.


Or Lincoln could have by chance moved his head in coincidence (for it to not be a coincidence, he would need to be Chuck Norris). I could also picture Lincoln wrestling Booth to the ground. He was extremely good at Greco-Roman wrestling
Wouldn't it have been more likely that, should Booth miss or his pistol misfire, he simply drew his knife and proceeded to attempt the assassination with the blade? Lincoln was a large, large man, but a knife can kill big guys just like everyone else. And if I recall correctly, Booth was pretty quick about taking the knife out after shooting the President and slicing the other man in the box on his arm all the way to the bone when the man attempted to capture Booth.

The only entrance to the box was jammed by Booth prior to the assassination so no help would be forthcoming for at least a few moments. Still, Booth would have to fight off two men both of whom have records of fighting to some degree or another and both of whom are, I believe, in fairly good shape. Even with a knife, that could prove difficult in those close quarters.

So, maybe Booth misfires, draws the knife, and stabs the President several times before he's finally restrained and captured. Maybe Lincoln survives his stab wounds and Booth is put to trial.

That seems like a realistic scenario to me, except wouldn't they restrain Booth before he gets to stab Lincoln several times?
That seems like a realistic scenario to me, except wouldn't they restrain Booth before he gets to stab Lincoln several times?

Not necessarily. The gun misfiring would still put the inhabitants of the box in shock for a moment so he's be able to draw his side arm and possibly tackle the President from behind, stabbing him at least once before the military officer who had accompanied Lincoln was able to react or before Lincoln was able to slip out from under Booth and fight back. Either way, Booth probably does get caught and likely is very nearly killed in the scuffle, but the President does not emerge unscathed. Maybe his wounds are minuscule and he even walks out of the box requiring only minor medical attention, but he does, in the very least, suffer some injuries and is probably a bit shaken.
Booth and a knife vs. Lincoln and Rathbone, with surprise lost - very plausible that Lincoln is (not fatally) wounded but the two of them overcome Booth. Rathbone had his time in the field, he'll jump right in as he did OTL after the gunshot - he may also be wounded. The sources I have read mentioned that Booth attempted to stab downward with the knife - I've never been in a knife fight but that does not seem intuitively like the right thing to do in close quarters. Coin toss as to whether Rathbone kills Booth off in the heat of the moment - maybe the presence of the ladies will forestall that. Second coin toss as to whether somebody else kills Booth when help finally breaks in to the room - I wouldn't rule that out.

The Radicals do not get nearly the same mileage out of an injured Lincoln as they did OTL out of a martyered Lincoln, but I would still expect Congress to want to stomp on the South. Having Lincoln alive will soften the Reconstruction but it'll cost Lincoln his reputation - at least for the duration of his term (although a century and a half later, he's still one of the greatest of Presidents).
After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the Railroads plotting. Because Lincoln was going to VETO the Railroad Land Bill.

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the French plotting. Because Lincoln was going to send US Troops to Help the Mexicans.

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the British plotting. Because Queen Victoria blamed Lincoln, for Albert's death during the Trent Affair.

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the Apaches plotting. Because Lincoln refused to follow thru with the Gadsen Land Sale to the Apaches.

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the Russians plotting. Because Lincoln had freed his Slaves, while the Tzar's attempt had Failed.*

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the CJCLDS plotting. Because Lincoln had appoint a stauch Anti Mormon as Governor of Utah.

*In 1862 after the serfs revolted and demanded the degree freeing them be rescinded.

The Sandman

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the Railroads plotting. Because Lincoln was going to VETO the Railroad Land Bill.

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the French plotting. Because Lincoln was going to send US Troops to Help the Mexicans.

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the British plotting. Because Queen Victoria blamed Lincoln, for Albert's death during the Trent Affair.

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the Apaches plotting. Because Lincoln refused to follow thru with the Gadsen Land Sale to the Apaches.

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the Russians plotting. Because Lincoln had freed his Slaves, while the Tzar's attempt had Failed.*

After Rigorous Questioning:rolleyes: Booth confess, and whe learn that it was the CJCLDS plotting. Because Lincoln had appoint a stauch Anti Mormon as Governor of Utah.

*In 1862 after the serfs revolted and demanded the degree freeing them be rescinded.

And then it actually turns out to have been a time-travelling John Hinckley, who wanted to make his present for Jodie Foster extra-special by getting rid of all of the other Presidential assassins first.
Story: John Wilkes Booth misses when he fires at Lincoln. Then what?

I want to see what others think of this topic, like alternate timelines. I know it's a cheesy topic for Alternate History, but I want to see what others think.
Lincoln turns around and punches Booth in the face. He then gats his guards and gives him the death penalty. By Licnoln beating!
It was literally POINT BLANK range broseph. The pistol was basically near his hair, how he misses? I don't get. Maybe instead you should make sure he's drunk or something and forgets to fully cock his pistol or something.
His pistol misfires, he pistol whips Lincoln, who gets pissed and throws him onto the stage, everyone in the theater is shocked to see John Wilkes Booth, he is already injured, the crowd stampedes to see him, and he is crushed to death by the feet of the crowd .